Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Leaf Arts - Day 7 Reflection and Encouragement


Day 7: Reflection and Encouragement

I have really enjoyed this creative journey looking at the different ways that you can create on dried leaves. I invite you to take what you’ve learned and bring your own artistic voice into the process. 

Working with leaves as a medium is both grounding and inspiring, connecting us to nature while pushing creative boundaries. If you’re excited to explore this art form, don’t forget that my Leaf Art Course is available 

Learn More and Enroll Today!

Thank you for following along this week—I’d love to hear which technique inspired you the most! Leave a comment below and share your creative journey!

Exploring Sea Grape Leaf Art

Want to Learn How to Create with Leaves?

If you’re curious about working with dried leaves as an artistic surface, I teach techniques that allow you to incorporate them into your own projects. My Leaf Art Course covers everything from preparation to design, giving you the tools to explore this unique medium with confidence.

Sign up before February 16th 11.59pm to take advantage of the discounted price! 

Learn More and Enroll Today!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for the next featured design in this exciting week of leaf art exploration!


Saturday, 30 April 2022

Ultimate Blog Challenge - Last Day of 30 Days!!


The 30 Day Ultimate Blog Challenge has come to an end with this being the last post. It has been great being part of the challenge, I did it alongside the current 100 Days of Foam Stamps challenge that you can see the daily or weekly stamps.

What I Learned From the Blog Challenge

Pace - I think that I learn to pace myself better, half way through the challenge I became stuck, I had wanted to plan my posts ahead of time but things got in the way and there were quite a few days where I had decided that I didn't want to do it any more.  

Self Care - After taking a week off I decided that I would just show up and share what I was doing at the time and if any other gems of inspiration came forth that would also be shared. - I have linked to other interesting posts for the days that I missed.

Meeting other Bloggers - I was glad I decided to go for it again and came out the other end having connected with some other interesting and inspiring bloggers, there was so much to learn from others and I will be spending time going over some of the posts that I didn't get a chance to read over the 30 days.

Celebrate Each Step - The other thing I learnt was to celebrate each and every step, writing blog posts can become overwhelming and when you celebrate the steps that you have taken you encourage yourself even more.

I Missed blogging
- I also realized how much I missed blogging, I had let my posts generally slip, posting sporadically, and after the challenge I will be posting on a more regular basis about some of the creative projects I am really looking forward to it!

You can catch the rest of the Ultimate Blog Challenge posts that I did HERE

In conclusion - Overall, taking part in the challenge and sharing all my posts reminded me that I love creating, and sharing what I have been doing, teaching techniques and connecting with others.  I hope you have enjoyed visiting my blog and I hope you come back and see what other things I will be sharing over the course of the week.

Do come and join me on some of my other channels

Let me know what has inspired you on your visit to the blog and if you have been tempted to do a challenge of your own.  

Stay Blessed and Be a Blessing,


Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Creating in Faith - Kindred - What do you feel connected to?


This weeks word is Kindred on the Realityarts Podcast Episode 29 of Creating in Faith.  Check out the podcast episode HERE

What do you feel connected to in regards to your creativity? Is it a supply, technique, way of doing things? Are you part of a group of artists, do you have someone to share your joy with?

We often think about our connections and the impact they make to our lives as well as the impact that we make on others. When you think of your creativity how is that manifesting itself within your work. We can sometimes be really connected to a particular art supply because it enables us to express ourselves and the things that are on our hearts.

I found I during the first stages of the 'global event' I was guided to sewing. I found the simple stitches to be surprisingly therapeutic and still do. I was able to quiet down all the chatter and just focus on being present.

It is a good idea to think about your creative activity that will be that for you when you need it. You also need to allow yourself the space to explore what it could be.

What information do you need to access to do what you need to do?  

It is important to listen while we create so that we can really hear through our senses what wants to be manifested. Do not judge the particular activity that you are being inspired to do, just go with the flow and enjoy that moments creative activity and maybe even schedule the regular time for yourself?  Join me on the podcast today.
As we take a look at moving forward in our art and creativity how does the word 'Kindred' impact on you and your world and how you move through it.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts....

Check out the Arts and Wellness Café videos each week which further explores the words
Check out some encouraging boards on Pinterest @realityarts

Friday, 23 July 2021

Arts and Wellness Café - Reflections of the Day


It is good to reflect on the things that you are doing every now and then to see not only how far you have come, the things that you have achieved, but also to see what things might need altering slightly, a lot or changed altogether.

In this weeks Arts and Wellness Café I reflect on my journey for this series and some of the things that I would like to do moving forward, there is always room for growth and improvements.  I really enjoy sharing in the Arts and Wellness Cafe and this week shared a new piece of work as well.

Check out the video for more information and insights HERE

My latest piece that I have been working on are some smaller mixed media art frames

I like creating these pieces that have a lot of texture, it is amazing what you can you to create texture for your art pieces.

