Sunday 4 November 2012

52 Weeks of Colour - Openness

Take the time to sit back and really enjoy the blessings in your life 

Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art. ..
.Leonardo Da Vinci 

"Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Col 3:2..

Thursday 1 November 2012

Gratitudes - Creativity

I am grateful that I can be creative in so many ways and not tie myself to one discipline, and there are so many cool mediums still to try!

What are you grateful for this week?

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Painted Pages

I have been taking part in a few courses to stretch myself creatively, to keep my hand in and stay motivated while circumstances can be pressing in what seems like on all sides.  I did a workshop with Mika from Motley Soul called Painted pages.  In this workshop we find new ways to make fabric journals which allows you to combine fabric scraps or old clothes with paper that you might in the past just put in the recycle bin.  Everything takes on a new meaning when you start thinking to yourself exactly what you could make from it. It's not helping with storage space, but it means that I can create on different materials.

Here are some of  the pages I created for the basic pages

Once you start what your left with is a canvas book that you can use to your heart’s content, you can paint on it or sew in it by machine or hand. 

For the painted pages exercise I used different types of material which will give you different  textures on the page, which also responds to mediums in different ways. 

I’ve painted with acrylics, oil pastels, water soluble crayons and pencils and also sewed some of the pages which adds to the textures you can achieve.
Some of the pages worked better with paints than others, but then it meant that other techniques could be tried

This is the front cover, the pages put together as one signature, with a metal butterfly for decoration.  I still have a few pages to experiment on, looking forward to trying out some more ideas.  What new techniques have you been trying?

Sunday 28 October 2012

52 Weeks of Colour - Joy

It's your time to let love in for you

All the way to heaven is heaven. ...St. Catherine of Sienna 

"And has He not given you rest on every side?" 1 Chronicles 22:18.
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