Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Laughter - Memories of Home

Memories of Home...

Welcome to Memories of Home, if you would like to find out more information about the series, Click here

Being in a supportive environment is important to our growth as individuals, not everyone has had that opportunity and as adults we try and create an environment that will nurture and bless our children and indeed ourselves.


Laughter is an important part of life, and being able to see the funny side and find humor in aspects of life is crucial, otherwise you would just want to curl up in a ball and cry all the time. They say that you use more muscles to frown - nearly 150, than if you where to smile - it uses under 10 facial muscles, (I heard the figure was 2), so imagine next time you walk down the street, all those who who have a smile on their faces will develop less wrinkles than those you see with frowns. Laughter has also been likened to an internal massage, so you can give yourself some a little bit of TLC on the outside and on the inside as well!

My dad had a good sense of humor and loved a good laugh - the type that would get you clutching your belly and bring tears to your eyes. Cartoons would be something that set him off, Tom and Jerry to be exact! He would find the cat and mouse antics hilarious - his laughter roaring through the house.

Charlie, our pet was a Minah bird. Dad was the only one that could handle him to get him out of the cage to clean it and then catch him as he flew around the house to put him back in. Minah birds mimic sounds, and somehow Charlie learnt to mimic my dads laughter, along with a few words. You would hear Charlie all hours of the day until it was time for bed. Dad would be watching something funny on the TV and then set Charlie off with laughter, it was definitely a sound to hear! 

Dads laughter showed me that it was important to look for the joy that we all have in our lives - and I think I have developed his loud laughter, much to my sons embarrassment! We can all find out what makes us laugh - seeing the lighter side of things especially in our complicated lives.  We have to sure we take time out on a daily basis, for we don't know what tomorrow will bring.

What role does laughter play for you and what one thing can you do today to encourage yourself to look at the humor in your own life? I hope you continue to join me on my journey over the weeks, as I share my mixed media houses and look back to the memories of home. I look forward to hearing about some some of your own memories. Blessings and peace to you!

Friday 28 February 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 34 - Loving Kindness

Gratitude's and Celebration
How long have you gone without a break?  A little bit of space and time for you.  You rush around being there for everyone else and at the end of the day you slump yourself down with barely enough time and then your off again taking care of other peoples needs before you have even had time to draw breath. 

A little bit of TLC is what you need right now, give yourself some time at the end of the day to gather your thoughts, reflect and recharge.  I am grateful today that I am able to recognise these times where I need to take time out for myself, and I celebrate the ‘me’ that once recharged and refreshed can move mountains!
Loving Kindness is what you need
What simple act of kindness are you able to show yourself?

Thursday 30 January 2014

Little Birdy - More play with characters

As we find ourselves nearing the end of the month I find myself deep in reflection, not only by the changes I wanted to make tailing off from 2013, but what I have managed to achieve this month.  I have been working steadily on the courses and I am also working on a collage one which I will share next week.

 My birds are part of a session on Soul Food with Zorana called Fluttering in Bronze

 Whilst I do like birds I never really gave them much thought within my work, but the more and more I worked on these I realised that they all spoke to me in some way that I could relate back to my role as an artist and symbolized aspects of my journey without this being my sole purpose.
Flying High in the Sky
 Flying high was about me wanting to go further within my work, I love trying new things and embracing experiences.  Sometimes stepping into the unknown is scary, but once your into it you find your way.  It does take a while to get to grips with new techniques, but you have to persevere and you can often be pleasantly surprised by the results.
Homely represents that part of me that loves the security of the home environment but a reminder that the world continues to move whether you do or not.  In this one I added an image which happens to be my brother who passed, and is a good reminder about relationships and taking action as on the day the photograph was taken we had taken all the kids to the park and had a really lovely day.

Looking Back
Looking back sees the bird from the tree looking down and you can see the daily life going on as well as the other birds in the distance.  Something I would love to be able to do one day is to be able to work from anywhere in the world, preferably hot with a beach close by.  As we age it seems as if the world has become a smaller place, technology means that we can communicate much better than we did before from anywhere in the world and there are so many opportunities available to have a better quality of life 9 hours in a plane in any direction from my currently location!

Tomorrow I will share not only the Gratitude's and Celebrations and the Memories of Home posts but some of the exciting things that I will be working on next month and it would be great to have you join me.  If you are taking Soul Food, leave a message and let me know how you are getting on, if not check out and be inspired! 

Thursday 26 July 2012

Gratitudes - Birdsong

Bird song – it sometimes seems as if the birds come out for me, chirping away, just when I need to hear them, makes me feel free and thankful for Gods miracles
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