Showing posts with label wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wellness. Show all posts

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Arts and Wellness Cafe - Happy New Year


Thank you for joining me in the Arts and Wellness Café, and I want to take this time to wish you a Happy New Year!!

I also want to thank you for joining me over the year, take a look at the video below.  I mention sharing an art video for you to look at which is below as well, working in an art journal.

Art Journal Background - Doodling on a Page

Friday, 20 November 2020

Art and Wellness Café - Wealthy and Healthy


Join me in the Arts and Wellness Café  What is it about your creative practice are you taking for granted?  Are you undervaluing an area or over valuing it?  If you had to drop one of the things that you were doing because it no longer served you what would it be?  

Are you holding on to things because 'you have always done it that way'  I would love you to share what you feel one of your strengths are, it sometimes helps to remind ourselves of what we have with us all the time and celebrate those strengths.

Check out previous episodes

What's Love Got to do with it


Thursday, 20 April 2017

Being More Mindful - You can make a change


  • 1.the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something:"their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"
  • 2.a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

I see Me - Mixed media Art Journal Page - Amanda Trought

It is funny how the simple small things we do can get us taking action, and I had reached what felt like a slump - I knew what I wanted to do, but couldn't seem to move myself into taking action.  The feeling seem to linger and no matter what I tried nothing seem to work long term.

It only takes a slice of cake

After eating a slice of fruit cake one evening, I was met with the usual feelings of aching joints and lethargy which quickly followed by irritated skin.  I vowed not to eat anymore cake, I was done!  I thought of the pain I was feeling and I didn't want to feel it anymore, I wanted to finally take my decisions and life into my own hands.  My family looked at me with amusement as they had heard it all before, they said they would believe it when the see it, but this felt different.  I went further and told my son that if he were to see me eating cake he should rip it out of my hands, and then after thinking about how messy it would be I offered to pay him. My husband decided that he wanted to get in on what he saw as free money and they both rubbed their hands with glee mentally calculating how much they would make off me as I succumbed to the cake.  

I listened to their voices telling me that I couldn't do it and made a decision that I was going to do it, this time would be different!

Making the decision

They laughed and joked about it, but the way I was feeling I felt for sure that I would stick to it.  The more and more I thought about it I felt if I could give up cake then there were other habits that I wanted to address, it was more than just about the cake, and I was up for this challenge!  

After thinking about it for a while I realized that by paying them I was putting the responsibility of not eating cake onto them catching me.  Rather than punish myself for doing wrong I needed to celebrate looking after my body and getting on with the things I wanted to do.  I reasoned that if I really wanted to give up cake then I could, equally whatever other changes that I wanted to make I could put these in place as well.  It all had to do with a mindset change that I needed to just go for it!

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage - Anais Nin

Flipping the switch

A switch flipped and I immediately felt different about how I wanted to treat myself.  If I could change my mind about eating things that were physically affecting me then what else could I do.  I decided that I needed to really look after 'me' rather than just talking about it, but I also had to support myself by gaining wisdom from others who had achieved their goals, and also create a little cheer leading team for myself. 

Wisdom is like the baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it ...

When you are not feeling yourself other things are impacted as well, my creativity suffered the ideas that I would normally work on in my studio couldn't find me as I was dulled by inactivity and I really didn't feel like getting on with the very things that made me feel good or needed to get done.  

As I thought of all these things I knew that change and taking care of myself meant that I needed to really see who I was, wanted to be, do, and all the rest of it.

I SEE ME - Mixed media art
So my mindful acts are a way of getting to know myself, what I want to do, spend time doing the things that nurture and encourage, and included the following:

  • Daily morning walks
  • Getting to bed by 11.30pm - or as close to
  • Daily reading 15 mins minimum
  • Improve Diet -Wheat and dairy free diet, lots of fruit and veg and whole foods, no processed foods
  • Daily Art & Journal writing
  • Listening to motivational and inspiring daily recordings
  • Daily family time
  • End of day review and scheduling work and goals 
All of these things on the list are to get me kick started to change, and to achieve the things that I have been saying I don't have time for, and get me back to the me that I wanted.  When I focus on these things I am reminding myself that I do matter, that showing up for myself reaffirms my own value.

Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them - Hugh Miller

Making a Commitment

When I am feeling tired I remind myself that I made a commitment and that seems to propel me into action, I get my walking gear and within minutes I am out the door.  I have been constantly reminding myself that each action is about showing up for me, and the time is much better spent.  Even reading and committing to doing some reading every day means all the books that I have promising to read I can make time for them now because they are part of my schedule.

Every day that passes I am being shown new insights and ideas and I am learning to value the time that I do have and make the most of the things that I want to do, and celebrating my achievements!  We are all given the same amount of time it depends how we use it, and the value that we place on on our lives.  There is no replay button or do over, so we need to be getting on with these things today!

Walking in your blessings.....

I would love to hear about any changes that you have decided to make in your day to day activities, 
What is it that you have always wanted to do but convinced yourself that you don't have time?
What ways are you going to nurture yourself today?

Monday, 23 January 2017

Myeloma Cancer - What can you do?

Happy Birthday Robert Lloyd Trought

Robert, my brother would have been 48 today.  On 2nd June this year it would be 4 years since he passed, I look at the picture and it feels like he was just here.  I never told him enough that I loved, admired and was proud of him.  We can't wait until our loved ones die before or get sick before we tell them how treasured they are.

Robert was loving and encouraging and had 3 gorgeous children and in 2009 he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. He fought the disease for 4 years in the percentage of people where the chemo and other debilitating drugs had little effect, the cancer spread all over his body. 
Surely we thought, a Bone Marrow transplant would help - as his sisters we were initially encouraged only to be told we were not a match - how could it be?  

As I look back I there were many things that I could have done differently, and we can't beat ourselves up as we did what we could at the time, I didn't want to deal with the possibility that he wouldn't pull through and hid behind caring for my mother.  The guilt creeps in, the 'would haves', 'should haves', and 'didn't do enough' start to ridicule you for being less than you thought you were.  But you have to make room for action, we will not accept ill health and disease as our fate and fight to find remedies, cures and prevention measures.

Death will come to us all, and we don't want to face it with any regrets.  So now that you have time on your side, be it a day, a week, month or even a year, make the most of it!

I share some of the journey of the time we held on to hope that things would be alright and he would stay with us in the following posts:

In the Memories of Home posts I share memories of growing up that I shared with my brother and sister.

What you can do?

Where ever you are in the world YOU CAN make a difference, find your local organisation and support their work.  

Here in Barbados one of the organisations we have is The Myeloma Lymphoma & Leukaemia Foundation of Barbados you can support by becoming a member $25 and support the events and initiatives that they put on.  We attended their Annual Tea Party, they have a number of acts performing, and it is a lovely event, a lot of work goes into organizing it.

Tea Party, always well attended!

Tea Party Dance Troupe

Co-Founder/President - Hyacinth Grimes

Tea Party Young Steel Pan Band, excellent!
They also do a lot of much needed fund raising as well at different events, malls etc, sharing information about the disease and help available.  So many people who are diagnosed in Barbados face very high medical bills, and are unable to afford some of the treatment that may readily be available in the UK or US.

Information available at their stall in Sky Mall

Member - Daphne Springer sharing her knowledge of blood cancers in Barbados
Contact the The Myeloma Lymphoma & Leukaemia Foundation of Barbados at:
  • Mailing address is P.O. Box 235, Bridgetown, Barbados, or Pine Medical Centre, 3rd Avenue, Belleville, St. Michael, Barbados.
  • Office phone number is (246) 435-3990.
  • General email address is:
As an artist I will be creating a set of 3 Prints and Cards that you can purchase and 30% of the cost will be donated to the organisation.  I will tell you more in another post over the next few weeks.

Why not think of ways that you can donate or raise funds and do your part.


We also have a fund raising page in Roberts memory which is supporting Myeloma UK, and Cancer Research please help raise funds for more research, if we all do our bit we can one day find cures to prevent others from loosing their loved ones.

