Showing posts with label worksinprogress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worksinprogress. Show all posts

Friday 23 July 2021

Arts and Wellness Café - Reflections of the Day


It is good to reflect on the things that you are doing every now and then to see not only how far you have come, the things that you have achieved, but also to see what things might need altering slightly, a lot or changed altogether.

In this weeks Arts and Wellness Café I reflect on my journey for this series and some of the things that I would like to do moving forward, there is always room for growth and improvements.  I really enjoy sharing in the Arts and Wellness Cafe and this week shared a new piece of work as well.

Check out the video for more information and insights HERE

My latest piece that I have been working on are some smaller mixed media art frames

I like creating these pieces that have a lot of texture, it is amazing what you can you to create texture for your art pieces.

I also have some pieces that are still works in progress and I will be adding some embellishments to these pieces when I get the time.

I will be sharing over time what how they turn out and I feel like making a few.  They started their lives as cardboard boxes, so I am going to be experimenting with a range of boxes to see which ones I like using the best and of course recycle at the same time.

Lastly I share a book review, you can see the full video on Amazon - click on the image.

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