Wednesday 26 September 2018

Podcasting - Just Start

So I decided to start a podcast in the last few months on a platform called Anchor, and have been sharing insights and revelations, about art and creativity, my time as a carer for a mother living with Dementia and things that generally inspire me.  It has been great, I am learning so many new skills, and juggling everything is becoming a fine art!

The great thing about creating the podcasts on Anchor is that it is shared on a variety of other podcast platforms and so if you have a favorite one you will be able to listen on that specific platform.

Podcasts have always been a great way of listening to your favorite content, and Anchor have made it easy for you to create and upload and then take the hard work out of it for you by uploading to additional podcast platforms.

Here are a list of the platforms that my podcasts can be found on:

Did you see your favorite one, check them out, and while your there check out my current podcast on your platform of choice - It's easy!

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Thursday 20 September 2018

Podcasting Week - 2018 & Creative Live Free on Air Classes

It is Podcasting Week 2018. 

I had always wanted to get into Podcasting over the years but never followed it through. I got into radio and did a 3 year stint on local community radio. It was great, and I found doing the research for the show interesting and knowing the power of radio in taking the message out to potentially the world! 

I have always recording my thoughts on my phone using the voice recorder or video and found I had a lot of content that I could use. I jumped in feet first this year and signed up onto a platform called Anchor. It is very easy to use and you get a good quality sound just from using your phone. It also shares your recording on a selection of 9 other podcasting platforms.

If you have been considering making your own podcasts I encourage you to take the step. I started out making one recording a week, and now I am better familiar with editing and uploading I have started releasing two episodes a week. You can obviously do as little or as much as you like.

The advances of technology now means that you can create your own radio talk show, you decide the hours, and collaboration, location. Think about the topics that you can talk about, or who you want to talk with. It is a great opportunity to share your voice with the world.

Weekly Podcasts - This weeks - Letting go of negative words

Most of all don't hide your ideas away, take the leap, be bold, make that step, and you will have amazing memories to look back on.

There are some courses that you can do to give you a good start and you can take a look at some of the courses offered by Creative Live. You can start learning for free with the selection of live and on air classes. You will learn creative skills from top experts, and with over 1,500 curated classes in Photography & Video, Money & Life, Craft & Maker, Art & Design, and Music & Audio, and more!  There is something for everyone.

Creative Live is has a selection of on-air broadcasts for free or you can purchase a class and own the content for life.

Additionally, you can get your daily creative fix on the iOS app with 1 free lesson of your choice, each and every day. I have included some upcoming classes below for you to check out.

Free On-Air Classes - Week of 9/23

Class Name: Automate and Outsource Your Work
Start Date: 09/23/2018
End Date: 09/24/2018
RSVP Date: 09/23/2018

Class Name: Podcasting for Crafters and Makers
Start Date: 09/24/2018
End Date: 09/25/2018
RSVP Date: 09/24/2018

Class Name: Grow Your Business with YouTube
Start Date: 09/25/2018
End Date: 09/26/2018
RSVP Date: 09/25/2018

Class Name: Foundations in Metalsmithing: Bracelets
Start Date: 09/27/2018
End Date: 09/28/2018
RSVP Date: 09/27/2018

Class Name: Getting Started with Pen, Ink & Markers
Start Date: 09/28/2018
End Date: 09/29/2018
RSVP Date: 09/28/2018

Try and check out some of the courses, I will definitely be checking them out and will share at some point on the blog.

Check out my podcast, and let me know if you would like to be join me on one of the episodes.

Why not do something new, you never know where it will lead, or add to the work that you are currently doing. Let me know how you get on, or which ones you might try.  Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Monday 17 September 2018

Letting go of words - The Negative ones!!

Letting go of the Negative Words

After listening to a snippet of a Ted Talk, I stumbled on it and thought that I had book marked it, but when I went back to listen to the rest I couldn't find it.

The short of it was a question which asked you to think of a negative word that you commonly use, and think about removing it from your vocabulary.

What word would you remove and why?

When you remove the word you have to give more thought to your situation.  My word was Insecure, and rather than use that word I had to dive deeper into the situation I was trying to explain away under the banner of 'insecurities'.

It then began to be clear that there were many things that I didn't do because I explained it away as me being insecure.

But when I let go of the word I found that I got to the root of how I was feeling and why, instead of fobbing myself off.

