Thursday 6 June 2013

Gratitudes - Journals

Every morning I get up and I write in my journal, there have been some days that I have missed with a promise that I will catch up when there is time.  My journal houses my thoughts and ideas that I want to mull over, the problems of yesterday and the solutions of tomorrow.  I am grateful that my journal can be another creative outlet.  What are you grateful for today?


  1. I am grateful that perhaps someday Amanda will approve my blogs. :)

    1. Christina, ahh you have such a lovely style of writing I am going to make a committment to visit more often. Blessings!

  2. Hi Amanda .. there must lots of thoughts coursing through your mind right now - I've never been into journaling and still don't think about it ...

    I am grateful for starting the blog, and for having that educative release from daily life and now having that time ahead when I can utilise my brain properly. Love the readers and just being a part of the community ..

    Thinking of you - with hugs - Hilary

    1. Being able to blog has definitely been a growing process for me and has allowed me to express all those things that would be coursing around in my head. Also sharing and intereacting with readers has been truely a blessings.


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