Sunday 12 February 2012

A Bit of Play

Art and Creativity are essential for our health and well-being, I have been spending a lot of time in my art journals - making them and creating some smaller pieces of art
With the course that I have been doing since January nearly halfway through run by Kelly Rae Roberts and Beth Nicholls, it has been getting me to look at the very heart of my business, the why, who, what, where and when.. 
What I am reminded of for the week to come is that ALL of me needs to be taken care of, the business is essentially the heart of me and what I want to express into the world.

We have had a range of inspiring contributions and there is an amazing amount of talented and supportive participants on the course.  I have been doing a lot of searching, developing and writing and know that when you do feel off, or out of sorts you need to listen carefully to that still voice, it can be a reflection of the change that needs to happen or that is currently taking place..

We have to be gentle with our hearts through the change!
Remembering that all parts of us need to be cared for.  I was blessed to have a massage last week, this week I will be doing some more walking, talking lots of photographs, spending time with family and tending to my overall health so that I can continue to flourish and be the whole person I am called to be. 

Remembering that you are blessed - stretch yourself, what are you going to do with your week? 

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