Showing posts with label Blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessings. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Angel Walks - Arts and Wellness Episode - 127

Angel Walks - Arts and Wellness Wednesdays

Listen to the podcast

In Episode 127 - Arts and Wellness Wednesday I share information on the sculpture that I created called Angel Walks

Each week I will be sharing a piece of art, it is so important that we share what we do and tell our stories.

The sculpture like some of my other pieces has the apprearence of bronze, but this has a wire and clay armature and is made from fabric.  I really enjoy using these materials and creating a flow, and the way that you can get different effects from the different weights of fabric.  I also use fabrics in wall hangings and other pieces of art.

This sculpture won the NIFCA silver award which I am very proud of

Bronze effect sculpture by Amanda Trought
Angel Walks - Amanda Trought

The arts is something that is so important that we all take part in and I hope that my work has an impact on the viewer in what ever way possible, not only being in the physical presence of the work but also viewing it.

Bronze effect sculpture by Amanda Trought
Angel Walks - Amanda Trought

Angel walks reminds us that we never know the number of people who come into our lives that are angels in disguise.  We all have the ability to speak love and hope into other peoples lives and be a blessing and you may not realise that just by doing the things that you take for granted can be a real blessing to others and help uplift and change the course of their lives.  Listen to the podcast recording to hear more about the Sculpture.  

Bronze effect sculpture by Amanda Trought
Angel Walks - Amanda Trought
Think about your own journey, and the times people impacted you life, those people that blessed you, the things that you did to be a blessing to others.  Think about the things that you now regret saying because it had a negative impact, and whilst your not always able to go back and make things right, think about how you can pay the blessing forward.

Bronze effect sculpture by Amanda Trought
Angel Walks - Amanda Trought

Stay blessed and be a blessing, visit my website to see some of the other sculptures available

Monday, 25 March 2019

Podcast Episode 65 - Creating in Faith - Loss and Purpose

Come and join me on the podcast.

In today's episode I talk about loss and purpose. What do we do with the feelings of the loss of a loved one. When does the weeping turn to joy and how can we walk through the pain into the blessings of their memories.

There are so many of us who feel that if we don't think about the person then we won't feel the pain of loosing them but the opposite is true, we will try and numb the pain but we will still feel it, coming in waves when something reminds us of them, and it could be the smallest random thing that sparks it off.

I found that the more I thought about all the things that we did together, and laughed at those moments it helped me wade through the pain.  The more I did it I found that when I did think about them I would think back to joyous times, the times we shared and the things that they would have wanted to be remembered for.  One of the saddest things we can do is to decide not to think about the person as if they never existed because we cannot bear the pain, without realizing that when we do journey through instead of covering up we will have some amazing stories of strength, love and compassion, our memories of our loved ones will intensify without the pain, and we will be able to find laughter at those times we shared.

You are not alone

I will always miss the physical presence of the person but the feeling of their spiritual presence as if they were in the room sharing the moments that I am going through fills me with comfort.  

If you are going through the loss of a loved one, take your time, it is a gradual process and I am here if you want to share.  If you are able to journal or do something in your art journal you will also find comfort in creativity.  Don't shut yourself away but reach out and as you are blessed be a blessing to another.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Officially Open for 2018, Sneak Peak and bonus

 Sign Up Here
Sign Up HERE

So yesterday I shared about this amazing course with amazing teachers, and I get to be one of them, and it starts on 5th February 2018.  I have been teaching on it for the past few years and we always have a lot of fun, so many different techniques that are shared by the Teachers.

The registration officially opened today and you have a chance to save some money off the price of the course in the Early Bird Special!!!.

If you sign up for the course which is normally $79 between now and 13th January you will save $10 by entering the code SOBADASS at the checkout.

Register by Sunday 17th DECEMBER and you will be entered for a chance to win this set of Art Supplies (already entered to win, get a second entry when you sign up by Sunday, December, 17, 2017)

Art Supply giveaway - You have until 17th December

I am really excited to share my lesson where we will be creating two Art Journal Pages. I can give you a sneak peak below of one of the pages that we will be creating, and you will get to see part of the other page at the weekend, along side some of the bonuses that you will be getting.

BADASS Art Journal Sneak Peak

Also remember that when you sign up for the workshop using my Link you will have access to some great bonuses:

You will receive Art Journal Series 1 as an additional bonus and which consists of resources to help you expand your art journaling:

30 Art Journal hints and tips to get you started on your Journal Journey

4 background videos showing you how to create some simple backgrounds in your art journals for you to download and keep FOREVER!