What negative words are you using to describe how you are feeling that you could omit from your vocabulary that only makes you feel stuck and doesn't really describe how you might be feeling.

Let me know what word you will stop hiding behind.  Create a journal page, play with your supplies, or write about how it feels.

If you want to listen to the podcast you can do so HERE

Stay blessed, pass it on and be a blessing!

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Caribbean Fine Art Fair (CAFA) 2019

Every year in March the Caribbean Fine Art Fair (CAFA) comes to Barbados, and it attracts artists and visitors from around the globe. I have participated in 3 fairs so far and 2019 will be my forth year. 

The dates for the ninth edition of the Caribbean Fine Art Fair is the 6 - 10th March 2019. 

Our guests curators for the Fair is Victor Davson, Guyanese co-founder of Aljira Center for Contemporary Art and Oneka Small, Barbadian Artist, curator and founder of Artist Alliance.

Applications are currently open if you would like to take part. and you can check out the link HERE

It is a great way to meet other artists, with so many different styles and approaches from around the world and share dialogue and love for art over the 5 days of the Art Fair.  It is also great to interact with art lovers and talk about the work on display. 

I hope you check out the Website and consider being one of the exhibitors.

Here are a few of the photos from last years CAFA Fair, check the link below for a full look at the work of the Artists that took part.

Organizer - Anderson Pilgrim

With family and friends

Amanda Trought - My mixed media Wall Hangings

Fellow Artist and Art Curator Dr Myrah Brown Green

Fellow Artists and Art collectors

Here are some mini videos that I took on the day

Walking round checking out some of the Art work

Remember to put the dates for 2019 in your calendar and make sure that you attend.

So you got a flavor of the opening, you can check out the work of the Artists who participated in the 2018 CAFA  HERE

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Try Craftsy Unlimited, watch everything free!

Monday 10 September 2018

Moments to Ponder - Just Start - You have everything you need!!

You have everything you need to start!!!

Listen on Podcast 

You have everything that you need to start, so what are you waiting for?  Do you need some special permission, letter from your parents, critic or some other person that you have been seeking approval from?

What you haven't always realized and I talk to myself as well as you, I hope you know that!! But you have everything you need to make a start.  You might not have all the pieces to complete the job, but you don't have to wait until everything all lines up.  You take a step, each and every day, break things down and before you know it you have moved on!.

Think back over your life the many things that you have done, and realized they were not as bad as you thought it was going to be.  The fear was in the unknown, but once you knew it was alright.  Well, there are many other things that you are holding back on, some things are to do with health, that pain or twinge you felt but have been ignoring, that quiet 'me time' you should be taking on a regular basis to find balance in your life, or that creative space you are suppose to be giving yourself.

Don't hold out or back on yourself anymore, it doesn't have to be perfect, improvements come over time, you just got to work hard at it.  Start something today, take 5 minutes and just go for it, if you still 'feel' you need permission to get started, see the slip below - all access pass, no waiting

There you have it, it might feel scary to start, but you have loads us creatives in your corner as your cheerleaders, and family and friends.  Let me know how you get on, leave a comment, check out some of my other platforms and share what you are doing.  It is never too late to start - I believe in your dreams!

Stay blessed and Be a blessing, as you are blessed pass it on.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Moments to Ponder - Feeling Grateful

What are you grateful for?

It has been a while I know and I miss posting for those of you who have been visiting my blog.  I think we have all been there where so many things come at us at the same time that you feel that something has to give.  You make choices, and changes and often the very things that you put a pause on you miss the most.

I have really missed blogging and intend to change things up and start my regular schedule again, and will be sharing in another post some of the things that you can expect each week.

For this weeks Moments to ponder which should have been posted on Monday the question is What are you grateful for?

In the past I have done a Gratitude's and Celebration Journal in which each week I posted a journal page and something that I felt grateful for, along with a word for that week.  It was a great way to remind yourself of what you have at your disposal, but what you can do to be a blessing for others.

I am grateful that I have a platform, many that I can share my writing, art and more and be a blessing to someone who may see my work.  I am also grateful to be able to work in beautiful surroundings and feel the sunshine and sea breeze.

Take some time each day to think about what you are grateful for whether you do it first thing in the morning or last thing at night, take 10 minutes out of your day and write something down, do a journal page, record your own video and post it so that others can share their heart as well. 

Let me know how you get on, if you start an art journal or depict your gratitude's in a creative way that is great!  

Listen to the podcast

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

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