Saturday, 28 June 2014

Creating....the process

I love looking at the process photos of how a painting comes into being, and every now and then share with you here.  I wanted to show you this particular painting that I had done recently and how it started out and what the finished result looked like.

I have over the past few months been attempting to paint a few more male portraits, it was something I was quite used to doing with graphite, but never attempted many paintings

After using my gelli plate to create a background this young man came to visit and I was able to capture him in charcoal.
Starting out using gelli print and charcoal to sketch the image

with each application of paint, he reveals a bit more of himself..
Image continues to emerge

he shares his dreams of travelling, and I wondered if they would remain just dreams or if he would be able to have some adventures of his own.

It had taken quite a bit of thought, planning and convincing that he was able too venture forth

He had already begun, he was living his adventure, travelling around the world, meeting new people and finding himself..

He knew who he was, where his talents and opportunities lay and he set out to share them with the world.

Valiant - Mixed Media Art on Watercolour 

Recycled Projects - 'John Lewis' art Journal

How many times have you come across a catalogue that you were not really interested in the products, but the paper that it was made from?  Not to say that I don't like John Lewis products, but when I came across this catalogue I thought that I would put it to use.

You can make a journal out of anything, putting the pages together for yourself and creating to your hearts content.  The fun lays in taking something made for one use and totally changing it, and seeing what each page will eventually become.

My use for this journal is as a jump start to get my creative juices flowing using some of the pictures as inspiration and for when I have a limited supply.

I first set out to decorate the front using paints, stamps, modelling paste, and markers to remind myself that its purpose was to inspire, not get overwhelmed with what I wanted to create, but just play.  

On the back cover I wanted to create a painting but it also had to be durable as it would be taken around, thrown into bags and experience rough and tumble.

Using tissue paper glued randomly to the back, applying paint and then sealing it all in means that it is a journal that will stand the tests of time, or there about.

I proceeded to stick several of the pages together to create a strong surface that would take paint well, and then I see what images inspire.  Each page has a selection of beds, bedding and household furniture and I either use the room settings as the basis for the page, or draw something totally unrelated. 

Here is a page that I chose to do create a scene with, after it is chosen and I start to draw round the items I want to keep in charcoal. 

I get a sense after a while of the characters that may be present in the room, and this young man found his way in the room, and decided to jump all over the bed.

Using gesso I block out those areas that I don't want to keep and think about either adding additional characters or thinking about paint.

This little girl couldn't resist joining the little boy to jump all over his parents bed, and so that's how I have been using the journal to think about ideas and stories about the lives of the people that join me on the pages of the journal.

I have yet to finish this page, but finishing is not the main objective or motivation, it is to continue to take the time to be creative if possible every day.

Here are a few other pages that I have started, and work on bits when the mood takes, and I look forward to working on them.

On some of the pages I have been working on, stories waiting to be told.

Some stories tell of hope and looking to the future.....

thinking about the past, and being present.......

But most of all working in this journal has been a fresh way of looking at things, often those things that we see day after day and making something new.  I really do encourage you to look at some of the things that you can recycle and use for creative purposes.  Check out some of the other Recycled projects that I have made.  Over the next few weeks I am looking forward sharing other recycled art journals, and ones that you can also make and bind yourself.  Until then stay blessed!

Friday, 27 June 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - still have a choice

You have a choice, don’t let doubt creep in....

You always have a choice, whatever the situation. You can choose.  You can make a decision whether you actually want to accept the results of a situation and choose a different path, or you can choose how you respond to a situation and whether it will have an impact on your life.

Whatever you do, you make the final decision.  What is it that you have been running away from.  Not making a decision is the same as making a choice, you have just chosen to do nothing and wait and see what happens, and in the end you may not like the results.

We are uniquely formed and fashioned by God and we each have a purpose on this earth.  It is our responsibility to make sure that we live and make the most of our lives however short or long they may be.  Don't listen to the negative voices that tell you that you will never be able to..... or that you will never achieve an inspiration for someone else that is coming up behind you, to those that look to you for an example - extend your had to the next.  

I am grateful and celebrate today because I had another day to make a difference, I no longer take what I have for granted and will continue to make choices that will steer my life to it's fullest and highest purpose.

What choices do you have to make today?

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Quote Wednesday - Robert Schuller

Every person is responsible for all the good in the scope of his abilities and for no more and none can tell whose sphere is the largest - Robert Schuller

Check out my wordpress weekly quotes..

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