Saturday 4 August 2012

Creating in Faith - Faith

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

If you would like to see how I made the pockets check out the post Bookmark Pockets

Come join the group - Creating in Faith, show us how you will be incorporating the words and scriptures in your art this week. Each week I will be sharing words, reflections, scriptures and the bookmark holder.  Step out and be a blessing and you will also be blessed!

Thursday 2 August 2012

Gratitudes - Piano

Piano – my son is very talented though doesn’t realise how much, when he plays it can be a very soothing and healing experience.

Sunday 29 July 2012

52 Weeks of Colour - Tranquility

Take the time you need to work on you.

There will be times in life when impossibility is felt, but then there are dreams - and dreams allow us possibility.....Jeffrey David Lang


Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it...Hebrews 13:2

Hello from Barbados!

As I write this I am relaxing in the sunnier climbs of Barbados.
Came away with family and friends to enjoy a few weeks in the sun, though in London at the moment I hear they are experiencing a heat wave.  We had a few days of thunder storms but those who know the rainy season in the Caribbean, one minute it pours then the sun comes right back out and its hot again.  We have been touring around, after hiring a car which just makes it so much easier, though the local transport buses are quite frequent depending on where you are going on the island.  Barbados is approx 22 miles at its length and 14 miles at its widest point and some of the beaches are spectacular.  
I have been taking lots of pictures and also can't resist photographs of my favourite subjects - flowers and plants, which are definitely a feast for the eyes.  One of my favourite flowers is the Frangipang (which is my current blog photograph), comes in a variety of colours and has a beautiful aroma. 
As this isn't our first time to the island we are trying to do some of the visits that we didn't catch when we were here a couple of years ago at Christmas - which was a lovely time to come by the way!  We have found lots of activities that are easy on the pocket and really informative. 

I have been slacking a bit with my art even though I brought some equipment with me, I'm still trying to get some sketches done...I have no excuse really as there are so many lovely subjects around me.  I've met up with a few artists and visited a couple of galleries which I will share in another post, so that has been great.  

Amongst some of the places we have visited are the Flower forest, Lime Grove - which has the more 'expensive' shops and boutiques among its mix, it also has some lovely courtyards and an art gallery called NuEdge, my favourite piece of work was by an artist called Terrance Piggott - check him out on the NuEdge site to see some of his recent work. Sekani took time out to play the piano, it would be lovely for him to regularly play on one of these!  This particular piano can also be programmed to play on its own!
We finished our day at Dover Beach for a swim and something to eat and met up again with a lovely man called Mr Mayers who has a food eatery near the beach and  is very hospitable.  When we visited Barbados on our last trip he very generously invited us and a few other guests into his home for lunch and his wife put on a lovely spread, her cooking is amazing! 

Friday was Fish Fry at Oistins and after catching up with some of my husbands family we went there to enjoy the freshly caught local fish and take in the cool breeze and entertaining music.  Sekani is enjoying his time in the water, and I am sure that he will grow another inch at least while we are here. 
Lots more adventures to be had in the coming week.  August marks the main Crop Over Celebrations, though there have been activities taking place from the start of July and people from all over Barbados and the rest of the world come down to celebrate.  We have been keeping ourselves updated with the Olympics and the teething problems with the roads taking place in London, we pick up coverage around 8 hours later here in Barbados.

It is another hot day today so I think a trip to the beach is on the cards, after I get some work done!  I have some mini videos to share, until then....Blessings.......

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