Showing posts with label finding the time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finding the time. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

How to Make Time for Creativity (Even on Your Busiest Days)


How to Make Time for Creativity (Even on Your Busiest Days)

It’s easy for creativity to get pushed aside when life is full of responsibilities. But if you want to make progress in your creative work, it’s essential to be intentional with your time.

Last week, I noticed how quickly the days were slipping away. Even though I was creating, I felt like I wasn’t moving forward. When I started tracking my progress, I realized I was doing far more than I thought!

We’ve already talked about strategies like time blocking, batching tasks, and prioritizing creative time. Now, the key is to actually use them. These tools only work if you make them part of your routine.

Ask yourself: Have I scheduled my creative time this week? Am I limiting distractions? What small moments can I use for creativity today?

Small changes add up. Even a few focused adjustments to your schedule can create more space for your creative work.

Creative Organization Tips

Once you’ve carved out time for creativity, organizing your space and ideas will help you stay inspired:

  • Keep a Creative Journal – Document your ideas, progress, and inspirations. It’s a great way to track your growth.
  • Organize Your Art Supplies – A clutter-free space makes it easier to jump into creative work without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Create a “Quick-Start” Project Box – Gather materials for small projects that you can work on whenever you have a few spare moments.
  • Set Up a Weekly Review – Take five minutes each week to reflect on what you created, what worked, and what you want to explore next.

A Gentle Reminder

Making time for creativity is a choice. The strategies are there—now it’s about putting them into action. Give yourself permission to prioritize your creative work. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be yours.

What small step will you take this week to stay on track? Let me know in the comments!

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

How Will You Use the Time You Have?


How Will You Use the Time You Have?

Life has a way of filling up with endless to-do lists, and before we know it, the day slips away without making space for the things that truly matter: Creative pursuits, time with loved ones, and personal rest all require intentional effort to carve out space in the midst of life’s demands.

Over the past week, I’ve been immersed in new paintings and experimenting with creative techniques. Time seemed to be slipping away, and I started to feel as if I was standing still creatively. 

To counter this, I decided to keep a record of my creative activities. Listing what I actually accomplished not just what I planned or that was on the 'todo' list, and this helped me see that I was making more progress than I thought. It’s a great way to recognize your efforts and give yourself credit where it’s due. 

When you are feeling slightly off track, look back at your achievements and remind yourself that creative progress doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes, it’s about trusting the process and staying patient.

Strategies for Managing Daily Busyness & Staying Creative

Here are some of the strategies that I use to stay somewhat on track of all the creative pursuits, dreams and goals.  It is not a 'fix all' but try a couple and see how you get on.

  1. Set Clear Priorities – Identify what truly matters each day. Not everything needs to be done immediately, and some things can wait.

  2. Time Blocking – Schedule dedicated creative time just as you would any other important task. Treat it as non-negotiable.

  3. Track Your Progress – Keep a simple journal or list of what you’ve created and explored. It helps you see how much you’re actually accomplishing.

  4. Limit Distractions – Turn off notifications, set boundaries, and create a space where you can focus without interruptions.

  5. Embrace Small Wins – Even 10-15 minutes of creativity counts. Don’t wait for large chunks of free time—use what you have.

  6. Batch Tasks – Group similar activities together (emails, errands, social media) to free up larger blocks of time for creativity.

  7. Give Yourself Grace – Some days will be more productive than others. Celebrate progress rather than perfection.

How do you keep yourself on track when life gets busy?  Leave a comment!

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Saturday, 7 October 2023

Unleash Your Creativity - Start Creating Today!


Do you ever feel like you're constantly running out of time, juggling multiple tasks and commitments, and simply don't have enough time to express your creativity? If so, you're not alone, I used to moan about not having time to create. 

Many of us struggle to find the time and space to let our creative juices flow. But what if I told you that all you need is a little bit of time, space and a bit of preparation?

A selection of elements cover this art journal

Creativity is not about having unlimited resources or vast expanses of free time and if you are waiting around for that 'day' it will never come. Instead, think about making the most of the resources and time you do have, no matter how limited they may seem. You'd be surprised at what you can create in just a few minutes of focused, uninterrupted time.

