Showing posts with label Battery Recharge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battery Recharge. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Are you UP for a Challenge a Course or BOTH!

Alright the One BADASS Art Journal course started last week, how did you get on.  if you haven't yet signed up there is still time to jump in to have some fun.  We are only on week two and there is plenty of time for you to get on with the amazing lessons by the great lineup of teachers, and we have had a couple of great lessons so far.


This was a great way to kick start your creativity and to show you that it only takes 10 minutes, you deserve that.

We got to the end of the 10 days, time always seems to pass so quickly. I will be posting about the images separately, but how did you get on?  I will also be putting together a PDF booklet so that you can have, and if you are subscribed to my mailing list you will be able to get access to a range of other creative goodies as well.

I am currently taking part in the video challenge which runs for 5 days, so you will be blessed with a range of videos that I will be sharing about the creative process, asking those questions that helps you get unstuck, you can play along in your art journal and write out the answers and create some images that mean something to you.  I will be announcing some giveaways, showing you some quick and easy art techniques that you can try.

Introduction to the #1min1take video challenge

Act of Kindness and Art Giveaway!

I will share with you how this painting came about.  Watch and comment on the videos on my YouTube Channel to see what other giveaways I will be announcing.

Be great if you join in, let me know what you are inspired to do, take the time out for you and make this year your best creative year yet!

Remember to stay blessed and be a blessing!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Fear, Regrets, Life, Reflect...Begin - Life is still too Short

What you going to do with the life you have left?

Why are you hiding yourself away, are you caught up in your thoughts, are there things you are going through right now that you want to to talk about but can't speak to anyone until things pass? Is there someone that you can talk to and share your thoughts? what do you do.  

I sometimes have these spells where things don't make sense, things happen and you're not sure how to address them, or get a handle on them.  You might have previously been on a roll, and in the flow but then you get knocked for six.  We had another friend die.  Out of the blue, sudden, no sickness or anything.  Last year 2 of my cousins died - mother and daughter within 2 months of each other 2 other friends died and 2016 saw me at a total of 4 funerals.  

When I am 'feeling it' I don't feel like writing on my blog and I retreat somewhere that I can gather thoughts and reflect, wanting to share, but, you know how it is...... it can be hard to say how you really feel, try and keep it all sweetness and light and carry on as if business was as usual. 

For those who came back for the 31 things, I am sorry, but I dropped the ball for a moment, we all do sometimes don't we, nothing to feel ashamed about, forgive yourself and move on. I had to step back and allow the process to run its' course, or something.  

No Regrets

When you think about your life what is it that you would most regret not doing?  Think about those things that you currently take for granted, the things you wanted to try, the places you said that you would visit, the relationships that you wanted to make better or spend more time in, and ask yourself just what is stopping you at this very moment and what would it take for you to be able to put those things in place.

If you were told that you had a year, month or week to live what would you do with the time that you had left?  How would you spend each and every moment knowing that you would never see the faces of those people that you loved one last time.  

With so many family and friends passing away suddenly, we cannot make head nor tail of it, and each year wonder when there will be a break in the heartache that ensues, when you will get an ease - then another one goes.  We are now our parents position of going to yet another funeral, but it seems more frequent now, people dying younger, hidden agendas? conspiracies?!! reaching out for an answer, a reason, why...why?

Each year I say to my sister; we have to get fitter' healthier, stress less, value our time more. It is something that we all have to do - take our health and well-being in our hands, live and love more, appreciate, and look at those things that we are grateful for... don't wait till someone gets sick before you tell them how much you appreciate and love them.  

Express Yourself

As an artist I express myself in my art, but sometimes I don't want to share - worried at what people may think is the long and the short of it, but no more.  We are all given something to say, to share, to encourage, motivate or bring about laughter and more.  Who am I to play small, to shut down my voice because of what I think someone else thinks about what I am saying?

I want to encourage you that whatever it was that you were thinking of doing, sharing, creating, playing that you share it anyway, that you don't wait for approval, acceptance, or anyone else to tell you how you should do it. You don't know when you will breath your last breath, or the last time you will ever be able to tell someone you love and cherish them, don't wait for the 'right time' or 'when you retire' make plans, sow the seeds, put something in place it now!

See the adventure in life, the joy, possibilities and things that you can do, the little things that mean the world to someone, that brightens their day and helps them to feel like maybe they could shine their 'light' as well.  

Don't waste another minute 'belly button gazing', feeling sorry for yourself, YOU CAN DO IT.  Life is too short to play it small, you will never get another chance to use the minutes that you just wasted so what you going to do with the life you have left?

