Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts

Monday, 29 March 2021

Make Art for the Earth with Us! - Check out this Amazing Deal!


Do you want to make art and help the earth at the same time? Tam from Willowing Arts has brought together 45 Mixed Media Artists to make a contribution to the 'fight against climate change'. This is how the Art for Earth Project  was born and you can be part of it! 

This is the second time she is running this project, last year she raised £25,000 for Treesisters, an organisation that plants trees all over the world! This year, she is running it again and I’m part of it! 

Each of the artists have all contributed one or more art resources (like an art course, e-book, printable PDF or other art item) to the Art for Earth Package! It contains over 85+ amazing art resources including some brand new courses that have not been published before! They were especially created for this package deal. My contribution to this package is: 

A brand NEW 5 Part Art Course - How Does Your Garden Grow, it comes with an instructional pdf. I have also included a selection of downloadable background Papers, colour pages and 2 of my Garden inspired prints and brings my two loves the studio and the garden together to create a nature inspired painting. Scroll down or click here to see a complete list of all the products in this package!

Click here to see a complete list of all the products in this package! The Art for Earth Package is valued at over £2900+ GBP, but will be sold for only £75 GBP! It will be on sale for 7 days only with 25% of all sales going to an amazing organisation that helps improve our climate. They are called Tree Sisters and they are a group of women spread out all over the world with a mission to plant trees and a focus on tropical reforestation. 

They say: “Vision & Mission of Tree Sisters: Tree Sisters exists to elicit collective responsibility for planetary restoration at the grass roots level with a focus on women and tropical reforestation. We are growing a global network of women who donate monthly to fund the acceleration of tropical reforestation as an expression of collective planetary care. We channel 80% of member donations to exemplary existing reforestation organisations in the tropics with whom we partner to restore ecosystems. The remaining 20% funds our behaviour change and consciousness shift work with women to reinstate feminine leadership, and normalise collective ownership of planetary restoration.” 

This package contains some fabulous art resources by some of the most popular mixed media teachers in our community! I hope you'll buy this wonderful package of awesome art goodies and help the earth while making art!  See the list of resources HERE

 Make Art for Earth! Buy Here 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

One BadAss Art Journal Workshop - Fear and Courage Art Journal Page

The One BadAss Art Journal workshop is coming to a close and it has been a very insightful journey.  As one of the teachers I have been blessed to be among so many talented artists who each gave so much of themselves during their lessons.  I have really enjoyed creating alongside them and all the others who took part on the course.

I did a journal page inspired by the session that Keri Sallee did during her week, and this is what I came up with in my journal.  

Fear comes, remind you of ALL your limitations

My piece started out with background colors, then figures started to appear as I worked on it.  It addresses the journey that I feel that we all make at sometime or another, of stepping out into something challenging, and allowing the doubts and negative voices to put you off course.

Fear is represented in the picture as a one-eyed monster type figure, staring, and behaving as if there is concern really at the center of it and it really wants to support.

We have all dealt with fear in one shape or another, we know what it looks like, some of us can handle different situations that for the rest of us we can only look on in admiration from a place of safety.  Fear can remind us to be careful in some situations, and reminds me that sticking my head into a crocodiles mouth should be handled with caution.

Essentially we have to find ways of tackling with fearful situations especially where the critic is involved, disguised as a voice of reason, especially as we may not always see a plan, route, or steps that we can take.

Have the courage to take the know you want to

When I come across these situations I try and see what fear is saying, and why these emotions are coming up at this particular moment.  I think about what it is that I am trying to achieve and some of the ways in which it can play out.

I look at what support I have around me, sometimes there is none and in those situations you have to brave uncharted waters.  Other times you have support around you, but they are coming from a place of fear, as they don't want you to change.

Are you brave enough to take the first step on the tightrope?

At the end of the day you have to take the step, make a decision, hold on to what you got and put one foot in front of the other.  It might feel as if you are walking the tightrope, but armed with your pole to help keep your balance, and keeping your eye on your goal, you can make it to the other side.

