Showing posts with label A-Z Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A-Z Challenge. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Not another Challenge - Welcome to the Overflow - Tips for overload

Do you want to take part in a challenge
course or webinar?? 

How many resolutions have you made?

I think most of us do at some point or another, and in January everyone wants to get set to make the most of the ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ and see changes in their life. By February, we are a bit shocked at how quickly the time has passed and now that we are in the middle of March how many courses have you signed up for now??
How many challenges, courses and webinars can you really do?  We take on them on because we want to progress, there can be some great teaching that comes out of a challenge or course your insights and perspectives can be changed, if only you could keep up and stick to the end.  

10 Day Challenge in your own time

I recently created a 10 day Challenge, where you take 10 minutes each day for 10 days and I give you a creative prompt to try.  You may or may not have been able to keep up as finding the time for ourselves can be hard.  The great thing about the challenge that I created is that you can get the prompts all in one booklet for you to go at your own pace and it is entirely free when you sign up to my mailing list.  I had to really discipline myself to stick to the challenge.

Old Habits ......

Mixed Media Art - Amanda Trought, Realityarts

Are you one of those people that like to sign up for a lot of challenges, courses or webinars and then don't follow through.  It is very easy to do, we sign up for a challenge and then do not complete it, we feel guilty, can you relate to this dilemma?  It is the dreaded signup for 'lots of different things' and then the realization that you really can't see them all to the end.

You start out with the best of intentions but you totally over estimate how much time you actually have, whether you have the tools for the job and even if you are in the right frame of mind to stick to it.  You can also end up confirming the thoughts that 'I can never stick to anything' or 'why am I always giving up on things' syndrome, or hearing the critic who says (see I told you!  You never finish anything do you????)

If you can relate I want you to stop now and think about the following things:

  • Take stock of where you are in this very moment;
  • Think about what you have on your plate;
  • Can you really fit another thing in or should you be letting something go? and 
  • What would it need to look like for you to manage the additional tasks?

You are worth it!

You have to decide what you are worth and the things that you need to say yes to.  You have to recognize how you work best and what your creative style is like - Do you thrive in having multiple balls up in the air, or pieces of art unfinished around you, or does it send you in a spin and then immobilize you like a dear in headlights?

Solutions - There are some key points

When you work out how much you are worth to yourself, (and that’s a whole different post) you will also start to consider what it would take to make the things you have committed to happen.

Don't try and overload yourself with courses, there is only so much you can do.  It is better to finish one and then start another one than to have two half finished courses given up because you found another one you really like.  You should think about what you want to achieve at the end and the rewards may outweigh the sacrifice and hard work.  You need to get some perspective and when you really take a step back, you can objectively see what needs to be done and start taking the steps to see things move along.

Ultimately you have to be realistic about the time you do have and what you’re going to do to get the jobs done, or whether you have to walk away from the challenge. My advice if you are like me is to keep it simple.  I love getting involved with different challenges, sharing and knowing that something I enjoy can help someone else.   

Mixed Media Art

So the long and short of it is to go for it but take these points into consideration: 


In a nutshell here are the main pointers for you:

1. Take stock of where you are;
2. Ask yourself what you need to manage the additional tasks;
3. Decide your worth, how much do you value your time;
4. What is your creative working style like – (lots of things on the go or one at a time);
5. What it would take to make it all happen and complete the journey;
6. What do you want to achieve at the end, does rewards outweigh the sacrifice and hard work;
7. How much time do you really have - Be realistic - do you need to take on this additional challenge/course now?  Are you willing to walk away, or reschedule for a later date?
8. Keep it simple, break it down into doable chunks and don't feel guilty! 
I hope you continue to join me on this creative journey, and where I can share creative hints and tips I will be more than happy.

Think about the things that take up your time and how you can change things to work better for you – there’s a challenge for you!!

Let me know how you get on, what are you working on at the moment, what do you find challenging?

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Ultimate Blog Challenge - Day 1 - 31 Tips for Carers and more!

I am taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge where you post every day for the month of October.  I am looking forward to visiting new blogs, gleaning new information and be inspired.  It starts today, and it really makes you wonder where all the year has gone to.

It will be a challenge, and it will also be great if you can stop by for these posts, and check out some of the others that I will be posting.

My focus for the month will be about identifying 31 tips or nuggets of inspiration that might help you if you are a carer, or know someone who is a carer or about to take on the caring role.  My focus is dementia as that is where my experience lies as I look after my mother, but you can adapt it for any other caring setting. I will also include things that you can do for yourself as the carer.  I have written about my journey as a carer and when I did the A-Z challenge a few years ago I focused on aspects of care and things that I had come to my attention as I navigated the role.  I will share a link to the posts at the end of each day and you can go and check them out.

Whilst my mother is physically unable to do much for herself and now uses a wheelchair some of the suggestions will suit both the wheelchair bound and those who are able to walk about. 

Thinking about these activities and tips have helped me, there has been help and support along the way but it didn't always come easy and I have had to adapt to suit our particular situation.  It is not an exhaustive list of ideas but but it is a start and might help you along the way, and help you incorporate creativity into your lives.  I hope that it can be of use to you, share with others, let me know what has worked for you In all cases, adapt to suit your needs and circumstances and above all have fun and be thankful for the day that you have regardless what you are able to do.

