Monday 19 May 2014

30 Days of Change - Healthier Lifestyle

I have committed myself to make a change in my lifestyle to hopefully impact on my health, starting today.  The changes include:

  • Exercise - minimum half and hour
  • Drinking Water - Minimum 1 litre
  • Having a Smoothie - Once a day
  • Pampering session - for encouragement - once a week
  • Cut down on sugar
  • Eat more fruit and vegetables
  • Not eating after 8pm

There is no time like the present to make that change, however small you want to make it, do it for you.  I wanted to use it as a way to kick start my healthy routine, loose some weight and get into a couple of really lovely dresses in my wardrobe!  A small change each day can add up to something worthwhile.

I will be having a smoothie every day to make sure I get all those vital nutrients, here is what I had today, I mixed mine with oat milk but you can use water if you wish!

Here is the smoothie for day 1

I will be doing a vlog of the journey - (keeping it simple) and posting the smoothie recipes here.  Hope you come along for the ride, start where you are and make a commitment to your own health and well-being!

If you are going to join, do share what change/s you will be making, and let me know how you get on so I can come and cheer in your corner!

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