Monday, 14 November 2011

Try Something New - Week 2 update

Well end of week 2 of the challenge, noticed a few changes in the week. I took a different route this week to keep the scenary interesting, this is the back of wembley stadium (looks like a space ship landed)......

I've been more determined and focused to do things, wanting to make the most of time. I have been working on getting my website updated, and taking pictures of new work. 

Noticing more things about the environment on the walk, birds singing and chattering to each other - they seem to be really loud in the morning.  We have a bakery about 4 miles from us and you get the smell of cakes and biscuits in the air.  I am aching a bit more, but trying to keep a steady pace and stretch after the walk.  Wanting to tie up loose ends and make sure that I am up to date with my tasks that need to be sorted and generally work harder, again having to be flexible in my approach realising I could quite easily talk myself out of the walk, so I still need to make sure I have what is necessary to get up and out each day. 

Feeling like doing some gardening, tidying up and getting it ready for the winter period, we have our garden waste collected each week so I can get rid of more stuff for composting, with all this mild weather need to take advantage of it!   It's Sekani's birthday today he's 16 years old, and celebrations will commence for him on Friday. He has just finished his exams.  Looking forward to week 3 revelations!  Do let me know how you are getting on in your challenges.

Week 4 Update
Week 3 Update
Week 1 Update

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