I thought I would share some of the work I have been producing from the Soul Food course I have been doing....
In the session led by Heather Santos - 'letting go of perfect', I used a piece of art that just didn't seem to be working and creating a new painting. I drew an outline of a figure I wanted to use and then went about adding the necessary paint.
I was pleased with how she eventually turned out.
Sarah Hand showed us how to make paper mache shadow boxes
Shadow Box |
It has been great so far to be able to work with such a vast array of creatives, in a supportive and encouraging environment. I would definitely do both of these again and have collected a few boxes that I would love to alter. I am finding my pace and looking forward to sharing more as the weeks go on.
Finally, do you doodle?
I was fortunate to have one of my Doodles featured in the book Zen Doodle: Tons of Tangles. Well, North Light Books are producing another book called Oodles of Doodles and they want you to submit your doodles or tangles to the Zen Doodle competition by March 14th, there is no entry fee so get a move on! Check out Create Mixed Media
You can also enter in the following ways:
email them at info@createmixedmedia.com
Instagram — email them at info@createmixedmedia.com via your Instagram account
Pinterest — tag them in the comment @CreateMixedMedia
Twitter – tag them in the comment @CMixedMedia