Friday 31 May 2013

Gratitudes - Books

I love books, always have, the touch, smell, sound of the crisp pages as they turn.  Amazed at what you can learn, insights you can reflect on.  Places that you can travel to within the words as they weave stories of uncharted places.  I am grateful that I have an appreciation for books that has been passed down to my son.
What is one of your favourite books?

Sunday 26 May 2013

Justice - Thought for the Week - 52 Weeks of Colour

Thought for the week

You deserve the best for your life, why would you settle for any less. Changing your mind and giving yourself another chance is the least you deserve as situations and circumstances change.  When you least expect it you too will see miracles.

All shall be well and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. ...Julian of Norwich

"...may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, ..."  2 Corinthians 9:10

Abilities - Creating in Faith

Some of us, from a young age are told the abilities that we have and these are celebrated.  I am not talking about talent to do a particular thing but the positive emotional impact that our actions can generate.  How many of you can remember having to perform for relatives - whether a dance routine, piano piece or a song?  Our parents looked on us with pride and happiness perhaps seeing an unfulfilled dream that they want you to explore.  Some of us have desires to make an impact on our surroundings, to do things differently and if given the right exposure and nurtured uncover many abilities that can blossom.  We can also think about those never got any encouragement or support who through their hardship only find out about about a particular ability until very much later on in life discovering that they have the desire to write, paint, or fulfil a passion that they had once thought buried, and these activities impacts on the emotional lives of others.

We all have the ability to impact positively on others and in the fast paced lives we lead we often miss opportunity because we haven't given ourselves the time to really explore, and get to know ourselves and what makes us tick.  It can sometimes be easier to see the abilities that another has and feel frustrated that they are not utilising what they have or not getting the most that could be gained out of life.

I don't think that the abilities that we have are meant for ourselves either.  If you have an ability to be able to encourage others, why wouldn't you, or to teach - find different ways to do it if you are not comfortable in the class room - think video, podcasts.  You might have the ability to keep calm and in stressful situations or bring about peace.  You might be able to inspire and encourage others enabling them to see the treasures and the light in their lives, or through your humour ease tension. 

Think out of the box when you think about your abilities, the don't have to manifest in the traditional ways, we don't have to use them as they've always been used, or are expected to be used.  God gives us talents, gifts and abilities which are to be used for the benefit of all who live in the world today and who are yet to come, not to be afraid of, shamed or hidden, but to be used, shared and celebrated each and every day.  How can you take one step today to recognise an ability that you have, or have not used for a long time and shine a spot light on it?

I am coming soon. ..Revelation 3:11

We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. 2 Corinthians 1:8

Thursday 23 May 2013

Gratitudes - 30 Day Challenges

30 Day challenges and longer, have taught me that it only takes one small action to make a change that can impact the rest of your life.  We all have the ability to do one thing differently today and you would be surprised where it could lead.  I am grateful that I have been involved with several challenges that have enabled me to see different perspectives and new relationships.  What will be your next challenge?

Monday 20 May 2013

Savour - Thought for the Day - 52 Weeks of Colour

Thought for the week  

Peace is possible in your life at any given moment and starts from within, it doesn’t matter what your circumstances are riding the storm will enable you to savor the calm. As you understand the joys of the heart you will begin living in truth every day. 

Too much of a good thing is wonderful. ...Mae West
 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
 supplication, with thanks giving, let you requests be made
 known to God; ..." Philipians 4:6

Saturday 18 May 2013

Generousity - Creating in Faith

We can think of many people we know who have a generous nature, always giving of themselves whether it’s the time they give, or that they always remember your birthday or that person who always has an encouraging word for you. We know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of someone’s generosity and it can bring much needed relief to a difficult situation, especially if the generosity was unexpected. 

How are we in turn giving of ourselves to others, we can decide what form it could take, what impact are we making to our friends, neighbours our local community, do we really listen to what others are saying when we ask them ‘how they are’? 

You could find different ways to give to charity, thinking of unique ways to raise and get your creative juices flowing. You can give without expectation that you will receive in return. The ultimate sacrifice being given by God, when he gave his only son reminds me that the very things we can hold onto and feel precious about in the bigger scheme of things have no value whatsoever.   

As we take some time this week to really re-evaluate our lives, let us think of all those areas we can work on that can bring joy to someone else’s life, if we all gave something there would be no lack in the world.  Join the ‘It Starts with Us Team’  15 minutes of your time once a week to touch hearts and change the life of someone somewhere in this world – maybe even your next door neighbour.

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice Psalm 112:5 

The generous will themselves be blessed,
    for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:9

Friday 17 May 2013

Kindle Fire

When the Kindle first came out I was convinced that it wasn’t for me. I am the sort of person who loves the feel of the book in my hands, turning the pages and smell of a new book is something you can’t replace.  

