Its amazing how time flies, we are nearing the end of the year, ending of seasons, ways of thinking, new chapters beginning, new life. Congratulations to Laura Stanton, Tanya (neighbour), Kelly Rae Roberts and the many other women that have been blessed with giving birth.
I was quite amazed and thankful - with it being October how much sun we were still getting, and how much we can take for granted even in the small things, so armed with my camera I took a walk round the garden to delight myself in how much colour and scents I still had in my own back garden.....
Our plum tree, didn't get a very good crop this year, it needs prunning for next year, but the plums are always sweet!
This plant has lovely bright red berries in the winter for the birds.
My Jasmine plant, I was given a cutting around 8 years ago has given plants for the front garden (covering the fence) and many more areas in an around the garden and produces lovely smelling white flowers especially in the evening.
Rosemary, this sits beside the Jasmine plant and another plant and is fighting for space at the moment, the flowers are dying off and it could do with a prune!

Acers - I love these plants, their red colour and the delicateness of the leaves, had them for two years they were in pots to begin with, finally planted them this year and they are slowly establishing themselves.

Lavender a lovely smelling plant, flowers are great!

Orange Blossom - I have allowed this one to grow quite large (7ft high and about 10 ft across), lovely smelling leaves when rubbed and pretty white flowers in the summer

Unexpected surprises - I think I found some wheat growing!
Pretty Colours to delight the eyes
Cordyline Australis - I have two of these trees that I planted as small plants and they have grown considerably over the years, they produce a beautiful smelling clusters of flowers (similar to jasmine in scent), The tree is surrounded by orange poppies that grow every year.
I haven't spent the time that I would usually spend in my garden this year, but what I have seen is the results of time spent over the years in preparing the soil, planting, nurturing and pruning unfolding before my eyes. Plants establishing themselves and needing less attention, and new ones that I have planted and hoping to get through the winter, and the surprises that sometimes come....
I am thankful to the birds that have blessed me with two new trees, they dropped the seeds into pots that I had left with soil in, when the plants started to grow I decided to see what they would be, and they have turned out to be a Sugar Maple tree and a Silver Birch...blessings or what! .... This is how the garden looks in winter
I realise in my own artist journey, just as the seasons change and have such a dramatic effect on the landscape, so too is my creative development going through change - I am currently working on a number of e-courses, which have been very inspiring and encouraging and I see this period of my life as gathering information for growth, preparing the good ground to plant the ideas that will take shape.
As we take a walk through our own lives, we remind ourselves the efforts that we have put in for growth, welcoming change by stepping out of our comfort zones, preparing our hearts - weeding out negativity, surround ourselves with good nurturing fertiliser that can direct and inspire and encourage (our friends, family, word of God) receiving unexpected blessings and stepping into the lives that God wants us to lead, that can be a blessing to others......
Have a blessed weekend!