I achieved the goal of creating 100 Handmade Foam Stamps as part of the #dothe100dayproject!! This is my 100th Stamp...
What always amazes me is the different emotions that you feel along the way for any challenge. At the start you have doubts and wonder if you can finish, midway you can sometimes feel fed up and not sure if you can go on. At the finish line you can feel as if you could quite easily do another 100 days!
Looking back from this vantage point it feels as if the time has gone really quickly. I look back to when I started a little over 3 months ago and start to wonder about all the other challenges I could get myself to do and all the things that I could achieve in that time.
I think one of the good things was knowing that others were doing the challenge too, all be it different projects, but you had others who knew what it was like to make that 100 day commitment and share their ups and downs as well.
Here are all the stamps that I shared over the 100 days
The stamps were all made from recycled foam or thin sheet of craft foam that had been layered. I will be making some of the designs available on my Etsy store and Course Platform
Let me know if you took the challenge and how you found it, are you going to do another, take a break, how do you feel now you have completed it?
Check out the new FREE Course below
Mixed Media Art Courses to Check out
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Have you wanted to create your own stamps and stencils, I share with you a variety of supplies you can use and create two mixed media art paintings.
So I am taking part in April's Ultimate Blog Challenge where we blog every day for the next 30 Days - today marks the first day!!. It coincides with my current 100 Day Project which I am half way through, so you will be seeing some of these posts included as well, and much of the other things that I have going on.
I thought for my challenge this time round on the blog I would share all the projects that I am involved with, from art collaborations, course creation, publishing a poetry book and more and you get in blog form to be in on some of the wonderful creativity, I will share some of the videos and reflect on some of the work that I am doing.
It is a great way to stretch yourself, and do some of the things that you have always wanted to do. I like the challenge as it gets me to stretch myself a bit and really step out of my comfort zone. One of my challenges this month is to type up my poetry and publish a book, I will keep you posted to how this is going along the way.
I have been enjoying doing the Homemade Foam Stamps, as an artist you never have too many supplies (ok as a collector then) so creating my own stamps was a great way to get some new designs without breaking the bank (all I needed was a sheet of sleeping bag foam). You will see some of the designs, will be showing the past 50 at the weekend - that halfway mark. I just need somewhere to store them now, might have to make something - I love creating and upcycling.
Next up you can see last weeks selection of stamps and the mixed media art piece that was created with them.
Home Made Foam Stamps Week 6 - The 100 Day Project,
Here is the art page for this current week. I will resume to share the pages on Saturday, but wanted you to get caught up with all the deliciousness that has been going on. It has been a pleasure creating the pages, and I have loved how the stamps have turned out. I have some ideas for future projects once I have completed the 100 Days.
Explore, Imagine, Dream
You can catch the Handmade foams stamps daily on my Instagram - HERE
As well as creating I have been reviewing some of the books that I have on my shelf and sharing them, you can see the latest one The Drawing Lab, which has tons of great ideas in it, and was a good investment as you can continually dip in and out of it.
In this video I review the book 'Drawing Lab' by Carla Sonheim
Thank you so much for hanging out with me today and checking out some of the videos that I have shared. You can also check out some of the courses that I am teaching on, and the current discount available for the month of April.
Courses to Check out
Courses - Enjoy $10 OFF all courses until 30th April Click on the image to see the course.
Here are the stamps that I used for Week 2 - I created this page with them. I have also used a selection of Distressed Inks, Neocolor water soluble crayons as well as black and white ink.
You can follow along for each daily stamp that is part of my #the100dayproject HERE
Join me on Patreon for behind the scenes and Patreon Only Content.
You can check out HERE the challenge I set for Kiala on my blog hop day, and also see the blog hop schedule.
The course officially starts on 1st January 2016 and will last for the whole year but you also get a December mini course so you can test the waters, see how you can pace yourself.
Each month, Kiala will teach you how to make your own handmade art journal, give you prompts, tips, and techniques for filling the pages, and there are 17 other guest artists to share their art journaling process.
I will be teaching 4 lessons created just for this course for the year and I am looking forward to sharing with you!
Why not Join us for this amazing adventure and have your most creative year yet.
For a chance to WIN a place in the course, complete some of the tasks below - each one gives you two chances, or Sign Up anyway and if you win a spot you can bless a friend!
