Friday, 24 January 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 29 - You are precious..

You are Precious

When you think of something being precious, you think of something being valuable, we have to remind ourselves that our lives have a purpose.  Whether you believe it or not there is more to your life than the life that you are currently living.   There is more that you can learn, more that you can see, there is a world out there waiting for you to visit.  

When you look at your surroundings the place that you live are there any undiscovered places that you haven't been yet?  Often people who visit on holiday see more of the country than those who live there. I often make a promise to myself that I will get out more after coming back from holiday, go out every day and really take everything in.  But I guess because we have it around us all the time we can take it for granted.

Page before completion
How precious is your life?  Since my brother passed I have seen my own life in a very different way.  Each day is special because you don't know if it will be your last, but rather than worrying about it you have to live it to the full, making sure that you use all the gifts, talents and abilities that you have.

Reminding myself that life is precious helps you to focus on the things that are important, the relationships you have with family and friends.  It was Roberts birthday yesterday he would have been 46 years old, I celebrate the life he had, the love he shared and the legacy and memories that he has left behind, and I am grateful to have known and been loved by him. 

I am also taking the time to remind you that you are precious, take some time to think about all the things that you have yet to do, those things that you promised yourself you would do tomorrow or next week, but most of all spend time thinking about the gifts that you have to share with others.

What opportunities are coming your way that could make a difference to your outlook on your life? I would love to hear from you and share what action you will be taking. As this week draws to a close have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Peace - Memories of Home

Welcome to Memories of Home, if you would like to find out more information about the series, Click here

Being in a supportive environment is important to our growth as individuals, not everyone has had that opportunity and as adults we try and create an environment that will nurture and bless our children and indeed ourselves.


Mixed Media House - Peace

Every now and again, I find myself still up at 2 or 3am in the morning, in the comfort of my studio, my 9x6 foot compact space that is all mine.  I have usually got carried away on a project and lost track of time unaware how late it has got.  Everyone else is asleep snuggled in the comfort of their beds, dreaming dreams of promises, adventures and suspense.  They stir as they drift in and out of their dream, a murmur or laugh as dream state interacts with real time.  I check in on them and duvets tell the tale half on the bed the other half on the floor as they twirled in their sleep.

The night still, the sounds of the house more prominent, the sounds of the early birds and their comings and goings, the occasional car passes by, headlights catching the lone foxes screeching to a mate in the dark, finding the path to the garden over hedges and carefully placed wheelie bins.  The outdoor cats return from their night time quests through cat flaps with their mouse kill gift carefully placed on mats for their owners and bowls of food and water prepared, they find themselves on window ledges gazing out of windows closed the warmth of radiators and wait for sunrise.

I move from one project to the next, not aware of being tired, fired up with creativity and play.  It brings back memories of childhood with a room of my own to spread my wings, pop- star posters on the wall, record player and mirrors reflection, dreaming dreams of growing up and having a place of my own, not a care to be found.

Those times are so peaceful; I can get lost in my creativity and feel as if I have all the time in the world.  As my bed calls I bring my creative play to a close the birds chattering increases and I snuggle myself down under the covers and loose myself in my dreams to sleep.  

What area of your home do you find most peaceful, how will you take time to encourage yourself to take time out if only for 10 minutes.  I hope you continue to join me on my journey over the weeks, as I share my mixed media houses and look back to the memories of home. I look forward to hearing about some some of your own memories. Blessings and peace to you!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Material Mondays - Sewing, Weaving, Crochet

Thought I would share one of the projects I have worked on from Soul Food.  My current one is from the session led by Jeanette House.  Whilst it is not fabric it uses sewing and crochet.


Sunrise - first stage weaving
I took two separate pieces of water colour paper and applied different mediums and then cut holes in one and used the other to weave in-between the sections.

After it was weaved I added some shapes which turned out to be two ladies, and then the rest flowed, with the stitching I wanted to show the horizon line and then added some other elements.

I made some mini crocheted flowers and then got carried away with the details for the hair and the rest followed.

I really enjoyed working with the different elements and then adding the sewing and making the mini flowers, and at some point I hope to work on some larger pieces.  

What I am trying to take from each is an element of the technique that I can use to inform my own work, and also just to be able to play -

If you get a chance why don't you check out the course, do share what you are getting up to, have you used paper and materials in this way, what have you come up with.  Blessings for now!

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Friday, 17 January 2014

Gratitude's and Celebrations - Week 28 - The doors are opening....

The doors are opening, are you ready to walk through?

The page before completion

One of my promises to myself for 2014 was that I would learn as much as I could and increase my knowledge and skill base. I have started the year doing that and I am in the middle of a few courses that are already stretching me and getting me out of my comfort zone.

Paying close attention means that I have to take my time, be persistent as things won't happen on their own, to see things through to the end while maybe not being in familiar territory, a different way of doing things, different outlook, but with one step in front of the other. 

I am going into the second week of Life Book and Soul Food and just finished a week of Explorations in Collage. Each of the courses have their own challenges, In Life Book and Soul Food we have been working with a number of creatives who are sharing their techniques. The main thing for me is to take what I need from each and see how it can inform the work that I do. I have been doing things I haven't done in a while, not realising how much I enjoyed them, and with Experiments in Collage III, I am coming into contact with a range of artists that I really admire and working with collage in a different way.  I will share some of the work tomorrow.
Gratitude's and Celebrations Journal - The doors are opening

One thing that I am mindful about is making sure that when distraction and feelings of 'what am I really doing' strike, especially in those times where you need to get past a barrier of thinking, is to have some strategies in place that will put me back on track and re-motivated. Having a page where I can say what I celebrate and am grateful for is a great reminder that often pushes me forward. I know that those thoughts will come as I learn more techniques and try and grow and develop even further.

I celebrate the lives of those fellow artists and creatives that are on the courses with me and look forward to new relationships, interactions and collaborations. I will walk through the doors knowing that I have worked hard, and been persistent to get to where I want to go and I am grateful for the ability to be able to take part in the variety of courses and to really take the time to grow as an artist.

What opportunities are coming your way that could possibly make a difference to your outlook on your work? I would love to hear from you and share what action you will be taking. As this week draws to a close have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings! 
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