5 backgrounds that I have created full size for you to download and use in your journals

How-To booklet of 4 Art Journals to make from different materials that I have shared in the 31 Art Journals Series

This is a great way to set yourself off on your Art Journal Journey, and also venture into 2018, and I will be sharing more information over the next few weeks and showing you exactly what you will be getting, and how you can use these great resources. I am really looking forward to seeing you in the classroom!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Fear, Regrets, Life, Reflect...Begin - Life is still too Short

What you going to do with the life you have left?

Why are you hiding yourself away, are you caught up in your thoughts, are there things you are going through right now that you want to to talk about but can't speak to anyone until things pass? Is there someone that you can talk to and share your thoughts? what do you do.  

I sometimes have these spells where things don't make sense, things happen and you're not sure how to address them, or get a handle on them.  You might have previously been on a roll, and in the flow but then you get knocked for six.  We had another friend die.  Out of the blue, sudden, no sickness or anything.  Last year 2 of my cousins died - mother and daughter within 2 months of each other 2 other friends died and 2016 saw me at a total of 4 funerals.  

When I am 'feeling it' I don't feel like writing on my blog and I retreat somewhere that I can gather thoughts and reflect, wanting to share, but, you know how it is...... it can be hard to say how you really feel, try and keep it all sweetness and light and carry on as if business was as usual. 

For those who came back for the 31 things, I am sorry, but I dropped the ball for a moment, we all do sometimes don't we, nothing to feel ashamed about, forgive yourself and move on. I had to step back and allow the process to run its' course, or something.  

No Regrets

When you think about your life what is it that you would most regret not doing?  Think about those things that you currently take for granted, the things you wanted to try, the places you said that you would visit, the relationships that you wanted to make better or spend more time in, and ask yourself just what is stopping you at this very moment and what would it take for you to be able to put those things in place.

If you were told that you had a year, month or week to live what would you do with the time that you had left?  How would you spend each and every moment knowing that you would never see the faces of those people that you loved one last time.  

With so many family and friends passing away suddenly, we cannot make head nor tail of it, and each year wonder when there will be a break in the heartache that ensues, when you will get an ease - then another one goes.  We are now our parents position of going to yet another funeral, but it seems more frequent now, people dying younger, hidden agendas? conspiracies?!! reaching out for an answer, a reason, why...why?

Each year I say to my sister; we have to get fitter' healthier, stress less, value our time more. It is something that we all have to do - take our health and well-being in our hands, live and love more, appreciate, and look at those things that we are grateful for... don't wait till someone gets sick before you tell them how much you appreciate and love them.  

Express Yourself

As an artist I express myself in my art, but sometimes I don't want to share - worried at what people may think is the long and the short of it, but no more.  We are all given something to say, to share, to encourage, motivate or bring about laughter and more.  Who am I to play small, to shut down my voice because of what I think someone else thinks about what I am saying?

I want to encourage you that whatever it was that you were thinking of doing, sharing, creating, playing that you share it anyway, that you don't wait for approval, acceptance, or anyone else to tell you how you should do it. You don't know when you will breath your last breath, or the last time you will ever be able to tell someone you love and cherish them, don't wait for the 'right time' or 'when you retire' make plans, sow the seeds, put something in place it now!

See the adventure in life, the joy, possibilities and things that you can do, the little things that mean the world to someone, that brightens their day and helps them to feel like maybe they could shine their 'light' as well.  

Don't waste another minute 'belly button gazing', feeling sorry for yourself, YOU CAN DO IT.  Life is too short to play it small, you will never get another chance to use the minutes that you just wasted so what you going to do with the life you have left?

I decided to go for it, to share, express, and live the life I want to live, be the person I want to be and share my joy, peace, encouragement with the world, and the bits in-between.  In some corner of the world someone is waiting for my words,  who will read to the end of this post and get encouraged when I write and inspired by my art, and I will not hide.  2017 is the year for being All I was called to be, and use the time fully not waste another moment being fearful about who might be watching a using each and every moment like it was my last, no regrets....  

Over to you..

So what are you going to do?  If you are living your life and being the person you want to be I congratulate you, if you express your love to others and are ALL you know you can be, well done.  If you are living fearlessly, grabbing hold of life grateful for the minutes I applaud you!  

If there are parts of you that you want to work on, you want to live life to the full and you are going to go for it regardless, I am in your corner and I am one of your cheerleaders who knows you have the ability and I will be there alongside you as we make the changes come back on the blog tomorrow, sign up to the mailing list, let me know what you are going to do/say/try..  we got this!  Who else is with me?

