Wednesday 3 October 2012

21 Secrets - 15 Minutes to Sanity - Gina Rossi Armfield

In the 15 Minutes to Sanity workshop Gina encourages us to take the sometimes limited time we have and use it in a different way.  15 minutes to sanity is all that it takes to set you on the road to creativity.  By preparing our pages before hand and using prompts and selected materials, it enables us to snatch back the much needed time and create in our journals.

I enjoyed this workshop as I was able to just focus on doing what I could with the time I had.  I started preparing pages some time ago as this in itself can be a theraputic activity, especially at those times where you are not able to sit down and do a journal page, but playing with the materials on the page is definitely well worth doing.  The page is inspired by a poem I wrote - a piece of me still remains, looking at our memories, the photos that we collect and wondering what remains when we pass in the minds of others.

Here is my page before I started....

This is how it ended up.

Sunday 30 September 2012

52 Weeks of Colour - Attention

The answers are there, you need to ask the right questions....

A man has many skins in himself, covering the depths of his heart. Man knows so many things; he does not know himself. Why, thirty or forty skins or hides, just like an ox’s or a bear’s, so thick and hard, cover the soul. Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there. ...Meister Eckhart 

What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus . 2 Timothy 1:13

Saturday 29 September 2012

Creating in Faith - Courage

Standing firm in our beliefs or stepping out when all around is shaky.  We can often think of other people who are courageous and brave when they go through a difficult time or make destiny decisions and can think of ourselves as cowards...., ‘I could never do that, go there, or create that’ we can find ourselves saying.  

If we take time to think back on our lives, we will begin to remember times we got through when we thought all was lost, when we had to carry the load, wipe the brow of a loved one, pace the floor waiting for results, or sell that piece of art.  We forget the victories that we have seen and how we had to muster our energies for what seemed like the very thing that would have broken the camels back.
When I think back at the start of my mums’ decline with dementia, I could never have imagined how I could have got through it and continue to get through, let alone find time to be creative.  I learnt to allow my creativity to be infused into my situation and got my mum to participate as well, using the art and creativity as a tool for expression and healing.  

This has allowed me to seek out my voice in my art and to just step out.  It also enables me to see mum express herself in a different way.  There will be many more difficult situations where it would be natural to be afraid, but we have to face them head on.  With God I have known not to have any fear, I know in those times where I felt I couldn’t go another step it was God that saw me through.

Think about a time where you found courage when you least expected it, how did it change the way you viewed your situation?.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

If you would like to see how I made the book mark pockets check out the post Bookmark Pockets

Come join the group - Creating in Faith, show us how you will be incorporating the words and scriptures in your art this week. Each week I will be sharing words, reflections, scriptures and the bookmark holder.  Step out and be a blessing and you will also be blessed!

Thursday 27 September 2012

Gratitudes - God

The love of God
Whilst man looks at my faults, God see’s the real me.  My faith has been both a strength and a comfort.

What are you grateful for this week?
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