Well we made it again, we have got to Friday and this is something that we need to be grateful for. As a carer to my mum I spend a lot of time driving back and forth in looking after her and my own family, and this gives me a bit of time for reflection, to mull over things and even unravel those complicated things that rear their head from time to time to seriously try you!
I have learnt that I need to take time to listen and not just jump in without taking time to consider, contemplate then make an informed decision. I have found that we can get so caught up in the circumstance that we end up running from one point to the other without feeling if you have actually achieved what you set out to do.
When we listen with the two ears that we have we can see things from many sides and come to a range of conclusions but only one might be the right one for us. I challenge you to take a moment right now as you read this post to listen to your surroundings, and if you get the chance take a moment and do something else down this list, there is so much that we miss when we rush around.....
Listen - take some time today to listen to your surroundings.
Listen to your heart beat,
Listen to your walking the sound of your feet as your shoes hit the ground, is it a squelching sound or a clip, clop of your heals on the sidewalk.
Listen to the rustle of the wrapping to that thing you are opening is it paper or plastic,
Listen to the sound of the birds, flying over head or on route to warmer climbs
Listen to the wind, as it breezes past your ears, gently moving past your cheeks
Listen to the back ground noise, can you hear people talking or is it a tv in the distance
Listen to the tones, are they raised, or gentle caressing voices
Listen to the sound your car makes when you start it up
Listen to the tap taping as you write on your lap top
Listen to the heating coming on, the noise that the radiators make as they warm up
Listen to the sounds that your home makes, the familiar sounds, the footsteps of someone moving around
Listen to what your heart is saying about your current situation,
Listen to what your head is saying about your current situation
Listen to your creative spirit full of joy that can very often get lost in all the noise when we forget to listen
Listen to your voice
I am grateful and I celebrate the life that I want to live to the full, to the ability to notice so many things around us that we can often take for granted. Those magical things that appear in the still, small voice, that breaths grace into our daily lives.
Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Listen |
What can you hear when you listen? Stop for a moment and take in your surroundings
I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!