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Word for the Week - Psalm 23:4

Welcome to the word for the week, this weeks word comes from Psalm 23:4 and reads:

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.  Psalm 23:4

Life can be filled with many bumps in the road, not every thing will go smoothly.  When I look back on my life and see the many changes that have taken place, the losses of those close to me, times when I thought I couldn't take another breath because the pain of loosing those loved ones seemed so great.

Word for the Week

I came through, I lived another day, I breathed again.  I truly believe that the experiences we go through have gems of wisdom within them.  We have to face them head on at some point in time and look at how we can use these times to impact on the lives of others.

Word for the Week

I feel in my situation that sharing my journey has helped others, talking about the days I wanted to run away as I dealt with the dementia my mother lives with speaks to others who are going through it themselves, we are to share our stories and bless someone else, for we are not alone.

Word for the Week - Photograph and scripture

As we share our stories we grow, others grow, others see that they are not alone - that we are all connected.  

Open your heart, for your story is the lifeline to another, just as you are blessed by the quotes, scriptures or writings of others.  Let your voice be heard and shine your light into the hearts and minds of those who need to hear you around the world

Have a blessed week, I have lots to share this coming week, with some of the events and activities that I have been involved with so do come back, stay blessed and be a blessing.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Win a spot on The Journey Within 2016 - GIVEAWAY


I have 2 spots to giveaway on the course

1st place: One full year registration
2nd place: single quarter registration (Jan-Mar 16)

You will be aware by now that I am teaching in a course called The Journey Within A Year of Handmade Art Journals, and we are in the middle of a blog hop challenge.

You can check out HERE the challenge I set for Kiala on my blog hop day, and also see the blog hop schedule.

The course officially starts on 1st January 2016 and will last for the whole year but you also get a December mini course so you can test the waters, see how you can pace yourself.

Each month, Kiala will teach you how to make your own handmade art journal, give you prompts, tips, and techniques for filling the pages, and there are 17 other guest artists to share their art journaling process.

I will be teaching 4 lessons created just for this course for the year and I am looking forward to sharing with you!

Why not Join us for this amazing adventure and have your most creative year yet.

For a chance to WIN a place in the course, complete some of the tasks below - each one gives you two chances, or Sign Up anyway and if you win a spot you can bless a friend!

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You may wish to contact the owner of this site about other Competitions.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Quote Wednesday - Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Good Morning, afternoon or night, where ever you are in the world.  I hope that this Wednesday finds you in a good place.  This quote really resonated with me today as I reflect on things that have happened over the last few years.  We seem to go speedily into another year, it is really shocking how quickly time is passing, or is it just me?  I race to try and get those things done that I have on my list - some will get pushed into 2016.  

So many people go through, live through, stand through and make it to the other side, I want to encourage you that if you find yourself in a situation that you feel like running from remember you are not alone, there is strength in your weakness, power in your praise, and a hope.  You are a beautiful person still being refined by the fire, and an incredible work in progress.

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created. Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life!

Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below. Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Word for the Week - 1 John 1:19

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness...
1 John 1:19

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Greetings from the US of A and Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers around the world!

I have taken some time away from my schedules in the UK to take a trip to Virginia and New York

Snowed in at the Airport

We are thankful that the snow is on the melt, when we flew into New York last week on route to Virginia we were snowed in as flights came to a stand still in New York. Thankfully Virgin put us up in a hotel for the night so we didn't have to stay at the airport waiting for the next flight the following day.

On our way to Virginia at last!

While in Virginia, we drove down to Washington with Alan's Sister Yvonne and Sekani and did a 6 hour tour with Signature Tours (I thoroughly recommend!) which enabled us to get a snapshot taste of the city.  You really have to spend longer in the city, so it is on my list for next time!

Tour stopping outside the White House

We got to see the White House up close and personal, they forgot we were coming so we didn't get an invite in!

Also took in a stroll to the monument on arrival to Washington

Spent some time with Alan's sister Yvonne and later that week her son and daughter joined us, it was great catching up with them.

When we got back to Williamsburg, Virginia I got an opportunity to see my friend and fellow Artist Mika from Motley Soul.  We got so caught up in chatting and looking round her studio and getting to know her beautiful family that we forgot to take a picture together.  I left for New York and arrived yesterday to see my cousin and his family and see some of the sites here in New York -  we are also enjoying the brisk weather.

I will be posting more on my return and have a few things to show you this week that I had been working on, and some of the great supplies that Mika passed on to me on my visit. Here is something that I have been working on with the supplies I managed to buy on my trip to Virginia.

