Welcome to today's post, where I will be sharing about the Gratitude's Series
Today I am going to be talking about the second part of the Gratitude's series. If you are new to the blog post check out Day 2
Listen to the Podcast
Thank you for joining me today, it is amazing to think about where all the time has gone. We are going to get right back into looking at gratitude's and how to get started. When you think about your
life and the things that you have achieved, how does that make you feel? Do you feel a sense of achievement or not having done enough?
I believe that we are here for a purpose. We have a unique ‘mission’ that we need to get on with, that can impact and those around us and ultimately the world. We have to recognise that we had some help and we didn’t get to this point on our own. Along side this we are able to do some things without even giving them much thought, discounting them as basic, but if you didn’t have them you would not
feel they were basic.
Yesterday I touched on examples of people whose circumstances mean that they have to have assistance to live their day to day life. Someone somewhere in the world has woken up having to use an oxygen tank, or have to always go down a checklist before they can leave the house, because their life depends on it. When we think of all the things we take for granted it can change your
perception about the things you currently are able to enjoy. What are you going to do with them?
Spending time in Barbados and in London when we were small, we have experienced power cuts,
water outages and it is only at those times do you really value having a normal service. On a day to day basis we just expect everything to work smoothly and you really don't pay them any mind. You leave a light on here and there and you
run the water for a bit longer than need to, but when its cut off and you have to ration the bottles
of water it becomes precious even to do the the simple things. Your
perspective changes when you don’t have.
I think we have to operate our 'attitude of gratitude' and
each day think of 3 things that you are grateful for, you will
definitely see a shift in how you approach things.
Why not get a journal and write down these 3 things daily and really give them thought. Let me know how you get on and what came up for you and what changes you might be making.
Why not get a journal and write down these 3 things daily and really give them thought. Let me know how you get on and what came up for you and what changes you might be making.
Tomorrow I will share the I Love You Today Series. I hope during this month you find some time to challenge, be creative and stretch yourself.
Why not join me each day for the rest of October as we dive into to some exciting challenges and look at ways in which they can impact on your own life.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it is never too late to start! The main thing is to take one step at a time and do something that you find interesting.
Stay blessed and be a blessing.
Ps: If you are on a budget and would like to check out some supplies/books at a discounted price, check out one of the links below:
Adorn it - http://bit.ly/AdorAT18
Dollar Tree - http://bit.ly/DolAT18
Blick - http://bit.ly/Blick18
Book Outlet - http://bit.ly/BOOKAT18
Stampington - http://bit.ly/STAAT18
C& T Publishing
- http://bit.ly/CNTPAT18
Dover - http://bit.ly/DOVPAT18
Craftsy Kits - http://bit.ly/CrafAT18
Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/shop/realityarts