Friday, 25 October 2013

Gratitude's and Celebrations - Week 16 - Choices

Gratitude's and Celebrations - Choices

Keeping in line with last weeks page on, understanding that we are able to choose how to respond to certain situations.
I have to continue to remind myself that my art journals are also places that I can spend time in to play, or celebrate as well as to work through anything that might be troubling me, I don't always have to have a 'set in stone idea' of what I am going to do.  My page today reminds me that it is quite easy to lock our creativity away in a cage and just look at it, feeling scared to make a decision... 
But we can work through our doubts and insecurities, which we may feel at the back of our minds, and keep going, using our wisdom and choosing to soar!  I am grateful that I have the ability to choose to follow the dreams of my heart!
As this week draws to a close can you think of some of the difficult choices you had to make this week and they turned out.  Do leave a comment and have a blessed weekend!

If you want to see how I made the journal (click here)

Thursday, 24 October 2013

In the news - Change, Coming Soon Club and Competition winner

Welcome to another special day, for us to be able to share our gifts, connect and make a difference in whatever way possible. Even the smallest effort can make a difference.  

Flowers still in bloom - in October!

Yesterday I spent time in a park close to where I grew up as a child.  It brought back memories of my adventures with my brother Robert who passed away in June.  In thinking of our loss I still have a hard time believing he is gone, I said to my son Sekani that this time last year I was sitting in my brother's kitchen over a cup of tea talking about our creative paths, without a clue of what was to come.  As children we sometimes use to go to the park after school and play because it was close to our home.  The area has changed a lot over the years.  

Outdoor Gym open to all!

The park is now also home to an outside gym to encourage the locals to get fit, and a skateboard park and basket ball pitch for the younger crowd.  The apartments that you can see in the picture above used to be a school.  As you look around the park you can see that they have really taken time to consider what facilities they provide which has made it more accessible for community that live there. 

Creativity and organisation

Over the past couple of weeks I made a conscious decision that I wanted to make several changes to my processes, organisation, output etc.  I was feeling as if the things that I really wanted to do and see come to pass were so far out of my reach.  I prayed that the changes in my life I had been working on to manifest, would start to be evident.  This is really where patience comes in, any change that will be lasting takes effort and time.  You can decide to do nothing and change will still take place, whether it will bring the results you seek is another matter.  I guess in some cases my impatient side was looking for the immediate, but also know that unless you plan and make adjustments then you won't get the results you require.  

I looked at my output in my writing and art and wanted to become more focused, sharing and interacting more.  This is one of the changes that I have made on my blog, by having specific areas that I will share each day.  The frequency of my posting has increased and I have attempted to be more consistent in sharing part of my world with those that visit and also to stretch myself. For those who haven't yet noticed I have a new blog schedule:

Fabric and Crochet

Tutorial Tuesday
How to....

Memories of Home
Mixed Media houses

In the News!
What's on?

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
What are you grateful for?

Recycled Projects
Reuse, Recycle & Up-cycle

Creating in Faith - Discussions and more
I am trying to work across the board with all of my social media, but as you probably understand - there is only so much time in a day, but with perseverance and passion a way will be made, and I hope you continue to join me as my work and practices evolve.


I ran a competition last week on my Capturing Moments tutorial post, the prize is the mini journal below. 
The winner is Bloomers, and I am also giving a runners up prize of a mini journal and this will go to Ann K from Cairn Cottage.  Well done to both of you, hope you enjoy your mini journals!

Hot desk at the Coming Soon Club...

An organisation called  The Coming Soon Club has set up enterprise initiatives for local people who want to test out a business idea or arts or community project in a temporary space.  They not only provide the space but mentoring advice as well.  They also provide facilities hot desk and internet connection for those who normally work from home which is great if you want to dip your feet in every now and again into the office environment without the office politics.  I used them recently when my internet connection went down, it was great to be able to get on with some focused work without the distractions of home.  It is very relaxed space, they have some exhibitions on the way and they have a small cafe serving refreshments.

Creativity and Social Work

Tomorrow I am giving a talk to a group of social workers training for their AMPH qualification.  My talk focuses on being a carer and the impact of the role on my life, I will also be able to share some creative tools and reflections that I have used.  It is my third year of presenting this talk and it is great to be able to interact with the students and see how they begin to reflect on their own roles and the impact it may have on carers.

And finally...

Katherines Corner

Thursday Favorite ThingsToday is also Thursdays Favorite Things on Katherines Corner Take a stroll over there and visit some of the inspiring blogs listed in the links, you can leave a link to your post and show some support by visiting others who have listed theirs.  

Blessings to you and yours!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Comfort - Memories of home

Memories of Home - Comfort

Welcome to Memories of Home, if you would like to find out more information about the series, Click here

Being in a supportive environment is important to our growth as individuals, not everyone has had that opportunity and as adults we try and create an environment that will nurture and bless our children and indeed ourselves.

I brought a back support cushion recently and its filled with a memory type filling that makes it really soft yet firm. Whatever seat you sit in if you have this behind you it immediately makes the chair comfortable cause it is giving your back the correct support. 

In thinking about home comforts it is those things when you go away you miss, and you try and substitute. Whenever I go away I always make sure I have a shawl, I invariably get cold on the return journey back to the UK and the shawl not only warms me up but it adds to my comfort. 

What do you think about when you consider comfort and how it impacts on your well being.

I would love to hear what you have put in place in your own home environment that allows you to be comfortable.  I hope you continue to join me on my journey over the weeks, as I share my mixed media houses and look back to the memories of home. I look forward to hearing about some some of your own memories.   Blessings and peace to you!

Tutorial Tuesday - Toilet Roll Journal

In today's Tutorial Tuesday I will show you how to make this journal made from toilet rolls and recycled card. With the drive to be more 'green' this is a great way to make use of something that you would normally throw away.

What you will need:

empty toilet rolls
recycled card
packaging card - a few millimetres thick
papers and art materials to decorate.....

Here's how you put them together:

Each empty toilet roll will form a pocket for your journal, select how many you require, this journal uses 10 rolls. The card will be used to connect each rolls together

You will need two pieces of slightly thicker card taken from packaging - these will form the front and back covers

Flatten the toilet rolls and cover with some scrap paper, I have used the pages of an old encyclopedia

Seal one of the ends of the toilet roll, as you cover it above, to form a pocket that can be used to hold your tags, or journal writing.
Cut the recycled cards into strips that will be stuck to the sides of the toilet roll pockets and connect them all.

Stick the pieces of card to as many toilet roll pockets you require..
Prepare the front covers and attach.  You can paint them or add decorative paper of choice
Add paint as required to each of the pages, and make tags from some of the left over paper and card

From this to that - it's cool how you can take an everyday object and transform it!

Add some encouraging words and text to the pages, leave space for you to write your thoughts 
Enjoy spending time in your journal!

There is still 9 hours left for you to enter last weeks competition to win a Capturing moments mini journal.  Click here to take you to the post to enter.
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