Saturday, 12 February 2022

100 Days of Handmade Foam Stamps

This year will be my second year participating in The 100 Day Project. A few years ago I did 100 Days of Pastels and really loved diving into a new art supply.

Check out my previous challenge 100 Pastel Paintings

It was challenging but you always come out the other end with newfound understanding, a body of art, and you do step out of your comfort zone every now and again.

100 Days of Handmade Foam Stamps

This Year for the 100 Day Project I am creating and finishing off my foam stamps.  

I have been creating a series of foam stamps that have largely been neglected and some half completed so I will be completing them to use in my art journals and other projects and then ordering them so that I know what stamps I have.

I look forward to sharing this creative adventure with you and would love to know if you will be taking part as well.

At the end of each week I will show you the stamps for the previous 7 days and a video of how I would use them in a mixed media project.  If you want to see them daily you can hop on over to my Instagram page HERE  I hope you join in, let me know what you will be doing

The Challenge kicks off tomorrow

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