Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Monday, 10 September 2018

Moments to Ponder - Just Start - You have everything you need!!

You have everything you need to start!!!

Listen on Podcast 

You have everything that you need to start, so what are you waiting for?  Do you need some special permission, letter from your parents, critic or some other person that you have been seeking approval from?

What you haven't always realized and I talk to myself as well as you, I hope you know that!! But you have everything you need to make a start.  You might not have all the pieces to complete the job, but you don't have to wait until everything all lines up.  You take a step, each and every day, break things down and before you know it you have moved on!.

Think back over your life the many things that you have done, and realized they were not as bad as you thought it was going to be.  The fear was in the unknown, but once you knew it was alright.  Well, there are many other things that you are holding back on, some things are to do with health, that pain or twinge you felt but have been ignoring, that quiet 'me time' you should be taking on a regular basis to find balance in your life, or that creative space you are suppose to be giving yourself.

Don't hold out or back on yourself anymore, it doesn't have to be perfect, improvements come over time, you just got to work hard at it.  Start something today, take 5 minutes and just go for it, if you still 'feel' you need permission to get started, see the slip below - all access pass, no waiting

There you have it, it might feel scary to start, but you have loads us creatives in your corner as your cheerleaders, and family and friends.  Let me know how you get on, leave a comment, check out some of my other platforms and share what you are doing.  It is never too late to start - I believe in your dreams!

Stay blessed and Be a blessing, as you are blessed pass it on.

Friday, 14 April 2017

One BADASS Art Journal Course - Week 5 - Late Night Conversations

Welcome to my interpretation of the class led by Cristin Stephenson in the BADASS Art Journal Class.  For this class as with the others I did 3 pages, one double spread and then two that came after that could either follow the same theme that I had worked with in the main page or be totally different.

Magic at midnight
For my main page below I started out with random shapes on the page, then as I thought about the late night conversations the song 'Dancing in the Moonlight' by Thin Lizzy came to mind

That connection with the moon, the music, and the sea also came in as well.  My characters that came out on the page seem to want to go on an adventure, perhaps a Thelma and Louise type of adventure in a car on a raft on the ocean with the music blazing...and free.... who knows

Adventure awaits

Some times you have to take that leap of faith, not knowing how everything is going to work out.  Some times we prevent ourselves from doing things because of fear. It is either we fear failing or we fear changing and things working out so we don't fit in our neat little boxes.  Fear to laugh and be yourself, fear to say yes to something or no.

Follow your dreams

Listening to a speaker called Lisa Nicols she was talking about her life and saying that fear can paralyze you and that you should use it instead as your fuel to get you to where you want to go.  We can sometimes fear using a particular art material, or fear that creative play because of what might reveal about you.  You can put anything in there that you might be feeling fearful about, and think about what the worse that could happen.

It is time to let go, step out, step into but make that change!  This page then came out of all of that, she chose to step out and be who she knew she could be, she stepped out and is 'Dancing' as well, not worried who might be looking or that 'its always been done this way' or about anything else that could get in the way.

Come join me next Friday and see how I interpreted the next lesson

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Fear, Regrets, Life, Reflect...Begin - Life is still too Short

What you going to do with the life you have left?

Why are you hiding yourself away, are you caught up in your thoughts, are there things you are going through right now that you want to to talk about but can't speak to anyone until things pass? Is there someone that you can talk to and share your thoughts? what do you do.  

I sometimes have these spells where things don't make sense, things happen and you're not sure how to address them, or get a handle on them.  You might have previously been on a roll, and in the flow but then you get knocked for six.  We had another friend die.  Out of the blue, sudden, no sickness or anything.  Last year 2 of my cousins died - mother and daughter within 2 months of each other 2 other friends died and 2016 saw me at a total of 4 funerals.  

When I am 'feeling it' I don't feel like writing on my blog and I retreat somewhere that I can gather thoughts and reflect, wanting to share, but, you know how it is...... it can be hard to say how you really feel, try and keep it all sweetness and light and carry on as if business was as usual. 

