30 Day challenges and longer, have taught me that it only takes one small action to make a change that can impact the rest of your life. We all have the ability to do one thing differently today and you would be surprised where it could lead. I am grateful that I have been involved with several challenges that have enabled me to see different perspectives and new relationships. What will be your next challenge?
Showing posts with label A-Z Challenge 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A-Z Challenge 2013. Show all posts
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
A-Z Road Trip - Wednesdays Stops!
Well its the start of my road trip and I am geared up to travel all around the world as I pay a visit to all those blogs on the A-Z Challenge that I didn't get to visit. There is a great variety of blogs, creativity and writing styles and I am looking forward to making some new acquaintances and renewing the old. I hope you join me on the visits. I will link to the sites I get to, show them some blog love if you are able leave a comment on their site as well.
Here are my stops for the day:

I start my first stop at Andres's blog - All about the Words. Andres has a wonderful way with words, his writing is powerful and well thought out, you are definitely in for a treat.
Tina from Life is Good has been given a Sunshine award and in turn has to answer a series of questions. It is always great to get to know someone better when they reveal a bit about themselves. Here are some of the questions if you want to take part, you answer and pass on to 6 fellow bloggers who make your days sunnier.
inspired you to start blogging?
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
What is your favorite blog to read?
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
What is your favorite blog to read?
us about your dream job.
your glass half full or half empty?
you could go anywhere for a week’s vacation, where would you go?
food can you positively not eat?
chocolate or milk chocolate?
much time do you spend blogging?
you watch t.v. and if so, what are your favorite shows?
(check out her site for the award image)
Shannon from The Warrior Muse and who was also one of the hosts for the A-Z challenge has provided a list of links for writers to some very useful resources, she got a Shine On Award and for all those who are into horror, she also got a Zombie Rabbit award.
Livia, from Leave it to Livia has a beautiful blog image she writes film and book reviews, which comes in handy as there are a host of new films being released this year and it's always good to see what others are saying about a film.
Finally I stopped off to see Laura at My Baffling Brain from sunny England - and we have had a fair bit today, though it is still a bit chilly. Anyway Laura shared last week about a blog hop that she was taking part in a blog hop called Celebrate the little Things hosted by Tara Tyler, who is also a fellow A-Z'er that I didn't get a chance to visit during the challenge. I think the Blog hop is a great idea in reminding ourselves of the things that are important and need celebrating every day, in this way we really value what we have. Blessings for now I will continue the road trip and share where I go on Saturday.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Ultimate Road Trip - Post A to Z Road Trip
'I know what we are going to do today' said Phinius to Ferb

It has been nearly two weeks since the last A-Z April Challenge post and I have been meaning to spend the time visiting some of the other blogs that I didn't have a chance to visit during April, there are so many inspiring blogs out there and we got to sample over 1000+ of them, so I decided to join the Ultimate Road Trip, if you want to join you can sign up on the link above. Every Wednesday and Saturday I will be sharing some of the blogs from the challenge that I have visited and leave links for you to have a look as well.
I find after the challenge I tend to do a lot of reflecting and often need to take some time out. I have been trying to decide what I was going to start sharing on my blog, what I aimed to achieve for the coming months and things that needed to be put in place - and there has been a lot of stuff! Essentially though, I have found this month for me has had an emphasis on the building of relationships. This has become increasingly important and whether you see the person all the time or whether you connect online building up the relationship takes time and effort on both parts, but can be so rewarding. It was great to visit new blogs and share posts and comments, all which were encouraging and supportive!
I have also noticed other things that have come out of the challenge and that is confidence and peace. I am organising my studio and have lots of work that I managed to complete as part of the challenge that probably would not have been finished, and this has spurred me on to try and do more with the things that I create. I am also in the process of doing some technique and instructional videos that show you a painting from start to finish. In my treasures post I am reminded that we all do have so many treasures locked away inside that we need to dust off, because someone somewhere around the world is waiting to be blessed by that very talent you took for granted, and you need to just go for it. The words for my challenge for April are words that I think we all need to remind ourselves of from time to time, speaking them into our lives, and this month the celebrations will continue as there are more talents and abilities to uncover. If you didn't get a chance to see all my posts for the challenge you can click on anyone of the words below.
