that I hit what seemed like a creative brick wall, I felt very reluctant to even consider being creative. It has been quite a tough time, a long road to travel, and I couldn't see any reason for it, it became a real valley experience trying to convince myself that this would pass.
6 weeks later I have come through and understand that these times are necessary, and its been a time for clearing out, weeding and cutting out the old dead wood. We all from time to time need to allow ourselves to reflect on our journey and see what changes need to be made, and we need to recognise that this season will pass - 'there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven' Ecclesiastes 3:1. I spent my time clearing out my clutter, eating healthier and reading (still a bit more to do) but making room will allow space for the new things in my life to start to take shape. I would love to know how others have dealt with their creative blocks, so please do leave a comment.