Sunday, 8 June 2014

Word for the Week - Proverbs 18:10

Word for the Week

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe..Proverbs 18:10

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 20

Smoothie Love Day 20

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

I think that I am beginning to find my flow with the smoothies, and have learnt some lessons along the way - we are learning all the time!, especially with regards to helping me keep consistent. I have my staples which I work with, making sure that I have sufficient supply, and this has enabled me to keep going, whilst providing a nutritious smoothie each day.

The family have been joining in and as I make one for myself, I make one for them as well, knowing that we are all benefiting is keeping me going. It does also help to have an easy to use smoothie maker, and I will have to at some point do a review on the ones that we have brought and what has worked well for us. I am starting a new review site where I will be sharing my views on things that I have tried, hopefully it will help others make informed choices.

Smoothie Love

Here is today's smoothie: Pear, Grapes, Tangerine, Mango and Oat Milk, this one was quite nice, creamy and the frozen mango chunks were quite sweet.

The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Smoothie Love - Day 17

Smoothie Love Day 17

Smoothie for the day for the 30 days of change...

Ok, so I missed a few days, stuff happens, and you have to go with the flow, walk round, jump over and a whole load of other things while you are at it. I made the smoothies, but didn't get to post for a whole host of reasons, some of which I shared in yesterdays post about Taking time out. The main thing is to make sure you take note of whatever lessons you are to learn, then as you move on you are able to see where the possible pitfalls may show their face again.

Here is today's smoothie: Grapes, kiwi, blueberries, raisins, cashew nuts, coconut milk, and spinage.
The kiwi wasn't very sweet and so there were slightly sharp undertones, but it still tastes good. I have stocked up on supplies so looking forward to the coming recipes.

Smoothie Love - Day 17
The smoothie is part of the 30 days of change, click on the image below to see what it involves.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Quote Wednesday - Thomas Edison

To have a great idea - have a lot of them - Thomas Edison

Check out my wordpress weekly quotes..
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