It is the beginning background stages, so when I get a chance will be adding more and hopefully completing it. Also working on a few pen and ink drawings that I will be sharing along with some more photographs when I get the chance to post.....

What have you been up to and in what way are you spending time with family this week.

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 34:8

Taste and see that the LORD is good; 
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. 
Psalm 34:8

He is good, all the time and all the time he is good. Take a moment to ponder on your life, the breath that you take, how everything is formed, working together without your interference or collaboration.

Word and image for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be.  

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands.  

What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Word for the Week - Psalm 119:50

My comfort in my suffering is this: 
Your promise preserves my life. 
Psalm 119:50

Word for the Week

We look at situations as they are and forget that this is not the end of our lives, we are constantly being changed, renewed and transformed and we will make it through.
Word and image for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be.  

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands.  

What will you do with what you have been given today?

Stay blessed and be a blessing

Friday, 9 May 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 44 - Listen to the stillness

Gratitude's and Celebrations - the beginning.....
Allow the blank spaces and the silence time to settle....

Sometimes you need to be quite, to stop and listen.  Listen to the silence uncomfortable at times but necessary, listen to your heartbeat, your breath, the ticking of the clock.  Listen to your mind as it tries to make sense of the world, as the wind soars past your window frame and makes a sound as it seeps into the panes of glass, to the tweeting of the birds in your garden.  
Gratitudes and Celebrations - Listen as the page begins to take shape
Listen to your thoughts, as you go about your day, what are you saying to yourself, what words of encouragement or discouragement do you utter in a moment of testing?  Listen to your cries of your heart, what is it you really want? often what is not said speaks volumes.
Listen - sometimes it takes time to make sense....
Listen to your voice, do you support yourself in your endeavors?  Are you spending time in your creativity, do you listen to the little girl inside you shouting to be heard, or do you brush her aside and miss your calling?
Listen - don't be afraid to stand out....
Listen to your heart as you give space to those friendships, the bonds of love, nurtured, supportive, and forgiving, those that are near and sometimes far.  Listen to the word....

I am grateful today for the opportunity to listen, to listen to my heart and celebrate the stillness that will bring peace.

What do you need to listen to this week?

Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
Have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Gratitude and Celebrations - Week 32 - Your blessings are waiting for you!

Gratitudes' and Celebrations Journal

We are constantly surrounded by blessings and they come in the most unusual packaging.  If we look past what you expect a blessing to look like you will be pleasantly surprised.

Your Blessings are waiting for you

I see the blessings as the very things I would miss if they were not there.  The sound of the birds singing and tweeting as they fight for the seeds in the bird feeder, the feel and sensation of the suns rays on my skin even on a cold day.  If you have ever over come an illness you are thankful that you are able to do something that was previously difficult.  

I would obviously not over look a large windfall or selling every piece of art work I have created, but if and when they do come I will be grateful for the many other little things that present themselves and makes any day one to be grateful for.
Mixed media
What are the blessings that you have within your midst that you should be talking note of?

What have you done so far with the day that you have, How can you identify the many blessings in your life  today? I would love to hear from you and share what you will be doing. As this weekend draws to a close have a blessed week If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Feeling upbeat and Inspired?

What do you do when you’re feeling upbeat and inspired and your checking out other artists work, leaving encouraging comments on their site and then you start feeling a tinge of doubt about your own work creep in.  It feels like nothing you do is right, then the only voice you can hear is the one telling you ‘you’re not good enough’?  How have you dealt with the self doubt and the under currents of anxiety that dismisses your accomplishments or efforts and leaves you insecure and wanting to climb into bed with the covers over your head.  How have your dealt with the opinions of others that appear to come from way ‘off base’ and while feeling hurt you try and explain but your not given a chance to give your point of view and you ask yourself ‘just what have I been doing all these years?

I think that we all at sometime feel these things or hear the quiet murmurings of ‘really’ or ‘you call that art’ or the niggling ‘whatever it is you do your never going to be as good as that person down the road.....’  In fact I know we do, the difference is how we deal with it and whether we allow ourselves to be paralysed. 

I am not one of these people that go around waiting for the next tragedy to strike and I normally deal with challenges looking at all the positive things, making the necessary adjustments and seeing how it can turn it round for good.  I looked at the problem and try and see how we can make some lemonade out of the selection of lemons and limes in my midst. That being said there are sometimes where you can’t stop yourself from being paralysed in the moment and my 'take' on it is that you do have to embrace the fear/doubt/discouragement and the rest, really sit down with them and allow them to voice their opinions.  It’s not a ‘let’s throw a pity party’ that last for days but let’s sit down over coffee’ or in my case ‘spice tea’ and let’s hear what you have got to say about my life and the things I want to achieve. 