For those of you who took part in the A-Z Challenge Woven Tale Press are offering fellow A-Z'rs an opportunity to appear in their online magazine, you can submit up to 3 posts. Click on the image to see their latest issue.
Hope you have a blessed weekend
A-Z Challenge 2013
Blog love
Ultimate Road Trip
Woven Tale Press
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Reflections on the A - Z Blogger Challenge 2013

Another action packed, fun filled, stress and laughter inducing, insightful, touching and meaningful month was had in April. Whilst I am relieved that the A-Z blogging challenge has finally finished, it feels like there is a big hole left - which will be quickly filled visiting those blogs that I didn't get to see..
I will start out by saying a big THANK YOU to Lee and all the team of Ambassadors and Co-hosts that helped, supported, cheered by the side lines as we rolled out our posts and left encouraging comments.
For my challenge I had decided that it was to be a celebration of life, I listed a range of encouraging words that I would talk about, we often don't get to celebrate our achievements, shining the light on our gifts, staying motivated to keep going. Being a creative can be an isolating journey but its the collaboration and connection and network that you can find to participate in that makes it so rewarding. On top of the encouraging words I decided to push myself and complete a series of paintings and journal pages, it became challenging towards the end but I am so glad I kept on going. It was great to be able to visit so many more participants and I was able to share the links of some of the other participants whose blog began with the letter for the day, there
are still a few to visit, but I can take my time now.
Two highlights happened in April I was able to share the news of being chosen to participate in an Art and Healing Exhibition (running until 5th June 2013) showing the ways in which art can be used to impact on health and well-being. And the other highlight was meeting up for the first time with Hilary from Positive Letters, - she came to the opening of the exhibition, and I shared this in my Relationships post.
All in all it was an enjoyable month, I really glad I participated for another year, many connections were made and I look forward to keeping in touch with new found friends. If you were thinking of joining in and didn't I recommend that you get ready for next year, you will not look at your blog in the same way and definitely get more out than you put in. I am looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead and look forward to seeing you on the journey!
Monday, 29 April 2013
Z is for Zest
Great enthusiasm and energy. The quality of being exciting or interesting, the outer part of the peel or an orange, lemon
I love life, knowing that I can make a difference. We have the opportunity to make the world that we live in more beautiful, not just for the privileged few, but for all. We have just one life to live and we have to grab it with both hands and shake it from time to time. We have been given so many opportunities, and experiences that our life has to mean something, impact in a good way, going on to help others grow and develop. We shouldn't be satisfied with hiding behind closed doors letting our talents and abilities shrivel up, but really appreciate each day, hour and minute, making it and being the best we can.
I am amazed at how quickly this month has gone by, with this the last post for the A-Z April 2013 Challenge, I will probably do a reflection post over the next few days about the experience, will just let the dust settle a bit first. It has been great being able to visit so many blogs, still got a few to go....
I celebrate the zest I have for my life and all that I can do to bless others. What is it in your life that excites you?
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Work in progress - One of the largest paintings I have worked on measuring 36"x40"
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter Z, but a
few of them for you to start with...
A-Z Challenge 2013
Blog love
Painting of the day
Y is for Youthful
Millions of pounds are spent each year by people trying to grasp onto their youth, either through the nip and tuck or buying products with the promise of youthful skin and banished wrinkles. We abuse our bodies through lack of healty practices then want the quick fix that the industry can offer. Trying to cover up or cutting away the outward appearance to appear forever young.
For me, what is important is to take care of our minds and bodies so that we prevent what comes through lack of care, and that we take each moment as special - making the most of every opportunity. Life doesn't stop because you reach a certain age, you can look back and with wisdom launch yourself in your next adventure. I celebrate my life today for still being able to laugh and see the joy that is left. How is your youthfulness expressed?
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter Y, but a
few of them for you to start with....
A-Z Challenge 2013
Art journal
Blog love
Painting of the day
Saturday, 27 April 2013
X is for Xylem
The tissue in plants which carries water and nutrients upwards from the roots and also helps to form the woody part of the stem.
The Xylem makes me think of how I would like to be, as an artist, and woman, coming from solid ground rooted in my belief knowing that I was made for a purpose. Using all my gifts and talents to be a blessing to others, nurturing and nourishing them with my words and my art, carrying words of wisdom and encouragement. Not swayed by how the world can sometimes see us or those who are insecure and fear life itself.
