Thursday, 20 March 2025

Arts and Wellness Cafe - Garden Edition


Welcome to this episode of the Arts and Wellness Cafe, where we look at how being in a green plant-filled environment can help with your health and wellbeing.

It is my second favorite space next to my art studio and I love spending time tending to the plants an seeing new things come to life.

It is not an easy activity but it is very rewarding and the benfits are multiple - from harvesting the food, seeing plants spring to life or the addition of birds building their nests, feeling so comfortable in the space that they dwell awhile.

We also talk about being stewards for all the places that we find ourselves in and the legacy we will leave behind for the next generation.  

It would be great to know what you want your legacy to be that will inspire and motivate others. 

Come and join us and leave a comment.

Before you go:

Check out the Diamond Painting video - is it something that you have tried before?

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