Give Blood/Bone Marrow

Give Blood - If you have had a blood transfusion prior to 1995 you will not be able to give blood see HERE

Check out the following Organsiations

ACLT Office - Tel no. 020 8240 4480, 7A Rathbone Square, Tanfield Road, Croydon, CR0 4HA  Please call ACLT office to book a 30 minute appointment. 
Anthony Nolan Register Tel no. 0303 303 0303You must be aged between 16 and 30 and generally healthy
DKMS - DELETE BLOOD CANCER Tel no. 020 8735 4230To everyone over 30 who can't join the Anthony Nolan bone marrow register. You can now join via DKMS ‘Delete Blood Cancer' Please CLICK HERE They will register potential bone marrow donors from 17 to 55 years. You must weigh over 7st 12Ibs in weight

Robert, see, your memory lives on in our hearts through your children, family and friends!  So too all those who remember family members and friends who have died from Cancer.
What ever you can do is appreciated, do it today, don't wait, don't put it off, think creatively how you may be able to support, it could be money, time, skill, bake sale, car wash, art classes - we can do it together!  

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 30!

Well, it is the last day of the 30 days of change - Smoothie Love, and I have been making a smoothie each day with a host of delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

I have managed to get my routine sorted and it has become like second nature, along with drinking more water each day.  For the exercise part of the challenge I had been doing gentle exercise, but for the next 30 days will really get going and focusing on making sure that I get out and about.  I wanted to incorporate creativity it may either be photography or art journaling.

Here is the ingredients for the smoothie for today: Carrot, Pear, Banana, Mango, Cashews, Almond Milk, Kiwi for the garnish.

Whatever you decided to do for the next 30 days here are a few tips to keep you going: 

  1. Take one day at a time;
  2. Follow through;
  3. If you have an off day don't just scrap the whole thing, but start again tomorrow; 
  4. Don't be too hard on yourself, change takes time;
  5. Enjoy yourself!

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Monday, 16 June 2014

Smoothie Love Day 29

Smoothie Love Day 29

The smoothies posts technically should have finished today, but I must have miscalculated the 30 days somehow, which is not a problem as the smoothies have been delicious.  

If you have been joining me I am sure that you would have noticed a number of benefits to your health and well-being.  Along the way I decided to cut down all the changes that I would be making and focus on getting the nutrition from the smoothies and drinking more water.  The exercises started today, and I spent quite a bit of time in the garden making changes to plant location and cutting back.  Its coming on and I will share some images - might even do a garden video walk round.   

The smoothie for today consisted of Banana, Mango, Tangerine, Melon, Almond milk, Carrots, and melon.

I am looking forward to combining making the smoothies and getting more exercise. Come back tomorrow for Day 30 Smoothie.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Smoothie Love Day - 27 and 28

For some reason I thought that I had posted yesterdays smoothie, but here it is, another delicious blend of flavors.  

This smoothie has the following ingredients: Pear, Apple, Mango, Banana, Goji berries, Cashew nuts, Almond milk, it was delicious and I made some for all the family.  Today we have all had this smoothie, to start us off.

Only two more postings to go for the Smoothie Love!
The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Friday, 13 June 2014

Smoothie Love Day 26

Smoothie Love - Day 26 of 30 days of change

Starting out early this morning.  Have a lot on and I sometimes underestimate how long something will take.  This challenge is a good example.  Our good health cannot be gained by a quick fix miracle drug, nor overnight sensations.  We have to be determined in our minds that the benefits that we will achieve through taking time to invest in our health far out weighs where we currently are at the moment, and that you are willing to do all that is necessary to take the daily steps - each and every day, when you feel like it and more importantly when you don't.

I haven't really spoken about the exercise routine over the past few weeks, other than at the beginning that a minimum of 30 minutes will be spent exercising.  I have not been as consistent as I would have hoped, and done a little here and there, but not enough to make a dent.  I will be picking up the pace when I complete the smoothie posting on Monday, and I want to incorporate a creative aspect to my exercising, whether it is take a picture or create something in my journal.

Anyway, here is the smoothie for the day - it is a mixed one, and it contains:  Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Banana, Mango, Melon and Almond milk.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 25

Smoothie Love

I shared yesterday the missing smoothies from the 30 days of change, one of the things that I have been benefiting from is the increased nutrients that I am getting each day.  I think that the smoothies are now going to be part of my way of life.