For those who came back for the 31 things, I am sorry, but I dropped the ball for a moment, we all do sometimes don't we, nothing to feel ashamed about, forgive yourself and move on. I had to step back and allow the process to run its' course, or something.  

No Regrets

When you think about your life what is it that you would most regret not doing?  Think about those things that you currently take for granted, the things you wanted to try, the places you said that you would visit, the relationships that you wanted to make better or spend more time in, and ask yourself just what is stopping you at this very moment and what would it take for you to be able to put those things in place.

If you were told that you had a year, month or week to live what would you do with the time that you had left?  How would you spend each and every moment knowing that you would never see the faces of those people that you loved one last time.  

With so many family and friends passing away suddenly, we cannot make head nor tail of it, and each year wonder when there will be a break in the heartache that ensues, when you will get an ease - then another one goes.  We are now our parents position of going to yet another funeral, but it seems more frequent now, people dying younger, hidden agendas? conspiracies?!! reaching out for an answer, a reason, why...why?

Each year I say to my sister; we have to get fitter' healthier, stress less, value our time more. It is something that we all have to do - take our health and well-being in our hands, live and love more, appreciate, and look at those things that we are grateful for... don't wait till someone gets sick before you tell them how much you appreciate and love them.  

Express Yourself

As an artist I express myself in my art, but sometimes I don't want to share - worried at what people may think is the long and the short of it, but no more.  We are all given something to say, to share, to encourage, motivate or bring about laughter and more.  Who am I to play small, to shut down my voice because of what I think someone else thinks about what I am saying?

I want to encourage you that whatever it was that you were thinking of doing, sharing, creating, playing that you share it anyway, that you don't wait for approval, acceptance, or anyone else to tell you how you should do it. You don't know when you will breath your last breath, or the last time you will ever be able to tell someone you love and cherish them, don't wait for the 'right time' or 'when you retire' make plans, sow the seeds, put something in place it now!

See the adventure in life, the joy, possibilities and things that you can do, the little things that mean the world to someone, that brightens their day and helps them to feel like maybe they could shine their 'light' as well.  

Don't waste another minute 'belly button gazing', feeling sorry for yourself, YOU CAN DO IT.  Life is too short to play it small, you will never get another chance to use the minutes that you just wasted so what you going to do with the life you have left?

I decided to go for it, to share, express, and live the life I want to live, be the person I want to be and share my joy, peace, encouragement with the world, and the bits in-between.  In some corner of the world someone is waiting for my words,  who will read to the end of this post and get encouraged when I write and inspired by my art, and I will not hide.  2017 is the year for being All I was called to be, and use the time fully not waste another moment being fearful about who might be watching a using each and every moment like it was my last, no regrets....  

Over to you..

So what are you going to do?  If you are living your life and being the person you want to be I congratulate you, if you express your love to others and are ALL you know you can be, well done.  If you are living fearlessly, grabbing hold of life grateful for the minutes I applaud you!  

If there are parts of you that you want to work on, you want to live life to the full and you are going to go for it regardless, I am in your corner and I am one of your cheerleaders who knows you have the ability and I will be there alongside you as we make the changes come back on the blog tomorrow, sign up to the mailing list, let me know what you are going to do/say/try..  we got this!  Who else is with me?

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

One BadAss Art Journal Workshop - Fear and Courage Art Journal Page

The One BadAss Art Journal workshop is coming to a close and it has been a very insightful journey.  As one of the teachers I have been blessed to be among so many talented artists who each gave so much of themselves during their lessons.  I have really enjoyed creating alongside them and all the others who took part on the course.

I did a journal page inspired by the session that Keri Sallee did during her week, and this is what I came up with in my journal.  

Fear comes, remind you of ALL your limitations

My piece started out with background colors, then figures started to appear as I worked on it.  It addresses the journey that I feel that we all make at sometime or another, of stepping out into something challenging, and allowing the doubts and negative voices to put you off course.

Fear is represented in the picture as a one-eyed monster type figure, staring, and behaving as if there is concern really at the center of it and it really wants to support.

