Wednesday 8 January 2014

Excitement - Memories of Home

Well, it is the first day of the year and I wish you a very Happy New Year. I hope you enjoyed your celebrations seeing the new year in and where ever you are. 

Welcome to Memories of Home, if you would like to find out more information about the series, Click here

Being in a supportive environment is important to our growth as individuals, not everyone has had that opportunity and as adults we try and create an environment that will nurture and bless our children and indeed ourselves.

Mixed Media House

Growing up there was always excitement  that came over you when the New Year celebrations had passed and everything had settled down.  You were back at school, it seemed like everything was made new and you had a fresh slate to try and experience new things.As kids we were always excited about the year to come, you had different celebrations coming up, birthdays to celebrate and you hoped that this year you got at least one thing on your wish list.

Being older the New Year and the first few weeks is of the year still fill me with excitement and it is all about that feeling of newness.  I have got the spring and summer months to come and look forward to making plans.  I plan the things I want to achieve for the year and armed with my diary look at lists and balance schedules.  Another thing I feel compelled to do at the start of the year is a spring clean.  This is currently at the top of our list and we are planning to get rid of a lot of things that are just cluttering up the home and not being used, trying to find a good home for them. We also see courses starting and it is an opportunity to learn new things and get those brain cells moving.

What fills you with excitement about the coming year, have you got something specific planned, ideas that you are working on or are just a thought without a form at the moment?  Speak life into these ideas and give them legs this year, and remember to share how you got on!

I would love to hear what big and little things you have planned I hope you continue to join me on my journey over the weeks, as I share my mixed media houses and look back to the memories of home. I look forward to hearing about some some of your own memories. Blessings and peace to you!

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