All that from a journal page!!!  I always find it amazing what stories want to be told on the page.  I hope if you are dealing with a situation that currently seems impossible that you take a look at it from a different perspective before you make your decision to quit.

Stay blessed always and I will be showing you some of the other art that I have created from The One BadAss Art Journal workshop.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Retreat Away from Home

When you think about a retreat what first comes to mind for you.  I know I think of pampering, spa sessions, not having to cook, and if it is a creative retreat then one filled with art workshops and spending time with like minded others.

A couple of Saturdays ago my local church held a retreat day for the women, both young and old, the children were also welcome as well, and it was great to see every one take part and share their insights.  I was asked to bring along some art materials.  I took some collage, and mark making material to add to the other creative material available.

Talking art journals
The session lasted 3 hours and it is amazing just what you can fit into the time.  One of women (Lisa) gave a talk on making new beginnings, making that start, and it was a very inspiring talk, that reminded me that I should spend more time journalling and also something I have been enjoying for a while Art journalling.  The other thing that stood out for me was talking about timelines, and noting significant timelines during the course of your life, this is something that you could combine really well with journalling. 

Making paint pallets out of cardboard
I spent some time sharing how to use some of the materials that I brought, such as the collage material, and the tools that can be used to create texture within your art work.

I shared with some of the women on my table how I used bible and dictionary pages along with other ephemera to create a collage.

For this collage I create flowers out of bible pages and a mixed ephemera loosely adding color to the pages

I then spent some time cutting them out and applying to a decorated background and adding additional colors.  3 hours fly when your having fun and we all got an opportunity to share how we were impacted by the whole session.  We were all spiritually fed as well as creatively.  Once I got home, I was still in the flow of creative experimenting and got to add some finishing touches to my two pieces.

Grounded - Mixed Media Art
Here is another one that I completed, and once home added the white detail to the flowers.  The flowers have been inspired by ones that we were shown on a session with Tiare Smith as part of The Journey Within Year long Art Journal Workshop, which was great!

How does your garden grow?

I really enjoyed creating the flowers, it allows you to be so free with your work, they are easy to create and look so pretty.  I also enjoyed every aspect of the Retreat Day, as it allowed us the time to reflect and refocus and look at how we can give ourselves a fresh start.

For a limited time on Tiare's site through to the end of Valentine’s Day get 10% off workshops and bundles (discount good on Tiare Smith Designs hosted workshop only. Does not apply to The Journey Within). In one of the courses she shows you how to make the imagery with the flowers and more.  Just enter code: IAMLOVE at checkout.  

Why not take yourself on an online retreat and take the time to meet with your creative self and grow.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

New Course - One Badass Art Journal, Discounts and competition!!

Ok, I have some great news to tell you!  I am teaching in another course, and this one is being hosted by Tiare Smith and is called ONE BADASS ART JOURNAL!


There is a wonderful group of yet more talented artists taking part in this 12 week workshop.  There is so much being offered, you will be able to make your own BADASS Art Journal and view 24 lessons/classes.  Check out the video below!

INTERESTED?  Why not treat yourself for and explore your own Badass Art Journal and link up with the facebook group there is so much more check out the rest of the course HERE

As a special offer you can get a 15% discount on the price of the course.  You have to enter the code IMBAD15 at the checkout BEFORE Sun 27th Dec to receive the discount.

And as a special bonus, SIGN UP HERE BEFORE DECEMBER 31 and you will be entered to win 1 of 2 spots in the other course that I am teaching in called The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Journals.

Sign up for one for both courses and make your 2016 a year to remember!

Friday, 18 December 2015

Win a spot on The Journey Within 2016 - GIVEAWAY


I have 2 spots to giveaway on the course

1st place: One full year registration
2nd place: single quarter registration (Jan-Mar 16)

You will be aware by now that I am teaching in a course called The Journey Within A Year of Handmade Art Journals, and we are in the middle of a blog hop challenge.