We have all dealt with fear in one shape or another, we know what it looks like, some of us can handle different situations that for the rest of us we can only look on in admiration from a place of safety.  Fear can remind us to be careful in some situations, and reminds me that sticking my head into a crocodiles mouth should be handled with caution.

Essentially we have to find ways of tackling with fearful situations especially where the critic is involved, disguised as a voice of reason, especially as we may not always see a plan, route, or steps that we can take.

Have the courage to take the know you want to

When I come across these situations I try and see what fear is saying, and why these emotions are coming up at this particular moment.  I think about what it is that I am trying to achieve and some of the ways in which it can play out.

I look at what support I have around me, sometimes there is none and in those situations you have to brave uncharted waters.  Other times you have support around you, but they are coming from a place of fear, as they don't want you to change.

Are you brave enough to take the first step on the tightrope?

At the end of the day you have to take the step, make a decision, hold on to what you got and put one foot in front of the other.  It might feel as if you are walking the tightrope, but armed with your pole to help keep your balance, and keeping your eye on your goal, you can make it to the other side.

All that from a journal page!!!  I always find it amazing what stories want to be told on the page.  I hope if you are dealing with a situation that currently seems impossible that you take a look at it from a different perspective before you make your decision to quit.

Stay blessed always and I will be showing you some of the other art that I have created from The One BadAss Art Journal workshop.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Gratitudes and Celebrations - Face your fear

Face your fear, name it, and then move on...

What is your biggest fear that stands in the way of your creativity, that you know you should be doing, but for some reason you always talk yourself out of, saying that next time you will get round to it, but you never do and time is ticking?

We all have something that we put aside for one reason or another, and before we know it a few years have passed and we don't know were the time has gone, but gone it has.

Our fears are 'False Expectations Appearing Real' and are usually without substance, and if you actually examined where the source of the fear stemmed from you would be surprised.  I was thinking today about those experiences that we had in our childhood and which now have an impact in our adult lives.  Many things that went unresolved, unsaid, and every so often come back to haunt the adult you.  Stepping back and giving the child in you the care that it needed at the time of the event will impact greatly on how you feel, and the things you do tomorrow.

Those unsaid things and incidents form clutter in our minds, hearts and spirit and weigh down on our today, making us feel less than, unable to move forward.  So today, make one action of self care, it doesn't matter what it is, but that you have taken the time out to notice.  Show some love to yourself and start clearing the mind clutter that needs to be shown the door.

I am grateful today and celebrate facing those things that I was previously fearful of, looking forward to getting rid of those thoughts that bear no fruit in my life.

Gratitude's and celebration Journal - Facing your fears
What will your next move be?

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Creating in Faith - Fears

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears  Psalm 34:4

If you would like to see how I made the pockets check out the post Bookmark Pockets

Come join the group - Creating in Faith, show us how you will be incorporating the words and scriptures in your art. Each week I will be sharing words, reflections, scriptures and the bookmark holder for that week.  Step out and be a blessing and you will also be blessed!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

F is for Fear

When looking at my family health history I find myself considering my health own and mortality .  Both grandmas had dementia but died of unrelated conditions, My father died from a muscle wasting disease at 63, mum has dementia, there is high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer in other family members.  The older you get there are more muscles that you realise you had - because they all ache!

I understand it doesn’t necessarily mean that I will be beset with ill health, but I do wonder why after 40 years I suddently am intolerant to wheat and dairy.  We can begin to walk around in fear as we wait for something to happen to us.  Fear is such a negative emotion and instead I try and focus on the things that I can do and the impact that I can make today!

I am inspired by those who live independent to a ripe old age, check out Alice Herz Sommer  She is 108 years old and has maintained all her faculties, plays the piano and has a good outlook on life.

Even with dementia I have faith that with the right support mum has a good standard of health and well being, and for myself I will make every effort to take the necessary breaks and look after my own health.  We cannot fear what we don’t know or what hasn’t happened.  Life brings so many opportunities and I guess I have the opportunity to spend quality time with mum and cherish these times.

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.
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