Friday 28 February 2014

I Love you today because - Reflections

Well I made it to the end of the series, and gain many insights, more understanding and honed my sketching skills at the same time.

The ‘I love you today’ series was a way to show 'self love' and look for ways to show love to others.  It can be hard to appreciate how far you have come as you continue to busy yourself with ‘getting on with it’, and you are not able to find the room to celebrate these qualities that lay within as they often go overlooked.  It is easier to give encouragement to others and to cheer them on, but we can think of 100 reasons why we are not up to scratch and we end up speaking about ourselves negatively, or underplay the big leap that we actually make.

The journey for me in February fulfilled three purposes, one was to appreciate and value myself more and encourage myself to recognise when I had done a good job, recognising how far I had come, to be able to look in the mirror and not see 100 faults, but to appreciate the reflection staring back.  We all need to be able to be comfortable in our own skin and be confident with who we are and our abilities.  Some are able to do it with greater ease than others, it can feel uncomfortable saying to yourself what a good job you have done, but you have to recognise that your growth is determined by how you can see, reflect and acknowledge your growth without being self conscious or fearful.

Secondly, I included a self portrait, and a few from my imagination.  We have a perception of what we think that other people see, but the exercise in self-love is about how God sees us with unconditional love, without any strings, not governed by what we look like, latest clothes, or skin colour, so either looking in the mirror or looking at a photograph forced me to see me.  I experimented with techniques, starting out with coloured markers, adding promarker pens which I really enjoyed using.

Thirdly - it is not only about me – when you can love yourself you will find it easy to love others in a more genuine way....the commandment is ‘Love your neighbours as you love yourself’....we have got to be able to demonstrate that love for ourselves to be able to express and show love to others.  

This was why I had the section ‘share some love’, calling us to do something for someone, thinking how we can help someone else and be a blessing in their lives, however small.  What we consider small could be the miracle that someone else was praying for.

So I’ve come through enlightened, with a great set of sketches and drawings that can be used for other projects and new way of looking at myself and where I fit in the world, alongside 28 ideas for blessing others.  I am excited for the changes and challenges that will take place this month.  

What challenges have you got ready for yourself this month? The focus for me will be health and I will be sharing some of the delicious smoothies I intend to make to improve my health and well-being. Blessings!

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 34 - Loving Kindness

Gratitude's and Celebration
How long have you gone without a break?  A little bit of space and time for you.  You rush around being there for everyone else and at the end of the day you slump yourself down with barely enough time and then your off again taking care of other peoples needs before you have even had time to draw breath. 

A little bit of TLC is what you need right now, give yourself some time at the end of the day to gather your thoughts, reflect and recharge.  I am grateful today that I am able to recognise these times where I need to take time out for myself, and I celebrate the ‘me’ that once recharged and refreshed can move mountains!
Loving Kindness is what you need
What simple act of kindness are you able to show yourself?

I Love you today because - Day 28

I love you today because.....
You inspire

You have come a long way, been through the fire, learnt many lessons, you are learning each and every day.  You are truly an inspiration and through your journey and your openness you encourage others, be proud of how far you have come!

I love you today series of images - Fine liner and Promarker sketch

Show some love
Take a moment to think about all the areas you have been inspired in and make room for continued inspiration.

Share some love
Think about those who have inspired you and thank them in some way.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below.  Come back tomorrow to see my reflections of the posts..

Wednesday 26 February 2014

I Love you today because - Day 27

I love you today because......

You are encouraging

You have a very positive energy and all that come in contact with you can sense that there is something different about you,  You see the small things, noticing the details, and the things that really count. You speak blessings into their lives and give them the courage to be more than they thought they could be.

Show some love
Even you need encouraging, take time to recharge your batteries and spend time with others who will encourage you.

Share some love
Every one wants to be heard, spend some time today listening.

To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image below

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