You can check out HERE the challenge I set for Kiala on my blog hop day, and also see the blog hop schedule.

The course officially starts on 1st January 2016 and will last for the whole year but you also get a December mini course so you can test the waters, see how you can pace yourself.

Each month, Kiala will teach you how to make your own handmade art journal, give you prompts, tips, and techniques for filling the pages, and there are 17 other guest artists to share their art journaling process.

I will be teaching 4 lessons created just for this course for the year and I am looking forward to sharing with you!

Why not Join us for this amazing adventure and have your most creative year yet.

For a chance to WIN a place in the course, complete some of the tasks below - each one gives you two chances, or Sign Up anyway and if you win a spot you can bless a friend!

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You may wish to contact the owner of this site about other Competitions.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Blog Hop - The Journey Within - A Year of handmade art journals

I am doing a happy dance at the moment as I share with you that I will be a teacher in The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Art Journals with book maker, Kiala Givehand and 17 other artists. The class begins January 1st and continues the entire year, and is incredible value for money!

Each month, Kiala will teach you how to make your own handmade art journal, give you prompts, tips and techniques for filling the pages, and bring in guest artists to share their ideas.

To kick off this great course, Kiala has created a December book and asked each guest artist to give her a challenge to complete this month. All these challenges are set up to create an opportunity to “Blog Hop.” play along as you “hop” from blog to blog. see below for the blog hop schedule.

My challenge will appear on December 8th. so do check back to see what I’ve suggested

If you decide to play along, let me know by checking me out on Instagram (@realityarts) and tag me. Use the hashtag #journeywithin2016 so we can all see your lovely work. 

Here's the blog hop schedule. Make sure you visit each person so you can see what they have in store for you. It is going to be an exciting year during The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Art Journals.

December 1 -- Mimi Bondi --
December 2 -- Cindy Gilstrap -- Junque Art Studios 
December 4 -- Tiare Smith -- 
December 7 -- Julie Baker -- Creatively Onward 
December 8 -- Amanda Trought -- Reality Arts 
December 9 -- Andrea Gomoll -- Cre8tive Cre8tions
December 10 -- Nicole Piar --
December 11 -- Lisa DeYoung -- Mountain Mermaid Studios 
December 15 -- Kelly Johnson -- Wings, Worms, and Wonder 
December 17 -- Sadelle Wiltshire -- Tangle Vermont 
December 18 -- Barb Owen --
December 21 -- Hali Karla --
December 22 -- Yuko Miki -- Honeyberry Studios 
December 28 -- Virginia Simpson-Magruder -- Kentucky Girl Designs 
December 30 -- iHanna -- 

​Looking forward to seeing you in the blog hop journey!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Art Journal Page - I can move mountains - Page and video process

This Journal page was great to do.  It is nice once in a while to work with a limited palette and really stretch yourself once in a while, and every now and then I like to work like this as we can sometimes take what we have for granted.

Working in an art journal enables me to work through ideas, try new techniques and see what works, and there is some pages that I will take a step further and work on canvas with them.

Here is the completed page, check out the video to see the work in progress, leave a comment, let me know what you think, what are you working on and how do you challenge yourself in your work?

I can move mountains

Saturday, 7 February 2015

My Color is Beautiful Art Online Course - Week 1 - Courage

We have been having a great time on the first week of My Color is Beautiful Art Online Course, and despite drawing on a regular basis, it is quite easy to forget to play and enjoy the work, rather than stick to rigid routines.

You can watch me in action in the video below to see how I got from a blank piece of paper to the image below.

This week saw me starting out playing with backgrounds and using a limited palette and enjoying the process. The colors I chose to use were ones that I rarely take out and they have been sitting at the back and out of the way, and together they seem to blend well.  This is a great exercise and one that I want to keep up and creating background pages.

