Tuesday 23 October 2018

Stepping Out Challenge - Day 23 - Creating in Faith

Welcome and thank you for joining me today.  Today we will be checking out the Creating In Faith Series

Listen to the Podcast

Creating in Faith

Creating in Faith was a challenge that came out of an online gathering brought together by artist I met online called Mika Diaz. She was doing a Prayer Journal journey during the month of March where we looked at a daily scripture with a gathering of artists and sharing her thoughts and we would also journal what the scripture meant for us.

I had not used my art journal in this way before, and realised that sharing my faith using my creativity was something that I really enjoyed, and it had been relatively new to me. But each day that passed I became more confident preparing my pages and seeing what came up for me as I meditated on the scriptures.

I was able to explore many thoughts, questions, dreams and desires within my journal and working alongside a group of other people all at different levels in their creative and spiritual walk was encouraging. Not everyone shared their pages and that was alright, you were able to share a comment or just say what the scripture meant for you - if you wanted to. 

30 Day Prayer Journal - is what you want it to be

I think there is a strong connection between the spiritual and the creative practice. Some of us don’t even realise that connection, and I think that you can delve into it even more when you get into the habit of playing with your supplies.

 When you are hung up about how to use materials or what to create you can get in the way of opening up your spiritual practice. Several years ago I decided to let go of what I thought I should create and focus on what wanted to be created. As part of my spiritual creative practice I prepare by using play within my studio. 

 I always give time to playing with supplies, and exploring, being curious, cause the learning comes when you least expect. I use play to prepare backgrounds sometimes working with what I have to hand or other times selecting specific things that I feel like working with on the background, sometimes they get used and sometimes not.

Mixed Media Art - 30 Day Prayer Journal

From the background that I create I will see what images want to be represented or that I can see within the background, and that’s essentially how I start my art, whether it be in an art journal, clay figure or wall hanging. It calls on you to get to know your supplies, and in the same way that you might say write in your journal each morning, which I do, spending time daily seeing which ways you can use your materials is essential.

That said have you tried Bible Journaling, or do you use an altered journal to express yourself in.  How have you developed your meditative spiritual creative practice. It would be great to hear from you.  Check back tomorrow how the course progressed for me 

Tomorrow I will share the second part from my Creating in Faith series I hope during this month you find some time to challenge, be creative and stretch yourself.

    Why not join me each day for the rest of October as we dive into to some exciting challenges and look at ways in which they can impact on your own life. 

    I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it is never too late to start! The main thing is to take one step at a time and do something that you find interesting.

    Stay blessed and be a blessing.

    Ps:  If you are on a budget and would like to check out some  supplies/books at a discounted price, check out one of the links below:

    Dollar Tree - http://bit.ly/DolAT18
    Book Outlet - http://bit.ly/BOOKAT18
    Stampington - http://bit.ly/STAAT18
    C& T Publishing -  http://bit.ly/CNTPAT18
    Craftsy Kits - http://bit.ly/CrafAT18

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