You don't have to be a professional artist or writer to be creative. Creativity comes in many forms and can be expressed in countless ways. Whether it's doodling on a art journal, listening to some music (and dancing like no ones watching), or experimenting with a new recipe, there's no limit to what you can create.

Give yourself at least 10 minutes to get the ball rolling. Set aside this time for yourself, free from distractions and interruptions. Use this time to tap into your inner creativity and let your imagination run wild. You might just surprise yourself with what you come up with!

Embellished art journal page

Check out the Embellishments video which will show you how to create your own embellishments for your art journal or creative projects. In this way you are creating elements for future use and they are there when you need them or if you only have a short time to create. You can also find ways to create pockets of time that you are able to dip into.

There's no better time than now to start creating. It's time to stop letting time constraints and busy schedules hold you back, you have to schedule your daily creative time, and you won't regret it. Embrace your creativity and enjoy the journey that brings immense satisfaction and joy.

Check out some ways to embellish your art journal

Creativity isn't about perfection. It's about expression, exploration, and most importantly, enjoying the process. So see where the journey takes you. You might just find that you have more time for creativity than you thought.

I have a wide variety of videos on my channel and you can get some tips on creating your own backgrounds and working in your art journals, along with the many other free classes and resources that you will find in the Arts Resource Hub.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Creativity - 5 Minutes Every Day

Is Being Creative Every Day achievable?

When you look at the time that you have to be creative, what is it that you constantly find yourself saying.  My words would be I don't have enough time, or I want to create for a whole day, but I will never get a whole day so what is the point!.  When I started Caring for my mother who is living with Dementia I didn't think there was any chance of me finding the time to be creative, but I was wrong.  I realized that I needed to see my creativity from a different perspective. 

 It is important to keep creating every day, especially if you have limited time.  When you say 'oh I will do something tomorrow', it never comes  so you need to find ways to  create some quick activities that are your 'go to' ones, that enable you to spend some valuable creative time on yourself.

Those 5/10 minute slots that come up need to be looked at as valuable resources that can add to your health and well-being, and over time make up those hour slots that you want so badly - just broken up.  Think - if you took two 10 minute slots a day to be creative over 7 days that is 2.5 hours of creating!!  Think about the other things that you do with that time say when you are flicking the channels to find something to watch, why not have a art journal beside you to do some sketching, papers to create a collage - or sort through your collage papers - that's being creative, and you can do longer activities when you have more time.

What I have found is useful is to have a selection of activities that I can do, don't think about activities that you have to finish but ones that you can dip into when you get the chance.

Here are some of my 'go to' activities that I can do when time is limited.

You can also check out some of the videos below that may help spark your creativity and give you some ideas for what you can do with your limited time.

Creating with your Non-Dominant Hand

I always have an art journal handy, and I do a range of activities depending on the time - A great exercise is also to create with your non-dominant hand, doing everything with your non dominant hand gets you to just focus on play and will take your mind off things if only for a moment.  

If you need to break it down you might decide to create the background with the time just laying down colours, another activity might be creating a figure, finding words or encouraging phrases to add to the journal, and just spend 10 minutes at a time.

Creating a Mini Art Journal

Having a mini art journal means that you don't have to worry about filling a large page, but you can do a series of mini pages in 10 minutes, these really do lend themselves to working with limited time.


Who doesn't like doodling, OK I guess there are a few, but this is also another great way to spend some time being creative.  In this Video I broke this activity down, I had spent the initial time creating the bird and using the bird to add some journalling.  I then added some paint and colours in my session of the video, and I still left room to be able to come back and do some more work.

I hope that you will have found some ideas to get you going on your creative journey, remember treat those minutes as precious and see how you can take a creative activity to fill them for nurturing yourself.

Check out some of the classes on CreativeLive they have a series of Free online and on air classes that will spark your creativity and give you even more tips to get going!  Let me know how you get on with your time

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Monday, 25 March 2019

Podcast Episode 65 - Creating in Faith - Loss and Purpose

Come and join me on the podcast.