I also have some pieces that are still works in progress and I will be adding some embellishments to these pieces when I get the time.

I will be sharing over time what how they turn out and I feel like making a few.  They started their lives as cardboard boxes, so I am going to be experimenting with a range of boxes to see which ones I like using the best and of course recycle at the same time.

Lastly I share a book review, you can see the full video on Amazon - click on the image.

Check me out on Patreon


Friday, 20 November 2020

Art and Wellness Café - Wealthy and Healthy


Join me in the Arts and Wellness Café  What is it about your creative practice are you taking for granted?  Are you undervaluing an area or over valuing it?  If you had to drop one of the things that you were doing because it no longer served you what would it be?  

Are you holding on to things because 'you have always done it that way'  I would love you to share what you feel one of your strengths are, it sometimes helps to remind ourselves of what we have with us all the time and celebrate those strengths.

Check out previous episodes

What's Love Got to do with it


Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Creative Reflections Podcast

Creative Reflections 

Listen to the podcast

Creating in Faith - Word for the Day - Serene - listen to the podcast

Sunday, 1 December 2019

New Season - Creating in Faith - Podcast Episode on Realityarts

Weekly Podcasts

Creating in Faith

Well I have come to the end of Season One of Creating in Faith and I have decided to shift things up a bit for the next season which will begin tomorrow!!!

For Season Two I will be sharing more Art Journaling tips and techniques which will accompany each podcast episode 
on my YouTube Art Channel 

My Patreon Blog will also have some behind the scenes video for those who want to take their art journey even further.

Realityarts Patreon

You will be getting a monthly video where I will be creating an art journal, and I want you to look at the supplies you have, any unfinished journals you started making and you will spend time completing these each and every month.

Weekly podcasts posts will be accompanied by an art journal page video as well with an encouraging word.  I am thankful for all those who have stopped by and connected.

I have selected some of the podcasts that you can take a look at, and spend time thinking about some of the points raised in each episode and what it means for your own creative journey.


I am really looking forward to sharing the art journal videos with you along with the podcast episode


Each episode is created to inspire and bless you, helping you be your true creative self, getting out of your own way as you inspire others


It has been an amazing journey creating the content for the podcast and I have grown creatively as well.

Stepping Out of the Boat

Come and join me for Season Two and see how the episodes can inspire you - having the faith to know that you can be creative.

 Change and Reflections

Time for changes and reflections as we go into the next series.  If you are an artist who is interested in the impact of the arts on our health and well-being and you would like to join me on the podcast I would love to hear from you!

Looking forward to growth and the journey, stay blessed and be a blessing.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Podcast Episode 123 - Revelation (Creating in Faith )

Over the past few weeks I had been trying to push myself for change.  There are many things I want to accomplish and many changes that have to be made so that these things can come into fruition.  I shared in my post previously about staring fear in the face and acknowledging your feelings, and that is exactly what I have been trying to do!.  I am not and would never say that it is an easy feat, it isn't, it is not an overnight thing either.  There are somethings that I find easier to do than others.  When it comes to the practical sides of planning and sorting out others I find this much easier to deal with than if I were to do the same thing for myself.  

Listen to the podcast clicking the link above or HERE .  Think about the following:
  • What changes in your life are you trying to make
  • what words of wisdom have you been given along the way
  • What words of wisdom would you give yourself 10 years ago.
  • Who are you comparing yourself to? - remember that you are on different parts of the journey
  • Who do you admire in your field 
  • What advice would you give yourself in 10 years?

This 'perfect', 'got it all together' person doesn't and will never exist.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and at some point we will all have a moment when we release an offering in the world that might be less than perfect - so what - we pick ourselves up, we have taken that important step, we learn from it and then we move on.  This is so much better than to not have tried at all and be asking yourself "what if".

Think about what your strengths are and how you are going to be moving forward, ask those difficult questions and think about how you will encourage yourself to get out of your comfort zone more often.

Artwork of face with lots of texture - mixed media art

Check out the previous Realityarts Podcast recordings on Wednesdays its Arts and Wellness topics and on Friday it is the Inspirational shorts to set you up for the weekend.  

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Stepping Out Challenge - 31 Days - Reflections

Welcome to today's post.  Last month wrote about a challenge that I was taking part in over the month of October and looked at some of the challenges that I had taken part in over the years.  

It was great reconnecting with some of the challenges and reminding myself of what I had achieved.

It is important to have a proper time of reflection and very often you are so thankful that you made it to the end that you can find yourself stepping from challenge to challenge, with no time to really think about what you like and dislike about taking part.

I have a lot of other projects that took a back seat while I was doing the challenge and want to get back to working on them.  I really enjoyed doing it and as I mentioned yesterday I learnt a lot about working with podcasts, editing and found hidden gems in the challenges that I was sharing that I will be revisiting and working on.  All in all it has created a whole new set of activities in motion that I am looking forward in  working on.