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I am extremely excited to be a guest teacher in The Journey Within: A Year of Handmade Art Journals with book maker, Kiala Givehand and 17 other artists. The class starts on January 1st 2016 and goes on for the entire year
Each month, Kiala will teach you how to make your own handmade art journal, give you prompts, tips and techniques for filling the pages and bring in guest artists to share their take on the themes and prompts and to share their art journaling process.
To kick off this amazing course, Kiala has created a book for December and asked each guest artist to give her a challenge to complete during the month Today is my challenge. Here is what I asked Kiala to do:
Create a Journal page using your non dominant hand, so any mark making, imagery, shapes etc will be done with your least used hand
I recommend you try the challenge I gave Kiala, - I will be, If you decide to play along, let me know by checking me out on Instagram (@realityarts) and tag me. Use the hashtag #journeywithin2016 so we can all see your lovely work.
Here is the Blog Hop list - make sure you check out each artist on the blog hop.
For the past couple of years my mum – who has dementia has
been finding textures quite fascinating especially the kitchen table which has a tiled
effect – being smooth and cold to the touch.
I realised that texture is important to her and I am in the process of
putting a few things together that will not only be stimulating but provide
some therapeutic benefit for her as well, so while she is not able to
communicate how it feels she can express it in other ways with a smile of
remembering what she used a particular material for or just go with the experience.
I have found that music is also something that she
really enjoys, and made these shakers, because music therapy is something that
can have a great impact on those who are dealing with dementia.These shakers are made from a variety of materials and I will see which one/s she prefers holding.
Shakers filled with pulses and covered with a variety of materials
I made them because sound and music can have such a positive effect on our health. While I have been caring for mum for over 15
years I am still learning about dementia, how it has affected her and how it
continues to affect her as her health declines.
Loneliness and isolation is something that many elderly go through, even
those who are carers can find the role goes hand in hand with isolation. I have found that until you have experienced
dementia, or know someone who has you really don’t have any idea of the impact
it has on lives and the once simple things that you took for granted can no
longer been seen in the same light.
Duct tape shaker
I know that it has changed me in so many ways, and talking
about the experience helps others to understand from another perspective. I have shared much in this blog and you can
find a link HERE and sharing is a good thing, even those hard to express parts
knowing that you are not along in the walk can make such a difference.
Washi tape shaker
I made these shakers very easily with paper towel rolls and
toilet roll tube.You can fill them with
a variety of materials, pulses, dried pasta, lentils, or a mixture.
Fabric tape shaker
It is good to experiment cause they make
different sounds depending on the size, you can cover them with whatever
material you desire, and I have used duct
tape, washi tape, fabric tape and chamois leather.
Chamois leather shaker - painted using stencils
My favorite is the leather because of the scent
as well, and I am looking forward to seeing which one becomes mums favorite and will let you know how she gets on with them.
Do share what you create and how you use it, remember as you are a blessing you will be blessed.
I wanted to share with you something that I started last year, but only just got around to finishing. I have been busy in my studio and also just reassessing a lot of things and so posting kind of got put to the side. Anyway there are a lot of things I want to share over the next few weeks. Having taken Soul Food 2014 it was in one of Mysteles classes where we made a clay doll. Working with clay was newish to me, I had made a bowl and a few other things, but never really considered making a doll in anything other than fabric.
Grace - Clay doll
Well, I have grown realize as I have been making her how much I enjoyed working with clay, and this only came as I pressed in with trying to finish her. When I got over half way to completing her, I saw that like my paintings she had a story. I feel that each character has a story to tell, and a message meant for someone somewhere in the world and I am so pleased to have been able to let her bring her message of hope, love, peace and joy.
Her name is Grace, and she has been dressed in ribbed tights, a pinkish lace rimmed top and goldish/black shawl, head dress and a flower brooch, the head dress, shawl and top are made of fabric. She has a clutch bag with her for the most important things she might need to carry .
Accessorized with jewelry with beads and a mini key which unlocks hopes and dreams. She and a chain at the back which allows you to hang her in a most prominent place. I am hoping to find Grace a good home and will be putting her up in my Etsy store over the next few days.
Grace has a story to tell!
She will be joined by some more clay art dolls that I will be making, as I explore this lovely way of expressing creativity. Watch this space!
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