Showing posts with label The 100 day Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The 100 day Challenge. Show all posts

Friday, 28 February 2025

I am Starting a 100-Day Project - This is Week 1

I am beginning another 100 Day Project - This year I will be sharing 100 Days of Leaf Art!

Starting a 100-day project is both exhilarating and a little daunting. But imagine the joy of seeing your creativity unfold daily, step by step, through a project that connects you with nature and mixed media techniques. I just love it.  You can check out some of the other 100 day projects that I did on the blog!

I have been creating art on leaves for a while now and have found some of the styles and techniques that I prefer. 

In this journey, I’ll be continuing to work with dried leaves, using a wood-burning tool, stitching patterns, adding fabric clusters, and layering mixed media elements to explore the beauty of leaf art and you will also see some of my favorite ones that I created previously as well as new ones.

Are you ready to make the commitment?

There is something special about committing to a long-term creative challenge. It pushes you to develop discipline, embrace new ideas, and uncover inspiration in unexpected places. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the beginning, but by focusing on one small creative step each day, progress naturally builds.

The 100 Day Project started officially on 22nd February.  I am sharing my completed leaves at the end of each week on a Friday, over the 100 days so today you get to see the first set of 7 leaves.  

Creative Tip: Experiment with different types of leaves or styles to see which ones work best for your style.

Encouragement: The hardest part is starting! Show up with an open heart and allow your creativity to flow. Give yourself grace to experiment without expectations. and don't feel pressured to post every day, decide on a posting schedule to suit you.

Want to go deeper? Join me in my Leaf Arts - Transforming Nature into Art course for guided lessons on leaf art techniques!  Yes, I have created a course to share my love for working on leaves, and I hope to work with more natural fibers over time.  Come and join us on the course and learn to create your own beautifully designed leaves!

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Home Made Foam Stamps Week 5 - The 100 Day Project

Here is Week 5 Handmade Foam Stamps and the art piece created with the stamps.  The image says Soar, and it has been great re-establishing myself with the stamps and taking them to their next level and mounting them properly and creating some new designs.

Here are the stamps with their backing and the art piece crating using them.  The ink used is waterproof, so this enables me to add paint on top and create layers so that you can see hints of the stamps peeping through.


Courses to Check out

Courses - Enjoy $10 OFF all courses until 30th April Click on the image to see the course.
Use the Code at the checkout - Create2

Saturday, 12 February 2022

100 Days of Handmade Foam Stamps

This year will be my second year participating in The 100 Day Project. A few years ago I did 100 Days of Pastels and really loved diving into a new art supply.

Check out my previous challenge 100 Pastel Paintings

It was challenging but you always come out the other end with newfound understanding, a body of art, and you do step out of your comfort zone every now and again.

100 Days of Handmade Foam Stamps

This Year for the 100 Day Project I am creating and finishing off my foam stamps.  

I have been creating a series of foam stamps that have largely been neglected and some half completed so I will be completing them to use in my art journals and other projects and then ordering them so that I know what stamps I have.

I look forward to sharing this creative adventure with you and would love to know if you will be taking part as well.

At the end of each week I will show you the stamps for the previous 7 days and a video of how I would use them in a mixed media project.  If you want to see them daily you can hop on over to my Instagram page HERE  I hope you join in, let me know what you will be doing

The Challenge kicks off tomorrow

Saturday, 27 April 2019

100 Day Project - Pastel Sketches 9 - 16

Welcome to today's selection of sketches.  I will be posting the sketches weekly on the blog but if you want to see the daily progress you can go onto my Instagram feed and see them there or wait until the end of the week :)  I thought I would catch up with my self and share the next 8 sketches that I have done so far.

Selection of Pastels - Check out Amazon Store for Details

I have been using a range of both hard and soft Pastels - Rembrant soft, Rowney soft tints, Conte Hard, Nouvel Carre and Langnickel Hard pastels I have shared the Amazon store and added additional pastels that you can try out at a variety of prices.  I will also once the challenge has finished be creating some reviews of the pastels that I have used.  I think 100 days of testing will be quite a thorough test.  I will also be creating some videos using the pastels and the techniques that I use along the way, so sign up to my YouTube channel and click the notification bell to be updated.

Here are the pastel sketches so far 9 - 16

Pastel Sketches 9 - 16 of the 100 Days of Pastels

I shared the selection of 5 pastels I have been using on Amazon and I have brought together a great selection of supplies on my Amazon Store that you can take a look at.

have you decided yet if you will join in the #the100dayproject2019 or create a challenge of your own, it doesn't have to be 100 days but you could start with 5 days and see how you go.

If you are interested in taking classes and working with pastels then check out Creative live

They currently have a series of online FREE Classes and discounted courses to suit your needs and each week they have several Free Live classes as well, so check them out.

Let me know if you start a challenge of your own so I can come and support you on your platform!  Take care and be a blessing

Thursday, 11 April 2019

100 Day Project Challenge - Time for a Change

I decided to do the 100 Day Project, which officially started on the 2nd April, but I started slightly late, but will not stress over it, just carry on and get my 100 posts complete.  What I probably will do is do an extra sketch at the end of each week and catch up and the last week of my challenge I will create some videos sharing some techniques learnt while I was doing the challenge.

I decided to work with pastels for my challenge, and use some of the ones I have sitting in my studio.

So I took them all out so that I could get a better look, and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw what I would be working with.  I found the Conte Pastels which I totally forgot that I had, and allows you to use them without getting your hands dirty.  These are a had pastel

Rembrant soft pastels

Rembrant Soft Pastels, and a box of 60 half pastels.  I brought them along with pastel paper when I decided years back these have some very vivid colours and as you can see break really easily

Royal Langnickel

The Royal Langnickel are hard pastels and will definitely take some getting used to

Rowney and Nouvel Carre

I also have a set of Rowney soft pastels and Nouvel Carre hard pastels, so I think I have a good variety to be getting on with.  

I think that it is a good idea every once in a while to see what supplies you have sitting in your studio/creative space so that you don't have supplies sitting unused for years, and depending on the supply can get hard and unusable before you get to them.

I encourage you to get your materials out and play, that is what I will be doing with these pastels and see just how well they work on their own as well as with other mixed media supplies.

Here are the sketches that I did for my first 3 days




I will be sharing the images on the blog and on Facebook weekly and daily on Instagram

If you would like to purchase any of the supplies you can check then out on my Amazon Supplies list

I hope that you can join the challenge and do something that you have always been putting off

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