As I get older, I am learning to use a variety of tools to enable me to stop myself from sinking into the 'doubt spiral' but I accept that it will come.  It can be that thing that either carries us down with it or allows us to step up and over and make the next achievement. My spiral of down though didn’t come after a series of unfortunate events - through there have been several that were standing in line waiting for their moment in the spotlight.  It actually came as I was in the throes of planning and organising my work. I am taking part in The Challenge and one of the questions last week was to list 20 people you admire in your particular field, so I did and I will share them with you in another post. As I spent time with the list and revisiting their sites I began to feel a passing cloud, very subtle, but distinctly filled with a series of questions that started with... ‘you’ll never...’  I was admiring all these artists work and there I was feeling bad about myself and my abilities. Calling a general emergency meeting, I called on 'Current' and 'Past' achievements.  I allowed 'Doubt' to state its’ case and it seemed that as I was being encouraged connecting with different artists and making plans of my own it had been met with some resistance.  'The Critic' in its' efforts to protect me from the world was unsure how these so called positive changes would be perceived by others.  'Vulnerability' wanted things to stay the same and 'Insecurity' was by no means shy at stating what a bad idea change could be. I know change can bring up a whole range of issues that need to be addressed and it can either be supported through the process or hijacked.  

I called on Achievement to do a ‘past and present and potential futures’ presentation.  This was met with some trepidation and murmuring as they tried to allow Comparison the floor space. Needing to have the final word I had been taking notes of the proceedings and began to remind myself of all the things I had achieved, both big and small.  Like Marmite - not everyone will want to hear your story or experience that you have to offer but you know that there is at least one person somewhere around the world who wants to hear what you have to say, or would love to play your videos, take your courses and buy your art work.  I had to remind myself that I had come a long way in the last 5 years, and that Comparison does not play on a level field.  

When someone presents their work, you don’t usually see the trials they have been through to get to that point.  The technique videos they made before you saw the ones you were inspired by.  Other artists continue to share their vulnerability but they too have to fight and work hard to get to where they are despite how they feel. 

So despite how I feel in the moment I can still encourage, I can still look for the gems hidden by the dirt and the dust, I can still feel the rays of sun on my skin or feel the breeze and hear the chattering of the birds or the rain on the window and be inspired.  Despite how I feel there are still things I can do to get where I want to go -  from learn a new skill – take a course.  Despite how I feel I am still going to try my hand at those technique videos, write and illustrate those stories, complete those large paintings I started over a year ago.  Despite how I feel, I am still going to write those posts and hit publish cause I know I am not alone in the way I sometimes feel.....  

I will remind myself of my previous achievement both large and small and keep moving and share my story with the world.  I remind myself and would like to remind you if you get this far in the post that what you have within you is a gift that the world deserves to be part of.  Each thing that you create, be it art, a poem, a song, whatever it is, was not meant for you to hide.  You were meant to shine your light!  

Everything you create out of love is meant for a home and someone somewhere in the world is praying for the miracles that are coming out of the creative gifts that you are supposed to share in whatever form that it takes. Alongside the reminder of what I have done or what I can do, the gratitude’s and celebration journal has kept me grounded and whilst the spirals of doubt will come, finding the tools and using them appropriately is the key.  Yes you know you have gifts, talents and abilities, but what are you going to do when out of the blue doubt and his friends show up? Here are some examples of things to try: 

  • Acknowledge how you feel 
  • Try and identify where it is coming from, 
  • Identify what your needs are – do you need to learn a skill or get support in stepping out.  
  • Find someone you trust to share your feelings. 
  • Acknowledge where you are  
  • Look back on how far you have come, identify the triumphs amidst the trials, look at the changes that have been made, look at the challenges you have faced and that you have come out the other end with a story to share. 
  • Acknowledge what you really want;
  • Be truthful about where do you what to go, what support systems need to be put in place, and most importantly what steps can you make today? 

Recycled 'cereal bag' journal

Get yourself a journal or create something, that you can be honest in and write or draw about how you feel and look for the solutions.  When the fears and doubt come take a step back, hear what it is that they have to say, note it down, but once you have addressed them move on.  I would love to hear your comments of how you deal with your critic and the doubt spiral and what creative activities do you enlist to support the process.
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