Fast forward and the Kindle Fire comes onto the market, I debate with all the extra features it might be useful, and with a hint here and a suggestion there, my son and husband got me one for 2012 Christmas.  I never thought I would say this, but I absolutely adore it. The storage is 5.5 GB and along with books it can store music and film, it has quite a good speaker, wireless so you can download apps easily and you also have access to all the other social media, such as twitter, pinterest and whatever else you can think of. Photographs can be uploaded via Amazon cloud drive, videos can also be stored and if you connect to love film you have access to movies.

My screen is 7 inches in size and it’s very handy and fits in my bag without taking up too much room. It’s a slightly heavier than the earlier kindle, at 400g. The selection of books available for the kindle has improved and many eBook stores now have a converter for you to increase access to other eBooks. You can also download documents and PDFs via cloud.

I love being able to carry a huge selection of books that I can dip into depending on my mood, and I have got though more books since I started using it.  The kindle has some good features - storing or book marking your last place read, make notes within a book or highlight specific sections and apparently you can share what you've highlighted on your social media (though I haven't done that yet.  An audio function so that the books can be read to you and in effect you have an audio book (not sure if you can change her voice and she reads in one tone), I use this function when I am in the studio working. Another great thing is being able to look at a sample of the books before you buy, and option to change your mind if you have purchased something in haste. I found quite a good selection of Mixed Media Art books, though with these books I don't think anything can take the place of their visual impact on the pages I still want to hold them in my hands.

What I like most about it is that it has so many different functions; short of making me a cup of tea or having a phone function it has so many great uses. There is of course a down side, I guess we have yet to see the impact of staring at multiple screens and our eye muscles, and remembering to take the necessary breaks.I also find the battery life not as good as it could be currently supposed to last for 9 hours (I find with continuous use I get around 6 hours at best). I was hoping that it would have been like the earlier versions of the kindle that can last for up to 8 weeks, but I find I have to charge it every day, if not twice a day depending on usage which can be a pain, as you need to carry the charger cable around with you.  I found that to preserve the battery slightly you have to shut it down after use rather than leaving it on standby. And other down side is it only comes with the lead to plug into a computer which is a very slow way of charging your kindle. You have to buy the plug separate which to me didn’t make sense considering how much you would have brought it for.  A way round depending on your phone (as many come with a plug with usb connection) and if you already have one of these you won’t need to purchase the kindle plug.

That being said, the benefits and uses of the Kindle Fire outshine the down sides and hopefully with new and improved versions these things can be addressed. I think you will definitely enjoy using the kindle fire and wonder why you didn’t get one sooner!  Blessings, for the weekend.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Gratitudes - Technology

Technology is constantly changing, being updated. I am grateful today that I was born of a generation that can appreciate how it was and the many improvements that have been made that have a positive impact on our lives.  What are you grateful for today?

Wednesday 15 May 2013

A-Z Road Trip - Wednesdays Stops!

Well its the start of my road trip and I am geared up to travel all around the world as I pay a visit to all those blogs on the A-Z Challenge that I didn't get to visit.  There is a great variety of blogs, creativity and writing styles and I am looking forward to making some new acquaintances and renewing the old.  I hope you join me on the visits.  I will link to the sites I get to, show them some blog love if you are able leave a comment on their site as well.

Here are my stops for the day:
Ultimate Road Trip!

I start my first stop at Andres's blog -  All about the Words. Andres has a wonderful way with words, his writing is powerful and well thought out, you are definitely in for a treat.

Tina from Life is Good has been given a Sunshine award and in turn has to answer a series of questions.  It is always great to get to know someone better when they reveal a bit about themselves.  Here are some of the questions if you want to take part, you answer and pass on to 6 fellow bloggers who make your days sunnier.
What inspired you to start blogging?
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
What is your favorite blog to read?
Tell us about your dream job.
Is your glass half full or half empty?
If you could go anywhere for a week’s vacation, where would you go?
What food can you positively not eat?
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
How much time do you spend blogging?
Do you watch t.v. and if so, what are your favorite shows?
 (check out her site for the award image)
Shannon from The Warrior Muse and who was also one of the hosts for the A-Z challenge has provided a list of links for writers to some very useful resources, she got a Shine On Award and for all those who are into horror, she also got a Zombie Rabbit award.
Livia, from Leave it to Livia has a beautiful blog image she writes film and book reviews, which comes in handy as there are a host of new films being released this year and it's always good to see what others are saying about a film. 
Finally I stopped off to see Laura at My Baffling Brain from sunny England - and we have had a fair bit today, though it is still a bit chilly.  Anyway Laura shared last week about a blog hop that she was taking part in a blog hop called Celebrate the little Things  hosted by Tara Tyler, who is also a fellow A-Z'er that I didn't get a chance to visit during the challenge.   I think the Blog hop is a great idea in reminding ourselves of the things that are important and need celebrating every day, in this way we really value what we have.  Blessings for now I will continue the road trip and share where I go on Saturday.
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