Kenneth Lloyd Trought
1926 - 1992
Even though its been nearly 18 years since my father died I still miss him. There were so many things I wanted him to share and to see. In my 20's I didn't appreciate or have the maturity to understand why he did the things that he did, how hard it can be to bring up children and all the lessons I have learnt over the 14 years of my sons life.
I would have loved him to share the many highs and lows that I have been though over the 18 years - walk me down the aisle on my wedding day, to meet my son (his first grandchild) and laugh at his humour, to tell him how much I appreciated everything he tried to do, and how many of the sayings that he use to tell us as children I now say to my child - "looks like you want to learn the hard way", "I wasn't born yesterday!" and many others. I would like to show my father that I am following my creative dreams and most of all that I loved him.
To all those fathers out there full of wisdom, knowledge and understanding - we want thank you for your sensitivity, your strength, your laughter and love.
Me as an 8 year old in my favourite top