Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Stepping Out Challenge - Day 17 - Writing Challenge

Welcome to today's post, I am taking part in a 31 day blog challenge where I post everyday in October.  I love creating challenges for myself and joining ones by others.  My challenge for the rest of the month is to reflect on some of the series I created for myself and inspiration that I have taken away.

Listen to the Podcast

Today I am going to be talking about a Writing Challenge that I gave myself.

Try something new for 30 days - Writing Challenge

I believe if you want to try something new to see if you really like it or to learn a new skill you can’t just do it once or twice and really know if it is for you but you have to give it a real go step outside your comfort zone and put effort into it, then you can look back and make better informed decisions.

We usually want to make changes at the New Year, feeling that we get a chance to do things over. We make promises of change and determination – it is going to be different this time we tell ourselves and for the first few days we are giddy with the excitement of change. How many resolutions have you made in the past that you actually kept? How many things fell by the wayside?

One year I signed up for a 2 year gym membership – signed the dotted line, and for what ever reason, didn’t look back – I mean literally, I went 4 times and then had to experience a very expensive non-commitment, I don't know what I was thinking as the direct debits came out of my bank account – I could have gone on several holidays!

That was me at the time, I was good at making resolutions, I would make 5 grand resolutions and at the very far side of the back of my mind I knew I wouldn’t keep them, only to feel bad about myself for giving up on myself. I would then go through the rest of the year with the ‘Self-Critic’ saying ‘see, I knew you couldn’t do it’ and laughing it off in the ‘critic corner’ - some of you know the one down Despondent Street at the junction of Loathsome Lane and Apathy Avenue. 

One year I heard about the writing challenge the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) that happens every year from the 1st to the 30th November.  You end up write a book in the month of November. I began to wonder what I could produce by writing every day. At that period in my life I wasn’t necessarily eager to write a book, I wasn’t sure what I would even say. I decided to come to a compromise, I would write, yes, but I would tailor the challenge to fit my needs and meet me where I was while allowing me to push past the minimum requirement. I reckoned that if I was able to do more it would be a bonus. 

I set about ‘thinking about writing’ I would commit to writing 100 words each day. The Self Critic came on board in the corner and started ridiculing me for ‘only’ writing 100 words each day, but I told her I wasn’t a writer or trying to be one, I would just see where it led to, and then I stalled. The November came and went and I still thought about it doing the writing challenge and as I got to the end of November I wondered if just starting would be the right thing for me. 

I wasn’t looking to produce anything fancy in the end like a 50,000 word manuscript. I wanted to write, with no other constraints, just to get the practice in. I didn’t want to make it like my Journal that I do every day but I wanted to have a loose theme and see if I could discipline myself to do something that wasn’t a habit for me. 

Art Journal - Amanda Trought

Whilst I was willing to step out of my comfort zone, be flexible and try and enjoy the journey and I began to understand that there were a few things that needed to put in place to make it a productive time. I wanted to have something start me off something to guide me, and not just have the blank page taunting me, this was quite daunting and I thought that if I felt this way before the challenge then how was it going to be for the next 31 days - it was going to be a rough ride.

As I say, the first few days would have been quite hard, the novelty of doing a writing challenge, and thinking about writing anything other than a journal had worn off, but I managed to come up with an idea that worked for me
Check back tomorrow to see how I overcame the initial block stage

How do you push yourself past your point of comfort and what are the things that you have learnt about your journey?

Tomorrow I will share the second part from my Writing Challenge.  I hope during this month you find some time to challenge, be creative and stretch yourself.  Why not join me each day for the rest of October as we dive into to some exciting challenges and look at ways in which they can impact on your own life. 

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it is never too late to start! The main thing is to take one step at a time and do something that you find interesting.

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Ps:  If you are on a budget and would like to check out some supplies/books at a discounted price, check out one of the links below:

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Stepping Out Challenge - Day 16 - 365 Days of Color Pt 2

Welcome to today's post, I am taking part in a 31 day blog challenge where I post everyday in October.  I love creating challenges for myself and joining ones by others.  My challenge for the rest of the month is to reflect on some of the series I created for myself and inspiration that I have taken away.

