Tuesday 9 February 2021

100 Day Project - What will you do?

So I decided to join in with the 100 Day Project which started on the 31st January. For my project I decided to learn Embroidery stitches.  With some of the fabric pieces that I have been creating I wanted to add some new stitches, so this was an ideal time to support my daily creative practice and learn some new techniques.

I have had this book of embroidery stitches but never committed to learn any of them so it just stayed in my bag that I keep my machine threads.

I have had embroidery hoops for as long and they too just sat around as I never found the time to try them out.  These are my first embroidery stitches and you can follow me on Instagram to see which ones I complete.

I am looking forward to learning all 100 stitches and the emphasis is on learning new stitches.  I know they are not perfect but the whole thing about the 100 day project for me is the following:

  • Committing to the 100 days
  • Learning a new skill that I can apply in my creative work;
  • Remember that I am still learning the stitches and I can't compare myself to someone who has been doing it for years;
  • Showing up for myself;
  • Reminding myself that it doesn't have to be perfect for me to share what I am doing;
  • Congratulating myself for every day that I do show up
  • Have fun!!.

So if you are up for doing a 100 day project come and join us #100dayproject

Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do, remember there is no pressure, just continue to show up for yourself, don't compare yourself and have fun!  Check out the last 100 Day project that I did a couple of years ago where I use pastels for the first time and I have created a few videos of the process - 100 Days of Pastels HERE

Stay blessed and be a blessing!

Tuesday 2 February 2021

New Classes have Started - BadAss Art Journal - Sign up!


Welcome, well we are off!  The BADASS Art Journal 2021 online course officially started on Monday and we have some amazing classes lined up for you.  Hosted by artist Tiare Smith she has brought together 14 of us to share some of our art lessons

I am looking forward to sharing my lesson with you.  This is my fifth time teaching on this class and we always have an amazing time as the other teachers share their lessons.

I hope you can join us, don't worry about the idea of 'falling behind' you can go at your own pace and the lessons are downloadable.  Here is a sneak peak of what you will be learning in my lesson

Here are some of the supplies we will be using and making lost of lovely marks on the paper.  What ever you don't have or can't get you can substitute, the main thing is to have fun while you are creating.

We will start out be creating a background page like this one, with lots of texture, encouraging words and marks, using some of my not so often used supplies - this is a great time to incorporate the paint that you normally leave or feel uncomfortable using.  You also choose some of you favourite paints to add balance and it works.

We will then create a simple image, which encompasses the word that we want to use in the main painting to encourage ourselves as we go on our creative adventure.

It would be great to see you and you can get more information HERE  or you can sign up below for the course and join me and the other teachers who are excited to meet you too!

Monday 1 February 2021

New on the Podcast - Realityarts

I wanted to share with you the latest posts of the podcast and ask you a couple of questions about your creative walk. In the first podcast I ask you to consider whether you are friends with yourself, are you treating yourself the way you would want to be treated - if not what are you going to do about it?

In the second recording I ask you to consider your state of comfort. Are you so comfortable that you are on the verge of becoming complacent, or are you breaking it up a bit and moving from being uncomfortable to comfort on a rotating wheel of sorts. I would love to hear what your take on it is.

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Red Wall Hanging and Slow Stitching


In the video below I share with you some of the processes behind creating this wall hanging and you also get a look behind the motivation and thinking that went into creating this piece.

It uses a variety of elements not normally placed together and also includes areas of slow stitching and embroidery stitches.

It also has cotton that has been grown from my garden woven within it

And also includes sculptural elements and beading

Let me know what you are working on and share with me on instagram @realityarts

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