Sunday 6 June 2010

Winged Thoughts - I am an artist

From one of the pages of my journal I look at the way ideas are formed and how being that they are so delicate we have to use wisdom.  In the depths of my heart creative dreams are calling me to take notice.  With all the distractions its quite easy not to take notice of our ideas.  I explored the areas that I wanted to work in, things I wanted to try.  How many times were you told you couldn't do something or you shouldn't try something?  I've just recently started the Kelly Rae Roberts ecourse, and just been reading her blog entry on facing our fears. its amazing to look back on this now and think about the fears I had when I did this journal page and the growth thats come later on.  I have named and shamed the fears.

In 12 hours I will be winging my way to Gjovik in Norway for a 4 day conference - sharing and learning from others who come from all over Europe who have an interest in colour research.  I have been taking little steps that have led me to this point and as I face my insecurities, I'll soar like the eagle and I will be able to look down on the fears and insecurities. I know that I will come back enriched from the experience, and welcome the numerous experiences and blessings yet to come.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Delivering Happiness - Free Giveaway!

I just received my advance reading copy of Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, CEO of to write a review.

In his first book, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh shares the different lessons he has learned in business and life, from starting a worm farm to running a pizza business; through LinkExchange (acquired by Microsoft for $265 million), Zappos, and more. Tony shows how a very different kind of corporate culture is a powerful model for achieving success — and how by concentrating on the happiness of those around you, you can dramatically increase your own.  

If you would like to have an advance copy leave a comment and tell me what your definition of happiness is.  Your name will go into the prize draw.  The first name out of the bag at 5pm on Monday 24th May will win the book.  If you are a blogger and want to take part in the advance copy giveaway programme follow the link

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Hello Sunshine!

I am beginning to feel I can give myself permission to be creative again, after what seem like a long spell in the desert, and not feel that the washing, cooking, cleaning, caring, mothering, diy and the thousand and one other tasks have to take precident.  Its been a long road, I guess age and maturity has helped me see that to be the best that I can be for others, I need to cherish and be the best I can be for me!

Tuesday 6 April 2010


I saw this  as I was walking to my art session with the elderly and it looked quite unusual as it appeared as if it were growing like a plant along the wall, but obviously its barbed wire. 

This got me to thinking how often we can feel that we are growing in a particular area or have learnt from a situation but we are restricted in our growth either because we have stopped seeing the possibilities or we have taken on board all of the negative that can often come our way and choke a great idea out of us.

We could also look at how we protect our ideas. Sometimes it's necessary to put a protective layer around it in its' early nurturing stages so that it doesn't get trampled and pulled apart and so the barbed wire might be useful in this type of situation.

When our ideas are nurtured and cared for they have plenty of time to grow and develop despite the environment.
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