After I had finished the background page, I then went on to create an image from the page, seeing what I could pull out of the paint,  Little by little a character began to come forth and had a message or a reminder to me, and that was to take courage.  I guess at some point or another we all have to face things that can be a bit challenging, but once we take that step we can be surprised at how much we had in side that was better than we had originally thought.

Here is some of the detail of the piece, I created a lot of texture just by using gesso and mark making tools

And the message of courage came shining through

Week 1 of My Color is Beautiful Art has started and there is still time to sign up, you will receive:

  • 10 positive, creative energy boosts and exercises, videos and/or pdf’s provided.  
  • 1 exercise per week for 10 weeks, resulting in feelings of joy, confidence, happiness, acceptance and love!
  • Fun giveaways/prizes! and much more!
  • The Classroom access will be open until December 31, 2015.

If you would like to sign up, you can REGISTER HERE and it will take you to the page.  

Looking forward to having you create with us!

Saturday, 31 January 2015

My Color is Beautiful Art Starts on MONDAY 2nd February!

My Color is Beautiful Art Banner with sig

I am really excited for the My Color is Beautiful Art Course that is being organised by Tiare Smith and starts on Monday!!!!

Time has surely flown, we are already at the end of January and if you are one of those people who have on their list of resolutions to get more creative this year, or find that creative spark then this course if for you!!  I am not just saying it because I am one of the teachers, but I know that you will be totally blown away.

Along with 7 other teachers I will be sharing an art lesson and over the 10 weeks we will be encouraging you to get immersed in color, creativity and empowering techniques! 

If you haven't yet signed up, all you need to do is SIGN UP HERE and you will be taken to the relevant page the course costs just $49 which is a bargain when you think about all the great creative inspiration you will be getting.

My Color is Beautiful Teachers and Samples with sig

Here is some of what you can expect:-
  • 8 wonderful, creative instructors
  • 10 amazing video mixed media main lessons, 1 lesson per week for 10 weeks.  PDF Download of each lesson, provided as well.
  • 10 eye opening color challenges and background techniques, videos and/or pdf’s provided.   1 challenge per week for 10 weeks, resulting in 40 AMAZING backgrounds, ideas and techniques.
  • 10 positive, creative energy boosts and exercises, videos and/or pdf’s provided.  1 exercise per week for 10 weeks, resulting in feelings of joy, confidence, happiness, acceptance and love!
  • Fun giveaways/prizes.
  • And much more!
If you do decide to join us, Sign Up Here, I will be looking forward to creating with you!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

In The News - Paper and Embellishment Kit - My Color is Beautiful Art, Gifts, Fairs and Birthdays!

In the News!

Well the paper packs are finally ready to send out, and are finding their way to some special homes.  I was glad I have been able to offer them as a gift for signing up to My Color is Beautiful Art Course.  As part of my lesson we will be working on a canvas, and some of the things in the pack will come in handy.

You will also be able to make other things with the materials in the Kit and each week on a Tuesday I will be showing you just how far the resources will stretch and what you can make.

Included in the pack a selection of:

Paper ephemera
Patterned and hand painted papers
Handmade paper
Die cuts
Handmade Stencils
Beads and embellishments and much more!

CLICK HERE to sign up for the course and receive your 


I created another kit, with many of the items above but a whole lot more that you can purchase for $9.99 or £6.41 aprox which will include postage and packaging!

The packs are waiting to find creative homes - it could be yours, and there is so much you can do with them! Check out the tutorials I will be doing on Tuesday!

Click on the buy now button to purchase 

Other things to report this week is the EEC Christmas Fair, I had a stall there and it was great to see so many people come out and support.  It was a lovely family event that they put on each year, and lot of preparation and hard work is done by Angie Ng and her team.

I have been working on some mini wall hangings which you will get to see closer over the weekend and they make great gifts.

My stall at the Christmas Fair

We had quite a number of people sign up to win..

and we have picked out a winner who should get their book next week.