If you missed some of the posts for the Stepping Out Challenge I have listed them below, they lead to the blog post and has a link to the podcast which has additional material within it.   Hope you have taken the step for making the rest of the year rewarding, by learning as much as you can, challenging yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone

Day 1 & 2 - Challenge Starts

Day 3 - Art Studio Essentials 1
Day 4 - Art Studio Essentials 2

Day 5 - Tropical Garden 1
Day 6 - Tropical Garden 2

Day 7 - 31 Art Journals 1
Day 8 - 31 Art Journals 2

Day 9 - A - Z of Dementia 1
Day 10 A - Z of Dementia 2

Celebrating Life

Day 11 - Tips for Carers 1
Day 12 - Tips for Carers 2

Tips for Carers

Day 13 - Healthier Lifestyle 1
Day 14 - Healthier Lifestyle 2

Day 15 - 365 Days of Colour 1
Day 16 - 365 Days of Colour 2

Day 17 - Writing Challenge 1
Day 18 - Writing Challenge 2

Day 19 - Clearing the Clutter 1
Day 20 - Clearing the Clutter 2

Day 21 - 52 Weeks of Colour & Inspiration
Day 22 - 52 Weeks of Colour & Inspiration 2

Day 23 - Creating in Faith 1
Day 24 - Creating in Faith 2

Day 25 - Gratitude's 1
Day 26 - Gratitude's 2

Day 27 - I love you today because 1

Day 28 - Memories of Home 1
Day 29 - Memories of Home 2

Day 30 - Gratitude's and Celebrations 1
Day 31 - Gratitude's and Celebrations 2

I would love to know if you have started a challenge for yourself, or are you thinking of it? 

 Do you want to explore some ideas that you would like to start or have been mulling over in your mind and have some feedback, then join the mailing list and you can have an email feedback to help you on your way?

Check out some of the supplies/books at a discounted price, check out one of the links below:

Dollar Tree -
Book Outlet -
Stampington -
C& T Publishing -
Craftsy Kits -

Monday, 17 September 2018

Letting go of words - The Negative ones!!

Letting go of the Negative Words

After listening to a snippet of a Ted Talk, I stumbled on it and thought that I had book marked it, but when I went back to listen to the rest I couldn't find it.

The short of it was a question which asked you to think of a negative word that you commonly use, and think about removing it from your vocabulary.

What word would you remove and why?

When you remove the word you have to give more thought to your situation.  My word was Insecure, and rather than use that word I had to dive deeper into the situation I was trying to explain away under the banner of 'insecurities'.

It then began to be clear that there were many things that I didn't do because I explained it away as me being insecure.

But when I let go of the word I found that I got to the root of how I was feeling and why, instead of fobbing myself off.

What negative words are you using to describe how you are feeling that you could omit from your vocabulary that only makes you feel stuck and doesn't really describe how you might be feeling.

Let me know what word you will stop hiding behind.  Create a journal page, play with your supplies, or write about how it feels.

If you want to listen to the podcast you can do so HERE

Stay blessed, pass it on and be a blessing!

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Review of 2016 - It is good to see how far you have come!!

I can't quite believe that we are here already and there has been so much happening that I have hardly had time to keep up.  And now we are here again launching ourselves into the new year, new beginnings, fruit, challenges, changes and more.

This month we were visited by relatives from England and the States, and some are still here as we see the new year in.  I thought I would share some of the moments and highlights that made 2016 for me and I hope to fulfill more dreams and be more of a blessing...

Relatives visiting from abroad, great to see them and spend some time

Say 'flying fish', or Barbados

 Friday night fish fry

You can never get tired of this view!

Chilling and making the most of the time

Birthday outing for Josh in Oistins

Out and about in Bridgetown

Teacher on an online Class

Winning Awards at NIFCA Art Exhibition, Barbados

Meeting up with fellow Artist Ron Cumberbatch .... (Phil you are included!)

Trip to Montserrat - Amazing time will share soon 

Fellow conference speakers in Montserrat

The plane ride to Montserrat in a 7 Seater !

Plane ride over Antigua on the way to Montserrat 

 Barbados 50th Independence Celebrations kicked off in Independence square

 Working on New Art Work and sculptures

Made the decision to get a compost bin to really begin to grow my own

Collecting seeds - got quite a collection now!

Planting some beans - growing quite nicely, will be harvesting soon

Did a talk with Kiala Givehand

Open house - Alzheimer's Association - Arts Exhibition

Barbados Alzheimer's Association - 'Remember Me' Conference

National Union of Public Workers, Barbados talk

Spending time with my mum

Picturesque Hideaway in Norbury

There are so many more moments that were special that I haven't yet written about, but I will be sharing during the New Year.

What ever you do to see the old year out and the new year in, stay safe and remember that within you have a multitude of gifts waiting to be birthed, go be a blessing, use your gifts and see what amazing opportunities come back when you take that step!

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