I was thinking that it would be great to have a light weight portable mini blender to be able to take with you when you go on holiday or away from home.  I am going to experiment with some of the more tropical Caribbean fruit in a smoothie such as Sweetsop, Soursop, and Jackfruit.  

What has been your favorite Smoothie so far?

Smoothie for today ingredients includes: Logan berries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries and Almond milk, 

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

30 Days of Change

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 24

Smoothie Love Day 24

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Got off to another good start had to leave out early this morning so I didn't have time to wash and cut up fruit. Used frozen in this recipe, and it will stay chilled until I get to my mums. She has the builders in so having something with me that can fill the gap and taste good is essential. Haven't yet had my water quota for the day, but will work on it. 

Here is today's smoothie: Mango Chunks, Banana, Almond milk, Grapes, Melon and Tangerine.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 23

Smoothie Love Day 23

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Got off to a good start this morning, with a smoothie, slightly chilled because I used some frozen fruit, our weather is hotting up over here so it is a welcomed addition to the smoothie. I also managed to drink more water which is good for the system. 

My grandson Malakai and step daughter Ahisha came round to visit and it was a great excuse to make some more smoothie and get some more vitamins in.

More smoothie to go round!
Malakai is used to having smoothies - his parents make them regularly, so he knows when he is on to a good thing.  He really enjoyed it especially in this heat, it made a refreshing drink, though I think that he was expecting a bigger glass!
Malakai enjoying his smoothie
After he finished his Smoothie he was after more, I wonder what he would have made of yesterdays smoothie!

Here is today's smoothie: Mango, Banana, Apple, Melon, Cabbage, Almond Milk

It definitely hit the spot!

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 22

Smoothie Love Day 22

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Well, the start of the week brings with it something different, and thought I would play a little. I am quite proud of my smoothie and being able to get the two layers. You have to pour the top layer in slowly for it to sit on the bottom layer, garnish with some kiwi and you have yourself a delightful combination of flavors.

Here is today's smoothie: Blueberries, banana, dried cranberries, cashew nuts, mixed fruit. Bottom layer - Mango chunks, grapes, banana, and pear.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 21

Smoothie Love Day 21

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

I thought I would get this post up in time for you to follow the recipe if you wish. Smoothies are a great way to get your vitamins and minerals in your system. Depending what you put in them they can be a power house of goodness.

As with any smoothie you can adapt the recipes as you wish, adding or taking away an ingredient. The smoothies over the past few days you will notice don't have any cabbage in them, I have to get some more tomorrow. But you can chose from a wide variety - kale, spinage, red and green cabbage and loads more, just give them a try.

Here is today's smoothie: Pear, Banana, Mango chunks, Fruit Salad mix, Cashew nuts, Raisins, Almond Milk

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 20

Smoothie Love Day 20

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

I think that I am beginning to find my flow with the smoothies, and have learnt some lessons along the way - we are learning all the time!, especially with regards to helping me keep consistent. I have my staples which I work with, making sure that I have sufficient supply, and this has enabled me to keep going, whilst providing a nutritious smoothie each day.

The family have been joining in and as I make one for myself, I make one for them as well, knowing that we are all benefiting is keeping me going. It does also help to have an easy to use smoothie maker, and I will have to at some point do a review on the ones that we have brought and what has worked well for us. I am starting a new review site where I will be sharing my views on things that I have tried, hopefully it will help others make informed choices.

Smoothie Love

Here is today's smoothie: Pear, Grapes, Tangerine, Mango and Oat Milk, this one was quite nice, creamy and the frozen mango chunks were quite sweet.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 17

Smoothie Love Day 17

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Ok, so I missed a few days, stuff happens, and you have to go with the flow, walk round, jump over and a whole load of other things while you are at it. I made the smoothies, but didn't get to post for a whole host of reasons, some of which I shared in yesterdays post about Taking time out. The main thing is to make sure you take note of whatever lessons you are to learn, then as you move on you are able to see where the possible pitfalls may show their face again.

Here is today's smoothie: Grapes, kiwi, blueberries, raisins, cashew nuts, coconut milk, and spinage.
The kiwi wasn't very sweet and so there were slightly sharp undertones, but it still tastes good. I have stocked up on supplies so looking forward to the coming recipes.

Smoothie Love - Day 17
The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

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