Thursday 28 April 2011


We are coming to the end of the A-Z April Blogging challenge, with the last day being on Saturday.  I feel like I have done a marathan twice and the finish line is in front of me.  I wanted to give myself the additional challenge by writing to two blogs this and my art blog and can safely say it has been a great experience.  Only two more days to go!  If you took part, how did you get on?

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12-13


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Tea Set

When we were small my mother would make tea using a tea pot.  She would rinse the tea pot using boiling hot water before she added the tea bag and more water (one tea bag for 2 people), and then place the tea cosy on top to keep it warm while the tea brewed.  This I was told was how you made a good cup of tea!  I continued the tradition when I left home for a few years until the one-cup bags became the fashion.

This tea set belonged to my mother-in-law, and it got me thinking about the many other traditions that we had as children that for one reason or the other have now become a distant memory.  Every other week and for all of our birthdays mum would make cakes, pies and buns.  Her fruit cakes were mouth watering and we would wait to lick out left over mixture from the bowl (before the salmonella scare!).  Any ingredient that she put her hand to would turn out delicious - sweet or savoury.  I don't have time to bake cakes except when the mood takes me but my son has learnt to make a mean Arroz Doce (Portuguese Traditional Rice Pudding).

Another tradition is the glass cabinet...Mum still has a glass cabinet that shows off all the 'best' glasses and plates that were only used on a special occasions - at Christmas or when you had guests.  I have a version of the cabinet but the special occasions are more freqent and we don't need to have guests to use them. There are many other traditions.. but that's for another post.

Times change and our kids are growing up so fast, you almost want to cling on to those special memories.  I wanted to remember all of the traditions, and make new ones for my son as he too one day will be saying to his children 'when I was younger my mother used to....... '


Smiles can say so much and bring warmth to peoples heart.
 Think about how many times you will look someone in the eye today and smile, and see how different your day will turn out, say 'hello, have a good/blessed day'.
The gift of a smile can mean so much to someone else’s life,
and make you feel good about yours in the process.
You might want to go further and say ‘how are you doing....and wait for a reply...

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