Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Tutorial Tuesdays - Pound Store Finds

Welcome to Tutorial Tuesday!  It has been a while I know, but I have been busy making projects to share with you and this one today incorporates my love of paper and working with my hands.  I thought I would share with you what I have been working on lately.
Tutorial Tuesday

Here in the UK we have what is call 'Pound stores' or 99p stores in which they sell everything very cheaply, and as the name says either £1 or 99p.  I guess in the states you have your 'Dollar Tree' and I am sure that most places would have the equivalent.

You can often pick up a range of crafting items, not the best quality, but depending on what you are going to use them for can be quite effective.  I recently picked up these bags of all sorts and was attracted by the flower that was in the packet, it had a lot of waste and off cuts that would normally be recycled but some bright spark has realized that if they bag them up someone will buy it.

Anyway, it came with lots of different type of paper, flower off cuts, a bag of beads, foam and as you can see strips of paper.

Because of my love of paper and making things I thought it was a good idea to see what I could create with the contents of the bag.  Due to my love of making journals, I decided to set myself a challenge and see if I could make a workable journal with only the contents of the bag.

I started out with two pieces of recycled card, which along with paint were the only external additions, and I measured the cardboard to the size that I wanted the journal to be.  This was also dependent on the size of the biggest piece of paper within the paper pack.

measuring out the cardboard
After I had got the size that I wanted, I began to cover the cardboard in strips of paper from the pack, which would provide a base for the flower and any other additional decoration on the front.

I put together the pages and made 3 signatures for the journal, decorating each one as I went along.
Signatures being decorated before stitched
 With any spare paper left I made tags and a front pocket for the journal, I had placed a series of encouraging statements on the tags

I kept the sewing of the signatures very simple and with some of the shiny paper left made some paper beads to hang from the spine of the journal

paper beads and a simple stitching on the journal
 Here is the finished journal, I decorated the flower with a pearlesent paint and attached it to the cover, and finished off with stitching around the edges of the journal.

Completed journal
 Here is one of the pages within the journal that I have worked on, with a reminder that you need to take a break and dive into your creativity.
Completed page - take a break

I still have a bit of the paper left and that will go towards the next project, I also didn't get to use the beads, so we will see what we can do with these as well.  Try and get on down to your local store and see what paper packs you can find to make a journal from, that are inexpensive and encourage you to stretch your imagination as you use a limited range of resources in a different way. 

 I will be making a few more of these over the coming months, and towards the end of August next month I will be making another journal from the contents of one of these paper packs and also be hosting a giveaway, so keep an eye out!

Join me next week for Tutorial Tuesdays and see where your creativity can take you!!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Material Mondays - Fabric Dolls Part 2

 Material Mondays - Painted Fabric

It always amazes me how quickly time flies - they say especially when your having fun, but it has been quite a busy week that saw most of my posts fall by the wayside, but not to be deterred and getting back on track again, finds me with the second doll.

In Last week's Material Monday I shared with you a doll that we had been shown how to make by Susana Tavares on the Soul Food course.

Well I made another one, in exactly the same way, but for a different use.  
Crochet flower and button detail

It was a very simple pattern, which you decorate with your choice of paints before hand and then put the pattern together and sew.

Once this has been done you can decorate however you choose, or leave it as is.

I really enjoyed making the doll and I kept her face fairly simple.  I added a crochet flower and band for her hair, which is wool.  I attached the hair in the same way that you would create a rug - by attaching to her head a simple crocheted hat I then hooked the wool around the spaces on the hat.

I got the bangle from the charity shop and it made a lovely choker, and I crochet a few rows together and made her a belt.

She wasn't happy until I made a bag for her to carry around with her, and this was made from scraps of material sewn together to create a bag journal

Handbag that doubles as mini mini Journal - for quotes!

It is usable and I thought that I would create a booklet type bag that I can use to write down inspiring quotes
Journal Bag

With an additional slot to hold some mini tags!
Mixed media Art Doll

Here she is ready for action.  I would love to see what you can come up with, they are so easy to make and can be given as gifts.  I have an idea of making some smaller ones, she currently stands at 14 inches and is 7 inches wide.  I hope that you've been inspired, come back for Material Mondays to see what I make next week!

Monday, 21 July 2014

Material Mondays - Fabric Dolls

 Material Mondays - Painted Fabric

I have always loved looking at the many designs and varieties of fabric dolls.  As part of the Soul Food course over at Community Thrive.  I am still making my way through some of the lessons, and savoring the inspiring teaching.  Artist Susana Tavares showed us how she makes her dolls, and I gave it a go and came up with a couple of designs, one of which I will share today.

Mixed media art doll

It has been great making this one, which I first painted then cut out the pattern and sewed together.  I have made a few additions and she decided that she would be and ideas doll.  Her purpose is to hang around with a note pad and pens and be there when an idea strikes me so that I can take out the pad and write it down. 

Pocket created in the back to carry notebook and pens

To her back I put a couple of pockets that could hold a mini journal and some pens.  The pocket was recycled and painted from one of my sons old school uniform trousers.

Jeweled out with accessories
Her hair and head dress was made from wool and crocheted flower headband - it kind of reminds me of the 80's style

I made some simple earrings using beads and jewelry findings, and picked up a necklace and broach at the charity shop.

Weighed down with stones
I used small stones to weigh down the doll so that she would stand up, though you can use rice or other grain.

She likes going everywhere, and I thought that I would spend some time in the garden getting some inspiration, I might have to make another one to keep her company, and a few smaller ones with encouraging words.  Come back next week for Material Mondays to see what I make out of fabric  Check out Susana's site, she has lots of other things that will be a feast for the eyes and may be inspire you to create.  

Friday, 18 July 2014

Gratitudes and Celebrations - Week 52 - Celebrate how far you have come!

Gratitudes and Celebration - Celebrate how far you have come.

Approximately 52 weeks ago I decided to start a Gratitude's and Celebration journal, to capture and remind me of those things that I was grateful for within my life.  I shared with you how I made the journal and in the first week talked about 'letting the love in'.

The Gratitude's and Celebration Journal has served as a reminder to make the most of each and every opportunity.

It has been great working in a small way creating art on each page, and it has also made me focus on what was really important and what mattered in my life.  I have had my share of extremely sad times, as well as moments of joy, and all experiences there for a purpose and allow us to grow.The Journal has carried me through each and every week!

In everything, above all everything I choose to be joyful, and carry that joy with me everywhere I go.  While this is the 52nd week I have decided to continue with the journal, as I still have quite a few pages left to fill.

There is still so many things to be grateful for, I hope you continue to join me on the journey, and start your own Gratitude's and Celebration journal and spend time reflecting on where you are going.

Celebrating Joy

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