Celebrating Life

Here is the first of the A-Z challenge posts that I have shared that will help you understand our story - A is for Alzheimer’s  You can also click on the 'Celebrating life' image to be taken to the rest of the posts

Today is International Day of Older Persons, what ever you can do to celebrate the life of an elderly person will mean so much in the life of another, do you have any elderly relatives, neighbours that you can check up on and see if there is anything you can do to assist.  Celebrate their contribution to your lives and your communities.  

Also check out Silver Sunday which is an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK. Led by The Sir Simon Milton Foundation, it celebrates older people and their contribution to our communities while combating loneliness and isolation. Everyone can get involved, and you can organise your own event, spread the word, or simply attending an activity.   Silver Sunday will take place on 5th October 2014!

So there we have it, quite a lot to think about and while you prepare yourself for a month of insight, reflection and creativity the first tip is this:

Reflections and Image - Amanda Trought - Realityarts

Sunday, 31 March 2013

A is for Admire

Well, today is my first day of the challenge, and I wanted to kick off my celebration of life by thinking about the qualities that I admire within myself.  We can usually find it easy to think about things we admire about others, we can also think about the strengths that others have that we wished we possessed.  I am not used to blowing my own trumpet, but think at some point or another we have to appreciate and applaud how far we have come.  When I look back on some of the things I found hard throughout my life I know that each experience impacted on me and deposited a quality that I would be able to be used at another stage.  That being said, I admire my strength and not giving up.  I am glad that I can find something to be grateful for in my life, especially when we can go through some of the most stressful times.  I admire my organisational abilities, I use to feel that there was too much conflict with being an artist and being organised.  But I can deal with that and see the benefits.  I admire being able to see some of the gems and the gifts, I don't catch all of them.  In my mothers journey with dementia, I have seen new strengths within me, seen myself grow in my art and in my writing. What qualities about yourself do you admire?

Painting of the day
As promised I am sharing a completed painting each day, this one has been done in one of my art journals and say 'Release your potential and walk into your blessings.!

 Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter A, but a few of them for you to start with....

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Surroundings - Creating in Faith

We can often look at our surroundings and feel that they some how do not match with where we feel we should be, or we may not appreciate what we have.  In both cases we might feel there is a miss match going on and search for a way to get out of what we consider is not right for us, some times we miss it because we needed to look at a different angle.    If there is confusion and chaos in our surroundings it can also indicate a troubled and unsettled mind.  This is not a post about clearing your clutter, and hoarding, but a call for us to really look at what we have around us and decide whether we can really see what we have around us, be it clutter or blue skies, either way do we notice them. For too often we miss what we have around us because we are rushing around, filling our lives with 'stuff', and all this 'stuff' that doesn't really have a positive impact on what we need to be doing with our lives.  Sometimes we are surrounded by sadness with illness and pain, and we are unable to take the breath needed to see the gifts that are sitting in amidst the ashes.

When you look out of your window in the morning, what do you see, really see.  What sounds can you hear - from the car passing to the rushing wind as it blows through the trees, do you hear the birds chattering or rain drops falling? can you hear the movement in your house, the door creaking, a cupboard closing, the laughter of your child?.  

Don't let another day pass without really taking note, how can you contribute in a positive way to your surroundings, and make it better for the next generation?  As you go about your day take the time to really appreciate what you have.
Tomorrow kicks of with the first A-Z April Challenge post, and its been great making the preparations for it.  Don’t forget that the clocks go forward today, so you gain extra day light.  It really does make a difference and the evenings will be brighter as well.

With April being a celebratory month for me my posts will reflect that, I will be holding a daily celebration of life and hope to encourage you in the process!

I look forward to seeing your comments and insights along the way.  The preparations have been made, the table set and all that’s missing is you.  You will definitely get something out of being part of the process come and take the time this month to share a piece of you!

I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth... Psalm 121:1-2

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart ...Psalm 37.4
for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations 

Proverbs 27:24

Friday, 25 January 2013

Blog love - sharing the love

I come across so many inspiring and encouraging blogs I wanted to share what they are doing

Check out the following sites for inspiration this week:

  1. Tonya - Bringing some sunshine on a cold day at Momma's Sunshine - she recently did some really cute crochet phone cases, check them out.
  2. Adriano is an amazing illustrator, for inspiration go to his blog Adriano Manzanares
  3. Chandra shows us how to create a stylish pom pom beanie on her site A stylish little lady 
  4. Jo - always includes a delicious recipe in her posts at Jo on Food, my travels and a scent of chocolate
  5. I would also recommend you take a look at the A-Z challenge blog, and consider taking part in the challenge that will start in April.  It is definitely well worth taking part, this will be my third year.
If you have come across any interesting blogs please share, and leave some blog love. 

 Join me every day this month for the   Ultimate blog challenge

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Preparing for Alzheimers

Happy New Year!

How would you prepare for Alzheimer's, is it possible?  I recently saw a video that got me thinking about my life and as we make our way through another year I am sure new challenges and miracles will present themselves.