Best thing above all is that we still have our mum here with us and she sees another birthday.  We take a moment to remember our loved ones who are not with us and the gift of life that we have alongside the opportunity we have to make a difference each and every day.  Everyone came round to mums along with the grandchildren who helped her celebrate, catch up and eat cake!

Mum making the most of life.....
Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Barbados Trip and Special Giveaway Bonus!

I have just come back from a couple of weeks away in Sunny Barbados, and just getting my body clock back to a workable routine, I will be sharing more about the trip and the opportunity that blessed us next week, but here is a sneak preview of where we stayed.
Inchcape Villa, home for the week

This was our view every morning.....

Beautiful sea views

and I was visited each morning by this tiny little fellow perched on the back of the chair singing sweet songs, and I guess I did spoil it a little with the sunflower seeds..

Morning birdsong greeting me as I spent time in my journal

And he would come back with his or her friend during our stay.

My regular morning visitor

I will be sharing more about all the things that we got done, but for now I thought with all this rainy weather we are experiencing here in the UK I would shine some light.  I must admit on our last day in Barbados it rained cats and dogs, I guess Barbados cried cause we were returning to the UK:) 
Anyway back to this light.

I am giving away Bonus for signing up HERE to the 'My Color is Beautiful Art' course....
Registration is open!

The course is going to be just what you need to start February 2015 off with a creative kick and here are just some of the things you can expect:
  • 8 wonderful, creative instructors
  • 10 amazing video mixed media main lessons, 1 lesson per week for 10 weeks.  PDF Download of each lesson, provided as well.
  • 10 eye opening color challenges and background techniques, videos and/or pdf’s provided.   1 challenge per week for 10 weeks, resulting in 40 AMAZING backgrounds, ideas and techniques. and much MORE!

All this for only $49!  

(classroom content valued at over $400!).
Class begins February 2nd 2015


I am quite a hoarder  collector and I love paper, and making my own painted paper, and I have a love of shiny things with the beads and embellishments that I have been using and applying to some of my work as the piece below shows.

I am really excited to be able to offer a bonus gift for all those who register HERE for the course I have decided to give away a free paper and embellishment pack, filled with lots of goodies for you to use as part of my lesson on the course and for any other creative activity that you might have...

I will include in the pack a selection of:
  • Paper ephemera
  • Patterned and hand painted papers
  • Handmade paper
  • Die cuts
  • Ribbons
  • Stencils
  • Beads and embellishments!

Once you have signed up via my link I will arrange to have the kit sent out to you before the course begins.  

If you have already signed up else where for the course and would like to purchase a paper embellishment kit you will be able to do so from the beginning of next week for $7.50 including P&P.

I am so looking forward to having you on the course, here is a sneak preview of one of the paintings that I am currently working on!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

My Color is Beautiful Art - Giveaway Winner Announced

Register Now

Registration is now open for the course and you can sign up for $49, for an experience like no other!  Be prepared to be immersed in color, creativity, and lots of juicy techniques!

I am teaching here!

I was running a giveaway for a free spot to the course and there were many entries, and it gives me great pleasure to announce the give away winner!

Whoop Whoop! ....Drum roll please!.......

***** Vicki Louise Neil Ross*****

Come on down and claim your spot, 
I will be sending you an email to confirm

It was great to receive all those lovely comments and I have decided to do a bonus giveaway, and I will be giving away 5 packs of embellishments that you will be able to use as part of my lesson, and will include paper, beads, jewelry, thread. to the next five names selected at random from those who had entered the original giveaway....

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing with you exactly what is in the embellishment pack, and where you can purchase them from.

The winners of the extra giveaway these are:

Rasheeda Nelson-Howard
AJ (The Quilting Pot)
Linda Doherty
Cathy Potosky
Kris Nadeara Duval

With registration now open I recommend that you give yourself time to select the supplies that you need in                               advance, Christmas is nearly on us.  Come and check out the course HERE

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