Thursday, 6 February 2014

I love you today because....You didn't give up

I Love you today because...

You didn't give up!

We ALL have at least one thing that took us close to the edge and we thought we couldn't go any further, but didn't give up, we pulled ourselves up, took another step and we kept on stepping, and when we looked back we were surprised that we not only got through we were able to breath again.

Pen and Ink portrait

Show some love
Take a look back and stop for a moment to remind yourself how far you have come today.

Share some love
We could all do with some encouragement.  Find a way to encourage someone today

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

I Love you today because...Authenticity

I Love you today because.....

You are Authentic!

If you can't be real to yourself then who can you be real to?  Be the real deal, letting your yes be yes and your no be no.

You know what you really want and what it takes to get there, you are supportive and will help others while you strive to succeed in your own pursuits.  There is nothing fake or insincere, you are authentic.

Pen and Ink portrait

Show some love
Think about what one area of your life that could do with some clarity.

Share some love
The next person you see, whether you know them or not, give them a compliment and light up their day

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

I love you today because - Your Smile

I Love you today because......

You have a lovely smile

Your smile is infectious, warm and caring, you bring the sun out and make people feel at ease.  Your smile is a giving one and despite what you might go through you always have a smile for someone else making them feel at ease.

Self portrait image for the day:

I love you today because - you have a lovely smile - Pen and Ink

Show some love
The next time you look in the mirror, take some time to really look at yourself and smile!

Share some love
Make a point today to smile at the next person you meet, and brighten up their day!

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

Monday, 3 February 2014

I love you today because....Unique

I love you today because.......

You are Unique

Yes, you are unique, there is only one of you, perfectly fashioned and formed. You are created for a purpose, you are not a copy and there will not be another like you.  Be aware of your gifts, talents and abilities and step up and out.

Self portrait Image for the day...

I love you today because you are unique!

Show some love....
What one thing do you think sets you apart that you could make more of?

Share some love....
Think about one thing that a close friend or relative has that sets them apart and makes them special and let them know about it.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

I am also taking part in the 29 Faces Challenge for February, check out my mixed media site to see the additional images that will be posted.

29 faces challenge
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