I have been writing about my journey as a carer to a mother who has dementia and also feelings that arise that I have been dealing with when I did the A-Z challenge.  More recently I put together a video called creative interventions which looked at taking art therapy and remaining creative, which have all contributed in enabling me to look at my role in a positive way.

While on the TED website I came across Alanna Shaikh who talked about her father who has Alzheimer's. I had always kept at the back of my mind the statistics that show dementia running in families and I began to think of ways that I too could avoid it in my later years, the possible implications of my son being put in the same position. 

Alanna mentioned the type of person that her father was before the dementia, he was very caring and loving to others and this magnified as the dementia got worse.  This resonated in me as mums personality became not only outgoing with a great sense of humour, but she was even more caring. 

As I look at my mother I definitely see the warmth in her, and she is still someone you enjoy being around. She cared for her family selflessly and that care and love shines through despite the circumstances.  So as I go through this journey with her I will ensure that I do all that is necessary to keep myself healthy, taking the necessary exercise, keeping my mind active and stimulated but more importantly will also try and be a better person, loving unconditionally, living fearlessly, valuing the relationships of family and friends while treating myself with kindness and compassion and living life to the full and being that blessing that we are all called on to be. 

I'd love to hear what insights you have realised about your lives.  Blessings

Join me every day this month for the Ultimate blog challenge 

Monday, 7 May 2012

A - Z Challenge Reflection 2012

This was my 2nd year taking part in the A- Z Challenge, and it seems to have come and gone really quickly. We had over a thousand people taking part in the challenge and it was run by founder Arlee Bird and his A-Z Team, a big thanks goes out to them! 

Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh), Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas), Coming Down The Mountain (Karen Jones Gowen), Life is Good (Tina Downey), Retro-Zombie (Jeremy Hawkins), Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons), The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence), The QQQE (Matthew MacNish), Author Elizabeth Mueller (Elizabeth Mueller), No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow), Pearson Report (Jenny Pearson), Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp).

This year I decided to write about my experience with Dementia and caring for my mother. It was something I really wanted to do as I often find it difficult to express how I feel without a lump coming to my throat, even more so trying to imagine how my mother feels.  I often swiftly put my thoughts to the back of my mind while I get on with the practical tasks of her care.

What really helped in writing for the challenge was to be able to put things in perspective and face up to how I felt about my situation, show the person behind the label and give you a glimpse into our world. 

There was much love and support from those who commented which helped you to feel that you were not on your own. I would like to thank all those who visited, commented and decided to follow my blog. Its always great to make new connections and form friendships.

It was especially great to visit new blogs and get to read so many interesting posts. I didn't get to visit everyone, but will attempt to this month - looks like another challenge....!  If you didn't get to participate I encourage you to dive in next year, it's great fun and once you start you will be hooked.

Next steps for me....I find these monthly challenges really do encourage you to step out of the box,  stretch yourself and grow while interacting with people from all over the world. In June I will be resuming my Try something new for 30 days - and possibly try some new art techniques. Do let me know what your next steps are and I will come and be your cheer leader....Blessings!

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Z is for Zephyr

Zephyr - a soft gentle breeze of change 

It came on without warning, there were no loud noises a fanfare just a few tell tale signs.  It blew in as if on a gentle breeze, we all felt it as it brushed past us, noticing slight things but not really seeing as it settled at mums door.  Mum embraced all that she is and met it head on, and defines the world to mean something for her despite the situation.

She dances as it breezes through her memory, some became distant and others drifted in and out like the fallen leaves of autumn, yet, holding no regret she faces each day as new.  She has been a comfort and support as she still holds on to her humour and grace - she is all that she needs to be.

The dementia almost forces us to learn to use our senses in a very different way, learn a new language, see our lives differently.  We have each been called for a purpose, to touch each others lives, dig deeper make more effort, and go that extra mile as the lives of generations are changed.

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities P is for Purpose, Q is for Quietness, R is for Regret, S is for Strategies, T is forTradition, U is for Understanding, V is for Value, W is for Websites, X is for Xerox, Y is for Yearn

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Y is for Yearn

I do sometimes long for things to go back to how they used to when mum didn’t have dementia, to have a bit of what I think is normality.  But if it did, perhaps I wouldn’t have seen so much of her, wouldn’t have got to know her like I have, to listen to her stories as she tells them over and over again of how she met my dad. 

Those stories some how brings his memory to life even though he has been gone for over 20 years but also brings me comfort.  There came a point where it didn’t matter how many times mum told the story as she became animated -  she remembered him calling out to her as she walked by and she turned coyly and asked ‘who me’ – she had actually noticed him before and wanted to catch his attention. We never heard the stories before the dementia and she never danced, but now she loves to sing and dance and calls herself ‘the dancing queen’ after the Abba song.

Yes I do sometimes yearn for a good night undisturbed sleep when I am there, but also I appreciate my life more and it is most certainly richer despite all the ups and downs.

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities P is for Purpose, Q is for Quietness, R is for Regret, S is for Strategies, T is forTradition, U is for Understanding, V is for Value, W is for Websites, X is for Xerox

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.
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