I decided to go for it, to share, express, and live the life I want to live, be the person I want to be and share my joy, peace, encouragement with the world, and the bits in-between.  In some corner of the world someone is waiting for my words,  who will read to the end of this post and get encouraged when I write and inspired by my art, and I will not hide.  2017 is the year for being All I was called to be, and use the time fully not waste another moment being fearful about who might be watching a using each and every moment like it was my last, no regrets....  

Over to you..

So what are you going to do?  If you are living your life and being the person you want to be I congratulate you, if you express your love to others and are ALL you know you can be, well done.  If you are living fearlessly, grabbing hold of life grateful for the minutes I applaud you!  

If there are parts of you that you want to work on, you want to live life to the full and you are going to go for it regardless, I am in your corner and I am one of your cheerleaders who knows you have the ability and I will be there alongside you as we make the changes come back on the blog tomorrow, sign up to the mailing list, let me know what you are going to do/say/try..  we got this!  Who else is with me?

Friday, 4 October 2013

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Week 13 - Recharge

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Week 13

It is time to recharge your batteries - let the renewal begin
Recharge and Renew

There are times where we find that the things that we used to be able to do quite easily ever so slowly become harder, and I am not including the ageing process which we all naturally face, but the times where we have been running our bodies down and the stresses that can come with that alongside poor nutrition impact on our life until we eventually hit empty.  We then find ourselves wondering why we feel so tired and in pain, and if your not careful your body turns around and forces you to stop. 

Every now and then we need to sit back and allow our bodies to get the rest and nourishment it needs along with the exercise and care.  Don't wait until January when you make your New Years resolution to promise yourself to take time out and get fit, do something about it today, this week!  You also need to seek out activities that allow the mind to rest from the constant information overload. 

I am grateful that I can have access to information and resources that show me how to care for my body and give it the rest it needs to face another day.  Working in a journal and being creative allows my mind to process ideas and information and acts as a pressure guage.  I also celebrate that despite being October, here in London we are having wet but mild weather and there are some pretty changes that can be observed happening to the landscape this time of the year. 

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - week 13 - It is time - are you ready?

As this week draws to a close can you think of the areas where you need to allow your body to rest? Take some time out, and give yourself permission to take stock and see what parts of your life that you need to recharge and renew. Do let me know what you plan to do.    Have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Battery Recharged

You can't get to wonderful without passing through alright...Bill Withers

I feel like a mermaid....some retail therapy with my sister-in-law in Florida
 (thought I might as well try on!)

We came back from our holidays on Saturday 20th August, and its taken me this long to get back into some sort of routine.  I had hoped to keep updating of our journey and adventures while we were there, but without internet connection in some places and so much to see it became an 'I'll do it later' promise. 

I have hundreds of images to go through as well as emails, things that were put on hold and of course to refocus on creativity and direction.  The one thing that has been constant is the 365 days of colour, I was thinking of reworking it to post once a week starting from Monday 5th Sept, and you will get the weeks worth of colour, scriptures, quotes and reflections to dip in and out of - going to see how it goes whilst keeping in line with my original objective of injecting colour on a daily basis and less posts for your inbox!  I'm also thinking about other challenges to set myself as time goes on, but we'll see how it goes.

We had a blessed time on our holiday, which seems such a distant memory.  We travelled to Chatanooga,

Seeing many things along side, the Chatanooga choo choo, Ruby Falls,

The beautiful views at Look Out mountain....

We sailed on the Southern Bell along the river that you can see. We then pit-stopped in Huntsville which is where my sister-in-law lives along with her husband and Dexter the dog - who was actually quite sweet!

After flying down to Florida did the malls and the theme parks.... 

One that I would definitely go back to is Epcot, we spent 8 hours there and it still wasn't enough time and did not see everything.  
View at night just before the fireworks

There was a more educational slant to this theme park for those who haven't been, but using fun games, rides, and experiences, and learning about different cultures around the world....

Stopping by Morroco!

Advances in agriculture - Ginger plant

We took time out to rest and drove down to spend time on the beach in Sarasota. Sekani took part in a race that was happening on the beach with the locals..

I spent my time relaxing, reading and making sand sculptures, here is my futuristic city - along with its underground roads....

Overall spending time with family and not only doing the tourist thing but actually becoming part of their daily routine was a great stress free way of seeing a different part of the world, whilst recharging those batteries.  I also had my birthday when coming back, going to treat myself to a massage!  In the coming weeks I will share about creative projects that I am working on, reviews that I have been doing and much more.

Our prayers go out to those who are now in the throws of hurricane Irene and the massive amount of damage occuring through the floods, if your able to support any initiative of help for those affected please do.

Stay blessed!
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