In today's episode I talk about loss and purpose. What do we do with the feelings of the loss of a loved one. When does the weeping turn to joy and how can we walk through the pain into the blessings of their memories.

There are so many of us who feel that if we don't think about the person then we won't feel the pain of loosing them but the opposite is true, we will try and numb the pain but we will still feel it, coming in waves when something reminds us of them, and it could be the smallest random thing that sparks it off.

I found that the more I thought about all the things that we did together, and laughed at those moments it helped me wade through the pain.  The more I did it I found that when I did think about them I would think back to joyous times, the times we shared and the things that they would have wanted to be remembered for.  One of the saddest things we can do is to decide not to think about the person as if they never existed because we cannot bear the pain, without realizing that when we do journey through instead of covering up we will have some amazing stories of strength, love and compassion, our memories of our loved ones will intensify without the pain, and we will be able to find laughter at those times we shared.

You are not alone

I will always miss the physical presence of the person but the feeling of their spiritual presence as if they were in the room sharing the moments that I am going through fills me with comfort.  

If you are going through the loss of a loved one, take your time, it is a gradual process and I am here if you want to share.  If you are able to journal or do something in your art journal you will also find comfort in creativity.  Don't shut yourself away but reach out and as you are blessed be a blessing to another.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Saving Yourself - When you feel like your disappearing

Saving Yourself When you feel like your disappearing addresses the need for us to make sure we think about our own health and well-being on a daily basis.

Have you ever found yourself doubting your own feelings and emotions, or that your feelings didn’t matter? Do you even know how you feel right now?  You sometimes hear people talk about how you should be feeling based on their own needs, but they never really ask you, and never seem to have the time to listen to what you might have to say.

It is easy to feel as if 'you' don't matter, you’re not used to shining the light on yourself and you really don't want to make a fuss when people don't acknowledge just how much you have done for them.

Lots of us go through this problem, we've spent years caring for others, whether it is our children, someone else’s children or we've cared for an elderly relative.  We often find it difficult to think of what it is that we do like and it seems as if we have slowly eroded who we thought we were.  Often not being able to answer the question 'what is your favorite......?'

I can totally relate as I found that when I was caring for my mother with dementia and when my son was little I often felt that I didn't know who I was any more.  I spent the majority of my time trying to cater for the needs of another that I didn't know what I wanted, or how I felt and it has been a long journey to rediscover the 'me' I know I can be.

I found that when I didn't have some 'me' time whether it was 5 minutes or 2 hours, this was when I was more likely to feel undervalued emotionally drained and stuck just longing to be rescued somehow!

The easiest way to ensure that this feeling of stuck-ness doesn't happen is finding that much needed time, even if it is 5 minutes you need to schedule it and put it in your diary.  Let others know that you are taking the time, set your watch and go do something creative.

I have 5 easy things that you can incorporate into your day you can do all 5 or just one and this will help you fit creativity into your day and jump start your creativity

1.  Write down your ideas, you know you have them.  Find yourself a set of index cards, or write in a journal and list them, things that you might want to do, try out, go see.  When you start writing things down it helps take you to the next step of putting them into action.  Dust out those corners of your mind and see how many you can come up with in 10 minutes – you can give yourself 10 minutes right?

2.  Identify all the things that you can do in a short space of time say 5 minutes for you, list them, and these are the things that you will take the time out to do when you have shorter pockets of time to spend on yourself.

3.  Take your time – whenever you schedule time for yourself focus on what it is that you are doing, don’t try and do a whole range of things, value you in that space at that moment and really enjoy spending time on you!

4.  Where can you go for inspiration?  Think of places you can go, it could initially be around your neighbourhood, the local park, a garden, you might be able to incorporate a once a week trip to a museum, or gallery.

5.  Try something new! Think about the art supplies that you have and try something different, you might use them in a different way, or try a new technique, just allow yourself to play.

Once you start giving yourself this much needed time you will find that you’re not so stressed, and you can breathe again.  You might even be able to hear the birdsong outside your window!

What one do you think you will try first?

If you would like to have more tips and encouragement sign up for my mailing list

Stay blessed and be a blessing

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