Monday, 3 March 2025

Material Musings - Textile Art Project Update


Welcome to Material Musings where we will see the progress made in the current projects that I am working on in the studio.

I have been moving each of the projects on a bit at a time throughout the week, each of them has something different, and I tap into that depending on the sort of work that I want to do on each.

I have added the beading to this one and additional stitching and I think that it is finally coming together.  It definitely has been a journey getting them complete, I think that I assumed that they would take less time to complete.

This piece is made up of wax resist and dyed fabric, lots of slow stitching, and beading.  The figure that I use on the piece is one of my digital downloads available on my Etsy store - HERE

When you are approaching your projects don't try and rush through them, especially if you work somewhat intuitively, there is always something that catches your eye that wants to be added, so I just enjoy the process.

Next week on Material Musings I will be sharing some of the ways in which I source my fabric embellishments.

Before You Go

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