Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Memories of Home - Reflections

Last week saw the last of my series 'Memories of Home'  I had made a series of houses, some made from card and others created on wood.  It was a great way to look back at childhood memories and share some of them.  My son also got to see another side of the child I used to be.  

Each week I took a word which would be the starting point to launch from and I shared a memory, some of them had been long forgotten.  

I enjoyed sharing the memories, some of which were of times me and my brother had spent on our adventures as children, thinking about him and the good times though still difficult at times seem to lessen the sting of his passing.  Speaking about him some how keeps his memory alive and feels right, I can't believe at times that he is gone.

When my dad died mum would speak of how they met and how she secretly liked him all along, I found that even after 20 years of him not being with us I still felt the emotional pain.  
The more she talked about him the more I remembered and it didn't hurt so much.  I still wish he could have seen his grand children and that they could have had more time together.

Now I have finished the series I have been thinking what to do with the houses and want to turn the into some form of book, along with the memories shared and can be passed down to grandchildren and be the stories that are shared and not forgotten -  I will let you know how I get on.

I encourage you to take the time to reflect back on your own memories, you might find that they might hold the key to moving forward. 
Wooden house collage
One of the wooden houses that I made inspired by a class on Soul food opened up a whole new set of possibilities, I didn't realized how much I liked working with wood and hope to do more pieces.

As I made the houses I found I related to them more, and each began to mean more to me and became more a part of me and my stories.

I have found Memories of home has been a way to capture some of my stories, the ones that had been forgotten, and as we get older and family get together's fall to the wayside it has also been extremely important to me as my mothers memory diminishes.  What experiences and memories have you been capturing and what special ways have you been able to share them?

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Soul Food - New work and Zen Doodles

I thought I would share some of the work I have been producing from the Soul Food course I have been doing....

In the session led by Heather Santos - 'letting go of perfect', I used a piece of art that just didn't seem to be working and creating a new painting.  I drew an outline of a figure I wanted to use and then went about adding the necessary paint.

I was pleased with how she eventually turned out.

Sarah Hand showed us how to make paper mache shadow boxes

Shadow Box
It has been great so far to be able to work with such a vast array of creatives, in a supportive and encouraging environment.  I would definitely do both of these again and have collected a few boxes that I would love to alter.  I am finding my pace and looking forward to sharing more as the weeks go on.

Finally, do you doodle?

I was fortunate to have one of my Doodles featured in the book Zen Doodle: Tons of Tangles.  Well, North Light Books are producing another book called Oodles of Doodles and they want you to submit your doodles or tangles to the Zen Doodle competition by March 14th, there is no entry fee so get a move on!  Check out Create Mixed Media 

You can also enter in the following ways:

email them at
Instagram — email them at via your Instagram account
Pinterest — tag them in the comment @CreateMixedMedia
Twitter – tag them in the comment @CMixedMedia

Friday, 7 March 2014

Gratititude and Celebrations - Week 35 - A New beginning...

Gratitude's and Celebration

A new beginning is calling you

March always signifies the beginning of spring, we hopefully have gone through most of the bad weather and look forward to brighter evenings and a spattering of sunshine.
We put the clocks forward by an hour and we adjust our body clocks.  The clouds and moods seemingly lifted with more daylight hours available to us.

There are new beginnings ahead, no matter where you are in your life, old or young, you have a new day ahead, new opportunities, new adventures.  

I celebrate and I am grateful for the opportunity to see a new day and embrace the new beginnings that are unfolding in my life.  What are you going to do with your tomorrow, take time to notice everything over the next 24 hours.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Book Reviews - Unlocking the Heart of the Artist and Live Ten...

I thought I would share a couple of books that I found really encouraging and are great reads...

Matt Tommy has written a book that all artists who are seeking to dive further into their spirituality and creativity should read.  I read this book over a weekend having seen a sample on my Kindle and knew that I would have to buy it.

It is not a weekend read, mind you, it’s a book that you have to dive into again and again.  You will come up with insights, revelation and ‘ah ha’ moments as you go on your journey.  It said things that I have been thinking about my journey over the past few months.  Read More Here

John 10:10 “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” Are you living a life that is full? Does life present itself as an opportunity for joy and success? This is one of the many questions that are asked in Terry Smiths’s book.

You are challenged as a reader to look beyond the life you are currently leading and question whether you could be getting more out of your life, and live to your full potential while also impacting on the wider community that you live in. He shares with us that there is much more available to us, that God wants us to live, but we have to take action rather than be passive and basically move out of our own way so that we can live our best lives. Read More Here

What are you reading, why not share

Let me know what you are reading at the moment, and why you would recommend it.  If you are a writer and want to be interviewed check out my Writers Share page on my Wordpress blog, you will have an opportunity to share what inspires and motivates you and let others know about your work!

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