Friday 5 December 2014

Gratitude and Celebrations Journal - Week 65 Nurture


Welcome to today's post for Gratitude and Celebration.  I have a lot to be grateful for and many things to celebrate that I have been sharing here on the blog over the past few weeks.  So much has happened that I had missed a couple of weeks of posting on Fridays and now will be playing catch up.
Gratitude's and Celebration Journal - Nurture
It is fitting that today the theme is nurture and I have had to remind myself that I need to make sure that I spend time on activities that will not only nurture and nourish my health, but also my spirit and creativity.

I have had the opportunity to go away get some sunshine and get the rest that I needed physically, and with all that we were doing in Barbados, I spent time away from my role as a carer and writing online on my blog, although I wrote in my journal.  

Whilst I missed and at times felt guilty for not doing something on my blog, I felt that time was needed for reflection and just taking time to notice my surroundings, which was very beautiful.  We all know how you can take for granted those things that you see around you on a regular basis, or most of the time in your rushing around and not stay in touch with your senses - when last did you feel the breeze on your skin?

Spending time in my journal helps to focus on what matters

In nurturing my soul I spend time in the word of God, allowing my heart to be healed, my mind to be renewed and taking another step into the adventure of life.

How will you spend time nurturing the different aspects of your life?  It is time to take stock and if you can take time out and refresh those parts that need to shaken up, before you begin again.

I look forward to the journey and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!

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