Sunday 26 May 2013

Abilities - Creating in Faith

Some of us, from a young age are told the abilities that we have and these are celebrated.  I am not talking about talent to do a particular thing but the positive emotional impact that our actions can generate.  How many of you can remember having to perform for relatives - whether a dance routine, piano piece or a song?  Our parents looked on us with pride and happiness perhaps seeing an unfulfilled dream that they want you to explore.  Some of us have desires to make an impact on our surroundings, to do things differently and if given the right exposure and nurtured uncover many abilities that can blossom.  We can also think about those never got any encouragement or support who through their hardship only find out about about a particular ability until very much later on in life discovering that they have the desire to write, paint, or fulfil a passion that they had once thought buried, and these activities impacts on the emotional lives of others.

We all have the ability to impact positively on others and in the fast paced lives we lead we often miss opportunity because we haven't given ourselves the time to really explore, and get to know ourselves and what makes us tick.  It can sometimes be easier to see the abilities that another has and feel frustrated that they are not utilising what they have or not getting the most that could be gained out of life.

I don't think that the abilities that we have are meant for ourselves either.  If you have an ability to be able to encourage others, why wouldn't you, or to teach - find different ways to do it if you are not comfortable in the class room - think video, podcasts.  You might have the ability to keep calm and in stressful situations or bring about peace.  You might be able to inspire and encourage others enabling them to see the treasures and the light in their lives, or through your humour ease tension. 

Think out of the box when you think about your abilities, the don't have to manifest in the traditional ways, we don't have to use them as they've always been used, or are expected to be used.  God gives us talents, gifts and abilities which are to be used for the benefit of all who live in the world today and who are yet to come, not to be afraid of, shamed or hidden, but to be used, shared and celebrated each and every day.  How can you take one step today to recognise an ability that you have, or have not used for a long time and shine a spot light on it?

I am coming soon. ..Revelation 3:11

We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. 2 Corinthians 1:8


  1. A wonderful post for this Sunday.


  2. Hi Amanda! What a beautiful post. I think some of us, like me, find our abilities when life takes a turn and we can no longer do what we were doing for work and in our every day lives. Sometimes God has a way of awakening us to buried talents. And yes you are so right that they need to be shared, no matter how big or little we feel they are.

    This is a post I am going to bookmark to have handy to share with others who feel they are less than someone else they think has more to offer. I believe this post will created a ripple effect into people's lives in my community as I know I will be sharing it often. Thank you and big hugs, Rasz.

    1. Rasz, thank you so much, even those long buried talents are able to surface with a bit of nurturing. blessings!

  3. Lovely! I enjoy visiting your blog.

    1. Donna, love having you here thanks for visiting.

  4. Thanks for the wise words, Amanda, much food for thought. I'm visiting from Rasz's blog. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Gloria, great to have you here, hope you have a great week.

  5. Thank you for this thoughtful post. We all need to value our own talents, which as you say, may take the form of particular qualities that bring good to others. As you say, our talents are given to us so that we can serve others with them.

    1. Juliet, it is exciting to see how our talents can be a blessing every day, and how they can impact on our community that we live in.

  6. Thanks, this is what I needed tonight. :)

    1. Leslie, its a pleasure, hope all is well with you.


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