To be able to impact positively on someones life, to see them grow and mature to know that I used every day living on purpose, stepping into the life with fearless passion, love and understanding.
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Teabag Treasures
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter X, but a few of them for you to start with....
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter X, but a few of them for you to start with....
I could only find one X, the rest are a selection of W's
A-Z Challenge 2013
Blog love
Painting of the day
Teabag Treasures
Friday, 26 April 2013
W is for Wisdom
I watch my son grow up just as my mum would have done me and my wish for him is to be wise in the decisions that he makes, the company he keeps and the actions that he takes. There are so many sayings that I promised myself I wouldn't use that I used to hear as a child and sometimes only the old sayings will do as I sigh exasperated at how much he thinks he knows. 'If you can't hear you must feel' is a treasured one that has been handed down which equates to you have decided not to take my advice in this situation and so you will suffer the consequences.
As I have got older I celebrate and have valued the wisdom of the older generation that has helped shape and inform my life, I know there were many things that I could have done differently, and with wisdom I have tried to teach my son knowing that the more independent he becomes he is going to want to learn from his own mistakes. What one piece of wisdom helped shape your life growing up.
As I have got older I celebrate and have valued the wisdom of the older generation that has helped shape and inform my life, I know there were many things that I could have done differently, and with wisdom I have tried to teach my son knowing that the more independent he becomes he is going to want to learn from his own mistakes. What one piece of wisdom helped shape your life growing up.
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Art Journal page - unfinished
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter W, but a
few of them for you to start with....
A Writer Weaves a Tale
Wanna Buy a Duck
Writing and other life lessons
Walnuts n Pears
What Shall We Blog about Today
A Writer Weaves a Tale
Wanna Buy a Duck
Writing and other life lessons
Walnuts n Pears
What Shall We Blog about Today
A-Z Challenge 2013
Art journal
Blog love
Painting of the day
Thursday, 25 April 2013
V is for Vision
When you think of your life right now, is it how you imagined it would be 5, 10, 15 years ago, have you seen the changes that you put in place come to pass today. Time seems to move faster as you get older or is it just me? and you try and pack so much in to make the most of the time you have.
You took much more for granted in your younger years and thought you had a never ending supply to dip in and out of at will. As an artist I have a vision of where I want my career to take me, things I'll create and collaborations that I will make. I see my son one day starting a family, pursuing his career doing more with his writing and piano and we see the dreams that loved ones have unfold as time goes by.
I celebrate my life today that I can still dream and take steps to achieving those things that dwell in my heart, that I can reach out and inspire and motivate others with words and images. Are you where you want to be, and what steps do you now need to take?
You took much more for granted in your younger years and thought you had a never ending supply to dip in and out of at will. As an artist I have a vision of where I want my career to take me, things I'll create and collaborations that I will make. I see my son one day starting a family, pursuing his career doing more with his writing and piano and we see the dreams that loved ones have unfold as time goes by.
I celebrate my life today that I can still dream and take steps to achieving those things that dwell in my heart, that I can reach out and inspire and motivate others with words and images. Are you where you want to be, and what steps do you now need to take?
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Sketch - playing with pastels
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter V, but a
few of them for you to start with....
A-Z Challenge 2013
Blog love
Painting of the day
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
U is for Update
Since I wrote asking everyone to pray for my brother in my post called Understanding, who has Multiple Myeloma a couple of months ago I thought It would be helpful to give you an update. Your prayers and thoughts for the family are still needed, and I appreciate all the comments that have been coming through and encouraging words.
Robert found out a couple of weeks ago that the cancer had spread all over his body, he was not responding to the previous chemo and they have since put him on another drug. He found this last drug helped with his energy levels and he was (up to last week) feeling more like himself. As part of the treatment he has to have a week off and during these weeks finds that he is extremely tired, and obviously some of the side effects are beginning to take its toll. He has been having some trouble with his left side and nerve damage and there is a lot of weakness in his left hand.
As his big sister, even at our age I guess I still want to make things better for him as my younger brother, and feel so powerless at not being able to make it go away. I also recently found out that I was not a match. We shared so many adventures and fun times when we were children, and there are many more adventures I hope to share with him.