Listen to the Podcast

Today I am going to concluding on the topic of 365 Days of Colour 

The 365 Days of Colour was born as I realized that I had been photographing flowers over a long period of time and they were sitting on my desktop lost in the digital atmosphere and not being a blessing either to me or anyone else for that matter. 

I decided to create a yet another challenge, and for me I guess the challenges are more like projects, where I am able to get them completed because there is something driving me to get it done somehow.  I had decided not only to post an image but would couple it with an inspiring quote a scripture and a reflection for each post.  

My main aim was to bring colour and beauty to people all around the world regardless to whether they had a garden or not.  They could still enjoy the beauty of nature and perhaps seeing the image would cheer them up.

I did the challenge for a year bringing elements together and sharing and it taught me about discipline in sticking through the journey as simple as the task was it was also about showing up if not for myself then for someone else.  There are hundreds of thousands of beautiful flowers around the world, so many varieties and colours and each county has flowers that only grow in that particular climate.  When was the last time you stopped and looked at your own environment and really took it in.

We can also look at what we call weeds, that we hastily pull out of the ground  and see the beauty in the flowers that they produce.  If they grew in the right places we wouldn't have a problem.  We can see even with the weeds how the colours also find themselves in our everyday lives.

I now have a tropical garden, that I can grow things in and they do seem to grow really quickly because of the climate.  I am amazed at the number of different plants that I have managed to grow in the space and over the year with the list getting bigger.  My aim eventually is to document each with their medicinal and nutritional benefits.  There are some growing (among them some pretty weeds) that I have not yet been able to identify and so will keep on learning and sharing as I go.  Please come and visit my Gardening channel, and see the updates that I will be posting about the growth.

Tomorrow I will share my writing challenge with you. I hope during this month you find some time to challenge, be creative and stretch yourself.

    Why not join me each day for the rest of October as we dive into to some exciting challenges and look at ways in which they can impact on your own life. 

    I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it is never too late to start! The main thing is to take one step at a time and do something that you find interesting.

    Stay blessed and be a blessing.

    Ps:  If you are on a budget and would like to check out some gardening supplies/books at a discounted price, check out one of the links below:

    Adorn it - 
    Dollar Tree - 
    Blick - 
    Book Outlet - 
    Stampington - 
    C& T Publishing - 
    Dover - 
    Craftsy Kits - 
    Amazon Store - 

    Monday, 15 October 2018

    Stepping Out Challenge - Day 15 - 365 Days of Color

    Welcome to today's post, I am taking part in a 31 day blog challenge where I post everyday in October.  I love creating challenges for myself and joining ones by others.  My challenge for the rest of the month is to reflect on some of the series I created for myself and inspiration that I have taken away.

    Listen to the Podcast

    Today I am going to be talking about a series on my 365 Days of Colour

    I have always loved flowers, my mum started me off on my green finger journey when I was little and I saw how she took care of the house plants we had.  She brought the tropics into our home despite us living in a cold climate.  I saw her lovingly tend to these plants deadheading and taking off the leaves that were shriveled checking that the plants had enough water and nutrients, she loved her plants.  As I grew up I started to get plants of my own.  I carried on initially with house plants and as my spaces got bigger I carried the love to the out doors and in the garden.

    Living in a colder climate you won't always see the rich and vibrant colours in the middle of the winter and so where ever I went I just started to take photographs.  It started out when I would go for my walks, the walks would take extra time cause I would be caught by the colours I passed on my route.  After exhausting my local community I would keep a look out for flowers in other gardens.  Some of my favorite places were parks and botanical gardens like Kew Gardens.  I was in my element, among the grounds, lost in the beauty and the scents.  I had never thought of doing something with the images.  Like most of my other challenges I created for myself they are not initially planned in advance.  I get up with an idea and then I am driven to put it in place.

