Friday 3 January 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 26 - Miracles

Miracles Happen Every Day!

We are just 3 days into the New Year.  Do you remember what you did around this time last year?  I know many made promises to themselves of things they would do, try to achieve or try to change.  How many have see these things come to pass?

Often we look for the miracles in life to be massive things that take our breath away.  Winning the lottery, getting that dream house (out of the blue) or landing that job that you know you aren't qualified for but they liked you.  I am sure you can think of other things that are massive that you might count as a miracle.  For some these things have been their reality and they are looking for the next big thing.

Gratitude's and Celebration page before completion
For the general population miracles are happening every day, yet we over look them or take them for granted.  One of the reasons for doing a Gratitude's and Celebration journal was to remind myself of those things that I very often take for granted and celebrate them. I am grateful that the backache I went to bed with stopped when I got up in the morning.
Miracles Happen....
I am also grateful that I get to see another year.  I celebrate being able to see new changes take place in my life.  With the loss of my brother last year I celebrate his life and the impact that he made on me. 
Me aged 9 and Robert aged 5
 I celebrate all those fun times we had as children and the fine man he grew up to be.
Robert is dearly missed
Whilst we only got to enjoy 45 years of his life some get even less time and every day someone is loosing a loved one, and we were able to let him know how much we loved and cared for him.

Miracles are happening every day, if you are having a hard time in seeing them, look out your window, step out of your front door, take a breath, feel the breeze on your skin, put on some music and dance - knowing that you are at this moment pain free - even if it is just for a moment.  Make a promise to yourself this year, if it is the only promise that you do make for yourself, and that is to live each day from today with passion, see the big and small miracles that are coming your way, and do not take one more day for granted.

Miracles happen everyday! - Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
I would love to hear from you and share what you will be tackling next. As this week draws to a close have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!
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