More than 1 in 3 of us will get cancer, and those not affected directly will know someone who has it or know someone who has a loved one who is effected and it is up to us to take a stand and do what we can to raise awareness, funds, and do our part. Cancer Research UK are running over 230 Race for Life events over the UK and Macmillan Cancer Research are also running a range of different events to raise awareness and much needed funds. I encourage you to do your part however you can where ever you are. I also thank you in advance for your much needed prayers for Robert and the rest of the family. Blessings, Amanda
Robert found out a couple of weeks ago that the cancer had spread all over his body, he was not responding to the previous chemo and they have since put him on another drug. He found this last drug helped with his energy levels and he was (up to last week) feeling more like himself. As part of the treatment he has to have a week off and during these weeks finds that he is extremely tired, and obviously some of the side effects are beginning to take its toll. He has been having some trouble with his left side and nerve damage and there is a lot of weakness in his left hand.
As his big sister, even at our age I guess I still want to make things better for him as my younger brother, and feel so powerless at not being able to make it go away. I also recently found out that I was not a match. We shared so many adventures and fun times when we were children, and there are many more adventures I hope to share with him.
More than 1 in 3 of us will get cancer, and those not affected directly will know someone who has it or know someone who has a loved one who is effected and it is up to us to take a stand and do what we can to raise awareness, funds, and do our part. Cancer Research UK are running over 230 Race for Life events over the UK and Macmillan Cancer Research are also running a range of different events to raise awareness and much needed funds. I encourage you to do your part however you can where ever you are. I also thank you in advance for your much needed prayers for Robert and the rest of the family. Blessings, Amanda
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Art Journal Page
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter U, but a
few of them for you to start with....
Uber RandomTuesday, 23 April 2013
T is for Treasure
A very valuable object, a much loved or highly valued person, a quantity of precious metals, gems or other valuable objects.
Generally most people walk around without realising what treasures they are or have within them, what a blessing they have been when they interacted with someone who needed that very thing that was said to them, or shared just when they thought there was no way out.
You have so many treasures locked up within you that if you could get a glimpse you would be overwhelmed. The word of encouragement that you sometimes give, the compliment or smile that reaches people in places deep within their hearts that you don't even realised.
Those ideas and dreams you've been sitting on are all treasures waiting to be birthed, all trying to get your attention, yet you just haven't seen them. It can sometimes seem far easier to see the treasures locked up in someone else than it is yourself. It's time to dust yourself off and turn the spotlight within and unearth all those hidden talents waiting to be expressed into the world....what are you waiting for?
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter T, but a
few of them for you to start with....
Monday, 22 April 2013
S is for Sensitivity
Sensitive -
quick to detect or be affected by slight changes, appreciate the feelings of others
There are times where being sensitive is taken as something to be ashamed of and the individual might be criticised with the label 'they are too sensitive'
In our relationships we have to be sensitive to the needs of others and we hope that our needs will also be considered. This avoids causing upset and hurt and allows relationships to build. We should also be sensitive to our environment, not only just leaving it in a good state for the next generation, but being mindful of how our actions impact on the environment. We can be sensitive to the changes in the seasons, coming out of the winter our evenings are much lighter, the sunny weather and warmer temperatures always reminds me of times of growth. I celebrate my life today that I can be sensitive to the needs of others and do not regard it as a sign of weakness. How has being sensitive affected you?
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Art Journal Page
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter S, but a
few of them for you to start with....
A-Z Challenge 2013
Art journal
Blog love
Painting of the day
Saturday, 20 April 2013
R is for Relationships
It was great to see so many people come out and it was a lovely surprise to meet for the first time fellow blogger Hilary from Positive letters, Inspirational Stories We have been connecting online through our blogs and it was great to meet her in person. I have really enjoyed her blog and it is also very informative.
The relationships that can develop from connecting on line is something quite special, and my journey as a blogger has been made richer by the many friendships I have been able to make.
Painting for the day
Each day I will show a completed piece of art or journal page hope you enjoy today's
Blog Love
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter R, but a
few of them for you to start with....
A-Z Challenge 2013
Blog love
Painting of the day
Friday, 19 April 2013
Q is for Quiet
It is in the quiet and the stillness that we actually learn about ourselves...I decided to do a video for my piece today. I didn't realise how long it would take but I persevere. Hope you are blessed!
I am sharing some love with those who are also taking part in the
challenge, it's not everyone whose blog starts with the letter Q, but a
few of them for you to start with....
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Sir Karni