    There are many plants that I was able to grow in my Wembley garden and that was 13 years of physical, and financial investment over the years.  When I think about the garden I think about having another room that you can spend time in.  

    When you are dealing with colder climates you might not get to enjoy sitting out there but the differences with a garden filled with the sun’s rays compared to a garden filled with snow is definitely a sight to see and has beauty to be seen and the first buds that come up in the spring and the autumn falling leaves all bring beauty in their own way.

    Check out my Tropical Garden Series.  I will be sharing part two of the 365 Days of Colour tomorrow and I hope during this month you find some time to challenge, be creative and stretch yourself.

      Why not join me each day for the rest of October as we dive into to some exciting challenges and look at ways in which they can impact on your own life

      I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it is never too late to start! The main thing is to take one step at a time and do something that you find interesting.

      Stay blessed and be a blessing.

      Ps:  If you are on a budget and would like to check out some supplies/books at a discounted price, check out one of the links below:

       Adorn it - 
      Dollar Tree - 
      Blick - 
      Book Outlet - 
      Stampington - 
      C& T Publishing - 
      Dover - 
      Craftsy Kits - 
      Amazon Store - 

      Sunday, 14 October 2018

      Stepping Out Challenge - Day 14 - Healthy Lifestyle Part 2

      Welcome to today's post, I am taking part in a 31 day blog challenge where I post everyday in October.  I love creating challenges for myself and joining ones by others.  My challenge for the rest of the month is to reflect on some of the series I created for myself and inspiration that I have taken away.

      Listen to the Podcast

      Welcome to today's post. 

       There can be many times when you are taking part in a challenge when you want to throw in the towel, this can be the case if you have too many complex parts to complete and your not in the head space to handle all the different elements. 

       Rather than throw in the towel it is better to cut you list down to a few items that you are doing, if not just one thing that you will complete for the challenge period.

      It can be quite disheartening if you are always stopping mid way in a challenge and you have to give yourself the best start as possible and keep what you have to share down to a minimum. You don’t want to get lost in what needs editing or having to take photographs of your process.  Above all you need to keep it simple.

      There is also no 'right time' for starting a challenge.  In this challenge I started the middle of the month, rather than try and wait until the 1st of the month, any day is the right day to start a challenge.

      Living a healthy lifestyle is something that you need to keep reminding yourself that there isn't a final destination, but you need to see it as something that is for the rest of your life.

      When I did the challenge I chose share the smoothies that I was making daily and I would mention briefly how I got on with the other things, such as whether I was able to stick to the other things and some things that I wanted to add such as a creative activity as well.

      Over the period I made 30 different smoothies and I am really proud of getting them done. I used Almond and oat milks as my liquid of choice and blended a selection of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds together and over the 30 days changed up the combinations so that each one was unique. You use which ever liquid that you prefer.

      The aim was to make sure that I kept it simple so that I couldn’t find an excuse to stop and here are a few tips as a reminder to keep going: 

      • Take one day at a time; 
      • Follow through, remember that you are doing it for you!; 
      • If you have an off day don't just scrap the whole thing, but start again tomorrow; 
      • Don't be too hard on yourself, change takes time; 
      • Enjoy yourself! 
      What are some of your favorite smoothie recipes? let me know what other areas of your life are you hoping to make changes.

       you can check out the the start of the challenge HERE
      Try out one of the smoothies and let me know how you get on, which one is your favorite one?

      Tomorrow I will share the Clearing The Clutter Series.  I hope during this month you find some time to challenge, be creative and stretch yourself.

        Why not join me each day for the rest of October as we dive into to some exciting challenges and look at ways in which they can impact on your own life. 

        I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, it is never too late to start! The main thing is to take one step at a time and do something that you find interesting.

        Stay blessed and be a blessing.

        Ps:  If you are on a budget and would like to check out some supplies/books at a discounted price, check out one of the links below:

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