When you spend a large proportion of your time caring for someone there are often things that slip, and you tell yourself you will sort later. Eating healthily is one of those things. It is so important, the very fuel that you need to carry out your tasks needs to be of a good quality. You have to make sure that you have a balanced diet, nutrient rich so that you can get all that you possibly can. When the body is under stress the levels of vitamins and minerals within your body reduces dramatically, and you therefore need a constant top up as you go along.
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Importance of eating healthily for Carers |
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Smoothie Love - Day 2 of 30 delicious drinks |
As you improve your eating habits and introduce more fruit and vegetables, you will notice the difference in your outlook, energy levels and fitness. Speak to your doctor and check out the many programs, books, and online help that you can get to think about changing your diet.
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A good balance of fruit, nuts, and seeds to your diet |
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