Thursday 21 March 2024

Material Musings - Tips for your scrap fabrics


Welcome to Material Musings, in this video I share some ways that I use fabric scraps and create mini projects.  I show you some of the panels and wall hangings in progress, waiting for either some stitching, beading or to be added to another project.

I also share how I create these fun badges, they will either be placed on another project or can be used as a tag or in an art journal spread. I will be adding some more stitching to the pieces and maybe some beading to each of them.

How are you using your fabric scraps, or your supplies that you have neglected?

If you decide to create them, remember to share on IG and tag me @realityarts

Check in your own supplies to see what you have.  Here are some of the additional supplies that I used:

  • Brads -
  • Hot Glue Gun -
  • Embroidery Thead -
  • Ribbon -
  • Fabric panels (available in different colors) - and check out -

Have fun!

Before you go

Join us for FREE on Patreon or try out one of the Tiers on the 7 day free trial:

Friday 15 March 2024

5 Ways to Prepare your Art Journal for Creative Play

Arts Journal play, 5 Ways to Prepare your Art Journal for Creative Play

One of the most exciting things that I have found when using an art journaling is the creative play that it encourages. There are many different ways that you can use your art journal and a few ways to prepare your journal that will help you to avoid the roadblocks that can often come when doing anything creative. I cover some of the ways in the video and here are a few additional suggestions to help you get started:

Gather Your Materials
Before you begin, gather all the art supplies you might want to use - and use what you have (you don't have to have specialist equipment, or journals - if a composition notebook is what you have, then use that, or make your own)  Check out my YouTube Playlist on creating a variety of different Art Journal and pages.  

You can also include paints, markers, pens, collage materials, stamps, stencils, and anything else that inspires you. Having everything within reach will make the process smoother and more enjoyable.  I have a monthly free digital download that you can use for collage material in your Art Journal, you can access it in my Art Resource Hub.

Set the Mood
Create a comfortable and inspiring space to work in. Play your favorite music, light some candles, or surround yourself with plants and artwork that uplift you. The right atmosphere can help get your creative juices flowing.

Prep Your Pages
Consider prepping some of your journal pages in advance. You could paint backgrounds with different colors, textures, or patterns, or even add a layer of gesso to prime the pages for mixed media. Having a variety of backgrounds ready to go can jumpstart your creativity.  If I have extra paint on my pallet from doing a particular project, I will apply the excess to the pages of my art journal.

Embrace Mistakes
Remember that your art journal is a space for experimentation and self-expression. Don't be afraid to try new techniques, and don't compare yourself to anyone else. Embrace the imperfections and let them guide you towards unexpected artistic discoveries.

Start with a Prompt
If you're feeling stuck, consider starting with a prompt to kickstart your creativity. This could be a word, a quote, a color scheme, or a theme that speaks to you. Let the prompt guide your artistic exploration and see where it takes you.  
CLICK HERE  and join me in the Art Resource Hub on the 'Realityarts Academy' for a series of free downloads to get you started. 

By preparing your art journal for creative play in these ways, you'll be ready to dive into a world of endless possibilities and artistic freedom. Join our online art community and share what you have been doing in your art journal

Enjoy the process and let your imagination soar!

Before You Go...

Join us on Patreon for exclusive bonus content, see behind the scenes and get more insights and inspiration, and I share more on creative play and tips for working in your art journal.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Arts and Wellness Cafe - More

Come and join us in the Arts and Wellness Cafe where the word for the session is 'More'

What do you need to do more of in your life, your creative journey?

In order to enhance your creative journey and enrich your life, it's important to make time for activities that inspire and motivate you. Consider incorporating more moments of reflection into your daily routine. Engage in activities that stimulate your imagination and creativity, such as:
  • working in your art journal;
  • taking long walks in nature;
  • exploring new hobbies - take an online course;
  • or practicing mindfulness and meditation - try out one of my digital coloring pages. HERE

Surround yourself with sources of inspiration, whether it's through art, music, literature, or connecting with like-minded individuals who share your passion for creativity. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout this journey and embrace the process of growth and self-discovery. 

In the video I share a way that I work in my art journal, making space for creativity and the time that you may or may not have.  This gives you pockets of time to be creative.  

We also look at a tip for the week and an important question that you should be asking yourself - intrigued, check out the video for more information. 

Before You Go:

Come and join me in the Creative Garden - HERE

Sunday 3 March 2024

3 Organizational Tips for Sorting your Fabric Stash

As you build your own fabric collect of painted fabrics and textiles while they can be the start of some beautiful creative projects you have to also think about how you store and maintain your collection.  When things are all over the place it can become overwhelming and a barrier to spending time in your creative space, so I have three simple tips to help you keep on top of your growing fabric collection and make them readily accessible: 

Embrace Categorization:

The first step is to create a system that separates your fabrics based on type of fabric and color. Group similar fabrics together, like all your cotton fabrics in one section, silks in another, etc. Within each type category, further subdivide them by color. This way, you can easily locate a specific fabric..

Clear Containers:

I found with the space I have that having clear plastic bins or storage boxes allows you to easily see the contents without needing to rummage through each container. I have two different sizes for the larger fabric and then smaller ones. Choose containers in various sizes to accommodate different fabrics. Think about the space you have and what would use the space more effectively.


Label each container clearly and you can go further to add the colors or type of fabric. You can use a label maker for a clean and professional look, or handwrite labels on sturdy cardstock and secure them with tape.

By implementing these simple tips, you'll transform your fabric collection from a jumbled mess to a well-organized haven of inspiration. Remember, a little planning goes a long way in ensuring your creative flow remains uninterrupted as you delve into your next creative adventure!


Regular Decluttering and Donation: By regularly reviewing what you have you can think about ways to reduce, or you can do a swap with another artist and brings new and interesting fabrics into your stash. I find it difficult to part ways with my fabric but I guess it gets easier the more you do it.

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